Alinovskiy, N.
Bedareva, T.
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Erokhin, A.
Fedotov, M.
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Karpov, G.
Koisin, Y.
Kondaurov, M.
Bekhtenev, E.
Kozak, V.
Kruchkov, A.
Lisitsyn, A.
Lopatkin, I.
Mamkin, V.
Medvedko, A.
Panasyuk, V.
Parkhomchuk, V.
Poletaev, I.
Polukhin, V.
Belikov, O.
Published in:Proceedings of IPAC 2014 765-767 (2014). ; 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, IPAC 2014, Dresden, Germany, 2014-06-15 - 2014-06-20
Alvarez, J. M
Ananthakrishnan, S
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Asbridge, J . R
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Beigman, I . L
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Bitoun, J
Blamont, J . E
Blum, P . W
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Bohlin, J . D
Bridge, H . S
Britvina, R . A
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Life Sciences and Space Research ; 15
Castro-Tirado, Alberto Javier
Gorosabel, Javier
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Benghin, V. V