@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Kubota, Keiko },
title = { Fiscal Constraints, Collection Costs, and Trade Policies },
publisher = {},
keywords = { GDP , Ministry of Finance , UNCTAD Trade & Development Board , accounting , administrative capacity , agriculture , allocation of resources , balance of payments , balance of payments crisis , bonds , budget deficit , capital goods , case studies , central bank , central government , citizens , conditionality , constitution , corporate income tax , corruption , debt , debt service , demand curve , demand elasticity , deregulation , developed countries , developing countries , distortionary effects , domestic demand , domestic industries , domestic market , domestic taxes , econometric analysis , econometric models of international trade , economic policies , economic policy , elasticities , elasticity , elasticity of demand , empirical analysis , empirical evidence , evasion , exchange rate , excise taxes , expenditure , expenditures , export quantity , export taxes , exports , external tariff , federal government , fiscal , fiscal burden , fiscal constraints , fiscal crisis , fiscal performance , fiscal policy , fiscal reform , fiscal reforms , fiscal shock , fiscal stance , fixed costs , foreign debt , foreign direct investment , foreign exchange , foreign exchange reserves , foreign loans , foreign trade , free trade , government finance , government revenue , government revenues , government spending , government's policy , import duties , import duty , import tariffs , imports , income , income taxes , industrial policy , infant industry argument , inflation , inflation taxes , international trade , investment incentives , less developed countries , macroeconomic crises , macroeconomic stabilization , marginal cost , marginal tax rates , market power , market structure , natural resources , oil , oil prices , optimal tariffs , per capita income , political economy , price elasticities , price stability , producers , public enterprises , public finance , quantitative restrictions , quota calculations , quotas , rationalization , real GDP , revenue collection , revenue growth , revenue mobilization , revenue sources , sales taxes , state enterprises , strategic trade policy , structural adjustment , structure of government , surcharges , tariff policy , tariff rate , tariff rates , tariff revenues , tax , tax collection , tax collections , tax exemptions , tax payment , tax policy , tax rate , tax rates , tax receipts , tax reform , tax reforms , tax regime , tax returns , tax revenue , tax revenues , tax system , tax systems , taxation , technical assistance , terms of trade , trade barriers , trade liberalization , trade policies , trade policy , trade protection , trade reforms , trade regime , trade restrictions , trade taxes , utility function , value added , value added taxes , wages , welfare economics },
year = {2000},
abstract = {Bolivia},
abstract = {Jamaica},
abstract = {Morocco},
booktitle = {Policy Research Working Paper ; No. 2366},
address = { World Bank, Washington, DC },
url = { http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2 }
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