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  1. Chupeau, Yves [Editor]; Bourgin, Jean-Pierre [Honoree] ; Institut national de la recherche agronomique Paris, International Association for Plant Tissue Culture

    Androgenesis and haploid plants : in memory of Jean-Pierre Bourgin ; with 7 tables ; [these proceedings evolved from a small meeting of the French Section of the IAPTC (International Association for Plant Tissue Culture) held in memory of Jean-Pierre Bourgin, at the National Institute for Agronomic Research in Versailles, France, on June 21 1996]



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    Berlin; Heidelberg; New York; Barcelona; Budapest; Hongkong; London; Milan; Paris; Santa Clara; Singapore; Tokyo: Springer, 1998

  2. Bajaj, Yashpal S. [Editor]

    Somaclonal variation in crop improvement



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    Berlin; Heidelberg [u.a.]: Springer, 1990-1996

    Published in: Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry ; .

  3. Melzer, Rolf [Author]; Behrens, Hans-Otto [Author]

    Nutzung von Inzuchtlinien in der Zuckerrübenzüchtung = Ispol'zovanie inbrednych linij v selekcii sacharnoj svekly = Use of inbred lines in sugar beet breeding



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    Berlin: Akad. d. Landwirtschaftswiss. d. Dt. Demokrat. Republik, Inst. für Landwirtschaftl. Information u. Dokumentation, 1980

    Published in: Fortschrittsberichte für die Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft ; 18040

  4. Focke, Richard [Author]; Lange, Gudrun [Author]; Priemuth, Roswitha [Author]

    Stand der Züchtung auf Eiweißgehalt bei Getreide = Sostojanie selekcii na soderžanie belka v zerne = Present level of high-protein cereal breeding



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    Berlin: Akad. d. Landwirtschaftswiss. d. DDR, Inst. für Landwirtschaftl. Inf. u. Dok., 1980

    Published in: Fortschrittsberichte für die Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsgüterwirtschaft ; 18060

  5. Latin American Study Group Meeting on Induced Mutations and Plant Improvement 1970 Buenos Aires

    Induced mutations and plant improvement : proceedings of a Latin American Study Group Meeting on Induced Mutations and Plant Improvement; organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture and held in Buenos Aires, 16 - 20 November 1970



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    Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency, 1972

    Published in: Panel proceedings series

  6. Internationale Atomenergie-Organisation, Symposium on the Nature, Induction and Utilization of Mutations in Plants 1969 Pullman, Wash

    Induced mutations in plants : proceedings of a Symposium on the Nature, Induction and Utilization of Mutations in Plants; jointly organized by the IAEA and FAO and held at Pullman, Wash., 14 - 18 July 1969



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    Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency, 1969

    Published in: Proceedings series