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  1. Moodysson, Lukas [Other]; Widrich, Virgil [Other]; Tykwer, Tom [Other]; Mullan, Peter [Other]; Moretti, Nanni [Other]; Andersson, Roy [Other]; Solanas, Juan [Other]; Morris, Chris [Other]; Fesser, Javier [Other]; Godard, Jean-Luc [Other]; Wydrich, Virgil [Other]; Kounen, Jan [Other]; Kieślowski, Krzysztof [Other]; Leconte, Patrice [Other]; Švankmajer, Jan [Other]; Trier, Lars von [Other]; Jensen, Anders Thomas [Other]

    Cinema 16, European short films : Lars von Trier, Peter Mullan, Nanni Moretti, Roy Andersson, Jean-Luc Godard, Juan Solanas, Tom Tykwer, Javier Fesser, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Virgil Widrich, Patrice Leconte, Anders Thomas Jensen, Jan Svankmajer, Chris Morris, Lukas Moodysson, Jan Kounen (1 DVD-Video)



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    [S.l.]: Cinema16, 2004

  2. Solanas, Fernando E. - Autor/a [Author]; Alfonsín, Ricardo - Autor/a [Author]; Moreau, Cecilia - Autor/a [Author]; Alonso, Ernesto - Autor/a [Author]; Sierra, Gerónimo de - Autor/a [Author]; Castro, Alicia - Autor/a [Author]; McGuirk, Bernard - Autor/a [Author]; Erlich, Uriel - Autor/a [Author]; Tokatlian, Juan Gabriel - Autor/a [Author]; Abruza, Armando - Autor/a [Author]; Pitiot, Carla - Autor/a [Author]; Filmus, Daniel - Compilador/a o Editor/a [Author]; Argüello, Jorge - Autor/a [Author]; Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo - Autor/a [Author]; Rossi, Agustín - Autor/a [Author]

    Malvinas : una causa regional justa

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    s.l.: CLACSO, 2020-02-13

    Published in: Foros

  3. Escrich, Eduard; Ramírez-Tortosa, M. Carmen; Sánchez-Rovira, Pedro; Colomer, Ramon; Solanas, Montserrat; Gaforio, José Juan

    Olive Oil in Cancer Prevention and Progression

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2006

    Published in: Nutrition Reviews, 64 (2006), Seite S40-S52

  4. Escrich, Eduard; Ramírez-Tortosa, M. Carmen; Sánchez-Rovira, Pedro; Colomer, Ramon; Solanas, Montserrat; Gaforio, José Juan

    Olive Oil in Cancer Prevention and Progression

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2006

    Published in: Nutrition Reviews, 64 (2006) 10, Seite 40-52

  5. Porta-Vilaró, Marta; Solanas, Alvaro Bartolomé; Escayola, Llúria Cornellas; González, Mario Matute; Perromat, Juan Carlos Soler; Batlle, Xavier Tomas

    Pathologies of the processus anterior calcanei: A review

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    Elsevier BV, 2023

    Published in: Medicina Clínica Práctica, 6 (2023) 1, Seite 100357

  6. Lué, Alberto; Solanas, Estela; Baptista, Pedro; Lorente, Sara; Araiz, Juan J; Garcia-Gil, Agustin; Serrano, M Trinidad

    How important is donor age in liver transplantation?

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    Baishideng Publishing Group Inc., 2016

    Published in: World Journal of Gastroenterology, 22 (2016) 21, Seite 4966

  7. Cabezudo, Baltasar; Pérez Latorre, Andrés V.; Casimiro-Soriguer Solanas, Federico; Gavira, Oscar; García Rojas, Juan A.; Pavón, Manuel

    Nota sobre Abies pinsapo Clemente ex Boiss. y otras plantas andaluzas. About Abies pinsapo Clemente ex Boiss. and other Andalusian plants

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    Malaga University, 2010

    Published in: Acta Botanica Malacitana, 35 (2010), Seite 195-204

  8. Bartolomé-Solanas, Álvaro; Vilaró, Marta Porta; Radalov, Igor; Perromat, Juan Carlos Soler; Conill, Montserrat Del Amo; Muñoz-Mahamud, Ernesto; Batlle, Xavier Tomás

    Sciatic compressive neuropathy due to heterotopic ossifications secondary to severe COVID-19 infection

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    Elsevier BV, 2023

    Published in: Medicina Clínica Práctica, 6 (2023) 3, Seite 100391