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  1. Guo, Dan [Author]; Föll, Melanie Christine [Author]; Volkmann, Veronika [Author]; Enderle-Ammour, Kathrin [Author]; Bronsert, Peter [Author]; Schilling, Oliver [Author]; Vitek, Olga [Author]

    Deep multiple instance learning classifies subtissue locations in mass spectrometry images from tissue-level annotations

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    Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020

    Published in: Bioinformatics ; 36, Supplement_1 (2020), i300-i308

  2. Föll, Melanie Christine [Author]; Fahrner, Matthias [Author]; Oria, Victor Oginga [Author]; Kühs, Markus [Author]; Biniossek, Martin Lothar [Author]; Werner, Martin [Author]; Bronsert, Peter [Author]; Schilling, Oliver [Author]

    Reproducible proteomics sample preparation for single FFPE tissue slices using acid-labile surfactant and direct trypsinization

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    Totowa, NJ: Humana Press, 2018

    Published in: Clinical proteomics ; 15 (2018), article no. 11

  3. Föll, Melanie Christine [Author]; Moritz, Lennart [Author]; Wollmann, Thomas [Author]; Stillger, Maren Nicole [Author]; Vockert, Niklas [Author]; Werner, Martin [Author]; Bronsert, Peter [Author]; Rohr, Karl [Author]; Grüning, Björn [Author]; Schilling, Oliver [Author]

    Accessible and reproducible mass spectrometry imaging data analysis in Galaxy

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    Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019

    Published in: GigaScience ; 8, 12 (2019), giz143

  4. Müller, Ann-Kathrin [Author]; Föll, Melanie Christine [Author]; Heckelmann, Bianca [Author]; Kiefer, Selina [Author]; Werner, Martin [Author]; Schilling, Oliver [Author]; Biniossek, Martin Lothar [Author]; Jilg, Cordula [Author]; Drendel, Vanessa [Author]

    Proteomic characterization of prostate cancer to distinguish nonmetastasizing and metastasizing primary tumors and lymph node metastases

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    Amsterdam: Elsevier BV, 2018

    Published in: Neoplasia ; 20, 2 (2018), 140-151

  5. Serrano-Solano, Beatriz [Author]; Föll, Melanie Christine [Author]; Gallardo-Alba, Cristóbal [Author]; Erxleben, Anika [Author]; Rasche, Helena [Author]; Hiltemann, Saskia [Author]; Fahrner, Matthias [Author]; Dunning, Mark J. [Author]; Schulz, Marcel Holger [Author]; Scholtz, Beáta [Author]; Clements, Dave [Author]; Nekrutenko, Anton [Author]; Batut, Bérénice [Author]; Grüning, Björn [Author]

    Fostering accessible online education using Galaxy as an e-learning platform

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    San Francisco, CA: Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2021

    Published in: PLOS computational biology ; 17, 5 (2021), e1008923

  6. Dai, Chengxin [Author]; Füllgrabe, Anja [Author]; Pfeuffer, Julianus [Author]; Solovyeva, Elizaveta M. [Author]; Deng, Jingwen [Author]; Moreno, Pablo [Author]; Kamatchinathan, Selvakumar [Author]; Kundu, Deepti Jaiswal [Author]; George, Nancy [Author]; Fexova, Silvie [Author]; Grüning, Björn [Author]; Föll, Melanie Christine [Author]; Griss, Johannes [Author]; Vaudel, Marc [Author]; Audain, Enrique [Author]; Locard-Paulet, Marie [Author]; Turewicz, Michael Andreas [Author]; Eisenacher, Martin [Author]; Uszkoreit, Julian [Author]; Bossche, Tim Van Den [Author]; Schwämmle, Veit [Author]; Webel, Henry [Author]; Schulze, Stefan [Author]; Bouyssié, David [Author]; [...]

    A proteomics sample metadata representation for multiomics integration and big data analysis

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    Published in: Nature Communications ; 12(2021), 1, Artikel-ID 5854, Seite 1-8

  7. Guo, Dan; Föll, Melanie Christine; Volkmann, Veronika; Enderle-Ammour, Kathrin; Bronsert, Peter; Schilling, Oliver; Vitek, Olga

    Deep multiple instance learning classifies subtissue locations in mass spectrometry images from tissue-level annotations

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2020

    Published in: Bioinformatics, 36 (2020) Supplement_1, Seite i300-i308

  8. Föll, Melanie Christine; Volkmann, Veronika; Enderle-Ammour, Kathrin; Timme, Sylvia; Wilhelm, Konrad; Guo, Dan; Vitek, Olga; Bronsert, Peter; Schilling, Oliver

    Moving translational mass spectrometry imaging towards transparent and reproducible data analyses: a case study of an urothelial cancer cohort analyzed in the Galaxy framework

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Clinical Proteomics, 19 (2022) 1

  9. Föll, Melanie Christine; Fahrner, Matthias; Oria, Victor Oginga; Kühs, Markus; Biniossek, Martin Lothar; Werner, Martin; Bronsert, Peter; Schilling, Oliver

    Reproducible proteomics sample preparation for single FFPE tissue slices using acid-labile surfactant and direct trypsinization

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018

    Published in: Clinical Proteomics, 15 (2018) 1

  10. Pinter, Niko; Glätzer, Damian; Fahrner, Matthias; Fröhlich, Klemens; Johnson, James; Grüning, Björn Andreas; Warscheid, Bettina; Drepper, Friedel; Schilling, Oliver; Föll, Melanie Christine

    MaxQuant and MSstats in Galaxy Enable Reproducible Cloud-Based Analysis of Quantitative Proteomics Experiments for Everyone

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    American Chemical Society (ACS), 2022

    Published in: Journal of Proteome Research, 21 (2022) 6, Seite 1558-1565

  11. Hiltemann, Saskia; Rasche, Helena; Gladman, Simon; Hotz, Hans-Rudolf; Larivière, Delphine; Blankenberg, Daniel; Jagtap, Pratik D.; Wollmann, Thomas; Bretaudeau, Anthony; Goué, Nadia; Griffin, Timothy J.; Royaux, Coline; Le Bras, Yvan; Mehta, Subina; Syme, Anna; Coppens, Frederik; Droesbeke, Bert; Soranzo, Nicola; Bacon, Wendi; Psomopoulos, Fotis; Gallardo-Alba, Cristóbal; Davis, John; Föll, Melanie Christine; Fahrner, Matthias; [...]

    Galaxy Training: A powerful framework for teaching!

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    Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2023

    Published in: PLOS Computational Biology, 19 (2023) 1, Seite e1010752

  12. Dai, Chengxin; Füllgrabe, Anja; Pfeuffer, Julianus; Solovyeva, Elizaveta M.; Deng, Jingwen; Moreno, Pablo; Kamatchinathan, Selvakumar; Kundu, Deepti Jaiswal; George, Nancy; Fexova, Silvie; Grüning, Björn; Föll, Melanie Christine; Griss, Johannes; Vaudel, Marc; Audain, Enrique; Locard-Paulet, Marie; Turewicz, Michael; Eisenacher, Martin; Uszkoreit, Julian; Van Den Bossche, Tim; Schwämmle, Veit; Webel, Henry; Schulze, Stefan; Bouyssié, David; [...]

    A proteomics sample metadata representation for multiomics integration and big data analysis

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: Nature Communications, 12 (2021) 1

  13. Chambers, David; Simpson, Lisa; Neta, Gila; Schwarz, Ulrica von Thiele; Percy-Laurry, Antoinette; Aarons, Gregory A.; Neta, Gila; Brownson, Ross; Vogel, Amanda; Stirman, Shannon Wiltsey; Sherr, Kenneth; Sturke, Rachel; Norton, Wynne E.; Varley, Allyson; Chambers, David; Vinson, Cynthia; Klesges, Lisa; Heurtin-Roberts, Suzanne; Massoud, M. Rashad; Kimble, Leighann; Beck, Arne; Neely, Claire; Boggs, Jennifer; Nichols, Carmel; [...]

    Proceedings from the 9th annual conference on the science of dissemination and implementation : Washington, DC, USA. 14-15 December 2016 : Washington, DC, USA. 14-15 December 2016

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017

    Published in: Implementation Science, 12 (2017) S1