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  1. Lunsford, Thomas Sir [Other]; Somerset, William Seymour Duke of [Other]

    A declaration made by the Lord Marquesse of Hartford, and other lords and chiefe gentlemen of the county of Somerset : Shewing their intention of comming into that countie, to be (onely) to settle peace, and not to offer the least violence or disturbance to any His Majesties loyall subjects, either in their persons or estates, (contrary to what hath been falsely suggested) and which hath bin manifested by all their actions ever since. And which doth farther appeare, by the examination and confession of one Captaine Preston, a principall captaine of the trained band of the countie. Whereunto is added, a letter from the governour of Sherbourne Castle, to his worthy friend in London; truly relating what hath passed betwixt the Marquesse of Hartford and the Earle of Bedford, since he came before Sherbourne

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    London: Printed for H. B, 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  2. Exceeding joyfull nevves from the Earl of Bedford, lord generall of the horse, that is now set forth for the defence of the Protestant religion : declaring the happy and fortunate successe of the Protestant army at Siege-moore in sommersetshire upon the 19 day of this instant month of August who having received a challenge from the Lord Paulet, Sir Ralph Hopton and Sir John Stowell daring them to meet them at the said moor at the time and place appointed : which said gentlemen upon the 19 day assembled at Siege-moor with great number of men where Sir Francis Popham, Mr. Pine and Mr. Stroud met them wich [sic] 6000 horse and foot and after some parley concerning the King and Parliament they fell to blowes but after some 6 hours fight Sir Francis obtained the victory : the said Lord Paulet and his accomplices stood for the commission of array and Sir Francis and the rest of the gentlemen for the ordinance of Parliament

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    London: Printed for Thomas Berriman, August 23, 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  3. A. L [Author]

    An impartial and full account of the life & death of the late unhappy William Lord Russel : eldest son and heir of the present Earl of Bedford, who was executed for high treason July 21, 1683, in Lincolns-Inn-Fields : together with the original and rise of the earls of Bedford, giving a brief account of each of them

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    London: Printed by Caleb Swinock ... and are to be sold by most book-sellers, 1683 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  4. Somerset, William Seymour [Author] ; Lunsford, Thomas [Other]

    A declaration made by the Lord Marquesse of Hartford and other Lords and chiefe gentlemen of the county of Somerset : shewing their intention of coming into the countie to be, onely, to settle peace and not to offer the least violence or disturbance to any His Majesties loyall subjects either in their persons or estates, contrary to what hath been falsely suggested, and which hath bin manifested by all their actions ever since : and which doth farther appeare by the examination and confession of one Captaine Preston, a principall captaine of the trained band of the countie : whereunto is added a letter from the governour of Sherbourne Castle to his worthy friend in London : truly relating what hath passed betwixt the Marquesse of Hartford and the Earle of Bedford since he came before Sherbourne

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    London: printed for H. B, 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  5. An Exact relation of a famous battell fought on Munday last, the tenth of October, 1642 between the Dragooners sent out by the L. Generall under the conduct of Colonell Browne, and Sir William Russell and his cavaliers : also a perfect description of the pitcht camp of His Excellency the Earle of Essex, now neer Shrewsbury

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    London: Printed for Th. Tompson, October 15, 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  6. Exceeding joyfull newes from the Earl of Bedford, Lord Generall of the Horse, that is now set forth for the defence of the Protestant religion : Declaring the happy and fortunate successe of the Ptotestant [sic] army at Siege-moore in Sommersetshire, upon the 19. day of this instant month of August, who having received a challange from the Lord Paulet, Sir Ralph Hopton, and Sir John Stowell, daring them to meet them at the said moor at the time and place appointed. Which said gentlemen upon the 19. day assembled at Siege-moor with great number of men, where Sir Francis Popham, Mr. Pine, and Mr. Stroud met them wich [sic] 6000. horse and foot, and after some parley concerning the King and Parliament, they fell to blowes, but after some 6, hours fight Sir Francis obtained the victory. The said Lord Paulet and his accomplices stood for the commission of array, and Sir Francis and the rest of the gentlemen for the ordinance of Parliament

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    London: Printed, for Thomas Berriman; dwelling in Great St. Bartholomews, August 23. 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  7. A famous battell fought by the Earle of Bedford against the Marques of Hartford and the Lord Pawle : and the rest of the cava- [sic] who was ready to take shipping for Wales. Declaring the manner of the Earle of Bedfords obtaining the victory, there being slain almost 100. cavaleers, and not above 29. of our side. Whereunto is annexed the great guard that Prince Charles hath about Ludlow Castle. Also notifying the 3. shires that hath taken an enforced protestation to assist His Majesty against both Houses of Parliament. Brought to London by the last post

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    London: printed for I. Williams, Octob. 1. [1642] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  8. Aiscogh Captain [Other]; Bedford, William Russell [Other]

    A Relation of the actions of the Parliaments forces : under the command of the Earl of Bedford generall of the horse against those which came from Shirbourn unto Babell-hill neer unto Yerrell upon Wednesday the 7th of this instant September, 1642 : which was extracted out of a letter sent to the Parliament from Dorchester the 10th of September 1642

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    London: Printed for E. Husbands and J. Franck, Sept. 13 [1642] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  9. Charles I King of England [Other] ; England and Wales Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I)

