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New York; Washington, D.C./Baltimore; San Francisco; Bern; Frankfurt am Main; Berlin; Vienna; Paris: Lang, 1996
Stanley, John
Boyce, William
Travers, John
Walond, William
James, John
Dupuis, Thomas Sanders
Phillips, Gordon
Kaluza, Günter
Goodwin, William
Stubley, Simon
Reading, John
Purcell, Henry
Heron, Henry
Hayes, Philip
Travers, John
James, John
Worgan, John
Dupuis, Thomas Sanders
Wesley, Samuel
Boyce, William
Akkoyun, S.
Algora, A.
Austin, A.
Dulny, B.
Eberth, J.
Edelbruck, P.
Egea, J.
Engert, T.
Erduran, M. N.
Ertürk, S.
Fanin, C.
Fantinel, S.
Farnea, E.
Aydin, S.
Faul, T.
Filliger, M.
Filmer, F.
Finck, Ch.
de France, G.
Gadea, A.
Gast, W.
Geraci, A.
Gerl, J.
Gernhäuser, R.
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North-Holland Publ. Co., 2012
Published in:Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / A 668, 26 - 58 (2012). doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.11.081
Bates, George Handy
Cleveland, Grover
Thurston, John B.
Travers, G.
United States Congress House,
United States President (1885-1889 : Cleveland),
United States Dept. of State,
Germany (to 1949; 1990- ),
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