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  1. Whiston, James [Author]

    A discourse of the decay of trade : the necessity of recovering: the danger of neglecting: the advantage of effecting: with the proper means to accomplish the same. Whereby the war it self will become as certainly advantageous, as a peace will be destructive

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    London: Printed for Samuel Crouch, at the corner of Popes-Head-Alley, next Cornhil, 1693 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  2. Standish, Arthur [Author] ; Standish, Arthur [Other] England and Wales Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I)

    New directions of experience to The commons complaint by the incouragement of the Kings most excellent Maiesty, as may appeare, for the planting of timber and fire-wood : With a neere estimation what millions of acres the kingdome doth containe; what acres is waste ground, whereon little profit for this purpose will arise. What millions hath bin woods, and bushy grounds, what acres are woods, and in how many acres so much timber will be contained, as will maintaine the kingdome for all vses for euer. And how as great store of fire-wood may be raised, as may plentifully mainetaine the kingdome for all purposes, without losse of ground; so as within thirty yeares all spring-woods may be conuerted to tillage and pasture. Inuented by Arthur Standish

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    [London: Printed by Nicholas Okes], Anno Domini. MDCXIII. [1613] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  3. Whiston, James [Author]

    The causes of our present calamities in reference to the trade of the nation fully discovered : with the most proper expedient to remedy the same. Whereby the war it self may become as certainly advantageous, as a peace will be destructive. Humbly presented by James Whiston

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    [London]: Printed for Edw. Poole bookseller in Cornhill, 1695/6 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  4. Prophet of Wales [Author]

    Crete vvonders foretold by her crete prophet of Wales : which shall certainly happen this present year 1647. by strange fires, and crete waters, by spirits and tivills, appearing in many places of tis kingdome, especially in and about te cities of London and Westminster, and the effects that will follow thereupon. Also her kings coming home to her crete counsell

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    [London]: Printed with her free consent and leave, to be published and sold to her teere pretren of England, with all her plood and heart, 1647 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  5. Proposalls, presented to (and most acceptably approved of, by) the honourable Committee for regulating of Courts of Justice, on the twenty eighth day of October, Anno Domini 1650 : Wherein is set forth the desires of divers well-affected-persons, for regulating the high court of Chancery, and abolishing of severall unnecessary fees, offices and officers thereto belonging. With a most neeesarie [sic] table thereto annexed: shewing in severall collumes, the large fees that are now exacted by the patentees in present possession; the invallid consideration the clearks have, that undergoe all the labor and service; what will fairly content the true laborers for their paines taken therein; and how much will be saved to the common-vvealth

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    London: Printed for G.B. and are to bee sold at his shop in S. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleet-street, [1650] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  6. Standish, Arthur [Author]

    New directions of experience authorized by the Kings Most Excellent Maiesty, as may appeare, for the increasing of timber and fire-wood, with the least waste and losse of ground : With a neare estimation, what millions of acres the kingdome doth containe; what acres is waste ground, whereon little profit for this purpose wil arise. : Which waste being deducted, the remaine is twenty fiue millions; forth of which millions, if two hundred and forty thousand acres be planted and preserued according to the directions following ... there be as much timber raised, as will maintaine the kingdome for all vses forever. : And how as great store of fire-wood may be raised forth of hedges, as may plentifully maintaind [sic] the kingdome for all purposes, without losse of ground

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    [London?: N. Okes], Anno Domini. MDCXV. [1615] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  7. Evans, Arise [Author] ; Pennington, William [Other]

    Mr. Evans and Mr. Penningtons prophesie: concerning seven yeers of plenty, and seven yeers of famine and pestilence : Fore-shewing, what strange events and effects will fall in this present yeer, 1655, now the seven years of plenty are past, and the seven yeers of famine and pestilence are now at hand. Declared in vision of visions out of the prophet David. Together with the coming of the Fifth monarchy. Also, a great conflict with that great and terrible dragon Satan. With divers other notable visions and revelations necessary to be published

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    [London: s.n.], Printed in the yeer, 1655 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  8. Corbet, Jeffrey [Author] ; Pitt, Edward [Other]

    The lawyers looking-glass: or, A cleer discovery of the dangerous snares : wherewith the practicers of law endeavour to entangle Your Highness, and to make you the patron of their injustice, and oppression, and so to lead you as the blinde ship-money judges led the late blinde king into a ditch; which God forbid. Together with some seasonable preparatives to remedy this great evill: for the glory of God, Your Highnesses honour, and the peace and welfare of these nations: and, all Gods people both ministers of the gospel, and members of the army, and others: specially in and about the cities of London, and Westminster, are earnestly desired (as they will answer it at the great day of account) to speak words in season, and otherwise use their best endeavours to strengthen the hands of Your Highness and councel in carrying on the work of the Lord against the mighty