    Propositions for peace : propounded by the Kings most excellent Majesty to the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament and to His Excellency Robert Earl of Essex, Lord generall of the the [sic] true Protestant army : together with the Parliaments answer thereunto : also welcome news from the Earle of Bedford, relating a great overthrow lately given to the Marquis of Hartford, the said Marquis being dangerously wounded

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    London: Printed for Henry Seymour, Septem. 27, 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  10. England and Wales Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I), England and Wales Parliament

    Propositions for peace : propounded by the Kings most excellent Majesty, to the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, and to his Excellency Robert Earl of Essex, Lord Generall of the the [sic] true Protestant army. Together with the Parliaments answer thereunto. Also welcome news from the Earle of Bedford, relating a great overthrow lately given to the Marquis of Hartford, the said Marquis being dangerously wounded

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    London: Printed for Henry Seymour, Septem. 27. 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  11. A true and joyfull relation of a famous and remarkable victory obtained by inhabitants of Glamorganshire in VVales : against the Marquesse of Hartford and the cavaleers who had took the castle of Cardisse in the said county October the 3, 1642 : also the manner how they obtained the victory killing fifty of the cavaleers with the losse of nine men and after five hours fight obtained the castle putting them all to flight : together with the means of the flight of the Marquesse of Hartford into VVales and the victorious proceedings of the Earl of Bedford against his confederates his taking the Lord Pawlet, Sir Henry Berkley and two of his brothers Sir Charles and Sir Iohn Barkes prisoners

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    London: Printed for H. Fowler, October 5, [1642] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  12. Maurice Prince [Author] ; Elizabeth Queen, consort of Frederick I, King of Bohemia [Other] England and Wales Parliament

    A declaration of the Prince Paltsgrave to the high court of Parliament : concerning the cause of his departure out of England in these times of distractions and the manner of his cariage and behaviour during the time of his continuance with His Majesty in the north : likewise his earnest request to the Parliament and the Parliaments answer thereunto : declared in his letter to the House of Peeres on Tuesday last : also the Queen of Bohemia her resolution concerning Prince Roberts coming into England against the Parliament : likewise a true relation shewing how the Marquesse of Hartford and his company are beset by the Earle of Bedford and his forces

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    [London]: Printed for J. Greene, October 1, 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  13. Exceeding joyfull nevves from the Earle of Bedfords army, brought to London by Captain Johnson September, 6 : the said army consisting of five thousand foot, seven hundred horse and 28 ensigns now ready to give battle against the Marquis of Hartford and Collonel Lunsfords forces being in Shereborn Castle : with the resolution of Collonel Lunsford to the high court of Parliamet expressed and discovered by his making of fire-works against the Earl of Bedfords army : the manner whereof is as followeth worthy of observation : likewise the resolution of the trayned band of Devonshire concerning Colonell Lunsford being resolved to march against him with 900 foot and was accompanied with 200 horse and many brave gallants from the town of Dorchester September, the third

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    ... London: Printed for Iohn Wright, September 7, 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  14. Exceeding joyfull newes from the Earle of Bedfords army, brought to London by Captain Johnson, September, 6 : The said army consisting of five thousand foot, seven hundred horse, and 28. ensigns. now ready to give battle against the Marquis of Hartford, and Collonel Lunsfords forces, being in Shereborn Castle. With the resolution of Collonel Lunsford, to the High Court of Parliamed [sic], expressed and discovered by his making of fire-works against the Earl of Bedfords army, the manner whereof is as followeth, worthy of observation. Likewise the resolution of the trayned band of Devonshire, concerning Colonell Lnnsford [sic], being resolved to march against him with 900. foot, and was accompanied with 200. horse and many brave gallants from the town of Dorchester September. the third

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    [London]: Septemb. 7. London Printed for Iohn Wight [sic], 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

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  15. Propositions propounded by the Marquesse of Hartford to the Earle of Bedford concerning the delivering up of Sherbourne-Castle : also declaring how the Earle of Bedford, after his arrivall at Yeavel, within three miles of Sherbourne, surprised Squire Rogers as he was going to relieve the Marquesse of Hartford, with 7 other cavaliers which are known to be notorious papists who had under their command neere three hundred men well horsed : likewise how the Lord Marquesse of Hartford sallied out of the castle and made up to their rescue, but was repulst by the troops of the E. of Bedford : also a true information how the Earle of Bedford tooke eight hundred pounds which Squire Rogers did intend for the relief of the said Marquesse

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    London: Printed for Henry Fowler, Septem. 19, 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  16. Propositions propounded by the Marquesse of Hartford, to the Earle of Bedford, concerning the delivering up of Sherbourne-Castle : Also declaring how the Earle of Bedford, after his arrivall at Yeavel, within three miles of Sherbourne, surprised Squire Rogers, as he was going to relieve the Marquesse of Hartford, with 7. other cavaliers, which are known to be notorious papists, who had under their command neere three hundred men well horsed. Likewise how the Lord Marquesse of Hartford sallied out of the castle, and made up to their rescue, but was repulst by the troops of the E. of Bedford. Also a true information how the Earle of Bedford tooke eight hundred pounds, which Squire Rogers did intend for the relief of the said Marquesse

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    London: Printed for Henry Fowler, Septem. 19. 1642 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO