@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { Kamocki, Paweł AND Siegert, Ingo Rigault, Mickaël AND Arranz, Victoria AND Siegert, Ingo },
title = { Pseudonymisation of speech data as an alternative approach to GDPR compliance },
publisher = {Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS)},
publisher = {: European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
year = {2022},
year = {, 2022},
abstract = {In: Proceedings of the LREC 2022 Joint Workshop on Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Language Technologies and Multilingual De-Identification of Sensitive Language Resources (LEGAL - MDLR 2022). Marseille, 20 June 2022. - Paris : European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2022, S. 17-21. - ISBN 979-10-95546-96-2},
address = { Mannheim , ; Paris },
url = { https://katalog.slub-dresden.de/en/?cHash=a8fa44d3bda0cb9d524c2f0ab6715df9&tx_find_find%5Baction%5D=citation&tx_find_find%5Bcontroller%5D=Search&tx_find_find%5Bid%5D=0-1813173842&tx_find_find%5Btype%5D=bibtex }
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