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    London: Printed for Jeffery Corbet, Feb. 20. 1655 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  9. W. G [Author]

    Proposals by W.G. Shewing how to raise two millions of money per annum : or more; and, by the same method, put down high-way-men, thieves and robbers, which will ease the country of the great charge which they lye under, in making good what is robb'd on the road, or otherwise, from time to time; and likew[ise adv]ance his Majesty's customs many thousands per annum, [and] hinder the sale of prohibited goods by Scotch pedlers and others, and prevent stealing, embezelling, and melting down of gold and silver

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    [S.l: s.n, 1695] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  10. Wharton, George Sir [Other]; Lilly, William [Other]; Booker, John [Other]; Wing, Vincent [Other]; Culpeper, Nicholas [Other]; G. H [Other]

    Merlinus Anglicus: or, England's Merlin : Prophetically fore-telling, the admirable events, and wonderful effects, that shall befall the king of Scots, the states of Holland, and the Parliament of England, in all their consultations, warlike actions, and naval designes, both by sea and land, for the year of our Lord, 1653. With the most exact predictions, and monthly observations, touching the great rising of the European nations against England; and the success that will attend them in all their motions, enterprises, and attempts; as also, the causes of these strange revolutions, mutations, inclinations, and eversions of empires, kingdoms, and common-wealths. Likewise the astronomical calculations of the eclipses, lunations, and conjunctions; portending a great change of government, religion, and law, in England, Scotland, and Ireland; together with the taking off all taxes, assesments, burdens, and oppressions; and calling to a severe account all committees and treasurers; with the executing of many great ones

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    London: Printed by R. Wood, 1653 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  11. Slatyer, William [Author]

    The history of Great Britanie : from the first peopling of this island to this present raigne of or [sic] happy and peacefull monarke K: Iames, by Will: Slatyer

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    London: Printed by W: Stansby, for Rich: Meighen, and are to be sold at his shop at St. Clements Church, [1621] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  12. The discovery of malignants : By the known lawes, and will of the King, absurdly urged against the Parliament, by the people, lawyers, judges, jury, divines, and King forced from the truth by willfull errour

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    [London: s.n, 1643] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  13. Lewis, Mark [Author]

    A short model of a bank : shewing how a bank may be erected without much trouble, and without any charge or hazard to any body, and with apparent profit to every body, except theeves, brokers and griping usurers, which bank will be able to give out bills of credit to a vast extent that all persons will accept of rather than mony. By M. Lewis D.D

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    [London: s.n, 1678] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  14. Standish, Arthur [Author]

    Nevv directions of experience by the authour for the planting of timber and firevvood : With a neere estimation what millions of acres the kingdome doth containe; what acres is waste ground, whereon little profite for this purpose wil arise. : What millions hath been woods, and bush-grounds, what acres is woods, and in how many acres so much timber will bee contained, as will maintaine the kingdome for all vses for euer. : And how as great store of fire-wood may be raised, as may plentifully mainetaine the kingdome for all purposes, without losse of ground; so as within thirty yeares all spring-woods may be conuerted to tillage and pasture

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    [S.l: N. Okes], Anno Domini. MDCXIII. [1613] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  15. The picture of the first occasional conformist (Job 1.6.) drawn in little : Which being hang'd in a convenient place. Some may, as in a glass, see their own face: and also all the turncoat trimming train, that can, and will do any thing for gain

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    [London: s.n, 1705?] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  16. Bellers, John [Author]

    Proposals for raising a colledge of industry of all useful trades and husbandry : with a profit for the rich, a plentiful living for the poor and a good education for youth : which will be advantage to the government by the increase of the people and their riches

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    London: Printed and sold by T. Sowle, 1695 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  17. The Grand question resolved, viz. a king having protested to defend to the uttermost of his power, the true Protestant religion, with the rights and liberties of all his subjects : but if they, fearing that he will violate this his protestation, take up arms to prevent it, what may be judged hereof?

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    London: Printed for R. Baldwin, 1681 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  18. Well wisher of the Common-wealth [Author]

    Decay of trade. A treatise against the abating of interest : Or Reasons shewing the inconveniencies which will insue, by the bringing downe of interest money to six or five in the hundred, and raising the price of land in this kingdome

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    Printed at London: for John Sweeting, 1641 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO