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  1. Fabricius, Johann Albert [Author] ; Dionysius Thrax [Other]; Libanius [Other]; Manuel Philes [Other]

    Jo. Alberti Fabricii ... Bibliotheca Graeca / Vol. 7 = Liber 5, ps. 3, In qvo praeter alios insignes quarti maxime ac qvinti Saeculi Scriptores, recensentur Grammatici Graeci ac Christiani Poẽtae, & Haeresiologi, Catenaeq[ue] Patrum Graecorum in Scripturam Sacram. Accedunt nunc primum edita Grammatica Dionysii Thracis: Libanii Sophistae Orationes IV. ... Ejusdem Libanii Epistolae qvaedam, & Emanuelis Phile Poe͏̈ma de Elephante



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    Hamburgi: Liebezeit, 1715

    Published in: Jo. Alberti Fabricii ... Bibliotheca Graeca ; Vol. 7

  2. Sextus Empiricus [Author]; Estienne, Henri [Author] ; Fabricius, Johann Albert [Editor]; Hervet, Gentian [Other]

    Sexti Empirici Opera Graece Et Latine



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    Lipsiae: Gleditsch, 1718

  3. Selnecker, Nikolaus [Author] ; Franke, Matthias [Contributor]; Franke, Matthias [Other]; Fabricius, Georg [Contributor]; Fabricius, Georg [Other]; Sachs, Hans [Contributor]; Sachs, Hans [Other]; Heußler, Christoph [Printer]

    Der gantze Psalter || des Königlichen Propheten Dauids/|| außgelegt/ vnd in drey Bücher getheylt.|| ... zu trost vnd vnterricht/|| geprediget/ vnd in Druck gegeben/ Durch.|| M.Nicolaum Selneccerum, Noribergensem, Churfürstlichen Sechsischen Hofpredigern.|| ... ||

    Nürnberg: Heußler, Christoph, 1569

  4. Placcius, Vincent [Author] ; Dreyer, Matthias [Editor]; Fabricius, Johann Albert [Author of introduction, etc.]; Deckherr, Johann [Other]; Vinding, Poul [Other]; Bayle, Pierre [Other]; Geißler, Friedrich [Other]; Mayer, Johann Friedrich [Other]

    Vincentii Placcii ... Theatrum Anonymorum Et Pseudonymorum : Ex Symbolis & Collatione Virorum Per Europam Doctissimorum ac Celeberrimorum, Post Syntagma dudum editum



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    Hamburgi: Liebernickelius, 1708

  5. Selnecker, Nikolaus [Author] ; Mylius, Georg [Other]; Heusler, Paul [Contributor]; Heusler, Paul [Other]; Fabricius, Georg [Contributor]; Fabricius, Georg [Other]; Selnecker, Georg [Contributor]; Selnecker, Georg [Other]; Sachs, Hans [Contributor]; Sachs, Hans [Other]; Lantzenberger, Michael [Printer]

    Der gantze || Psalter Da=||uids/ zu trost vnd vnterricht || frommen Christen außgelegt/ Durch || D.NICOLAVM SELNECCERVM.|| Jetzt auffs new vom Autore, kurtz vor seinem ... ende ... || vbersehen ... || mit einer Vorrede || M.Georgij Selnecceri, Pfarrers vnd Superattendentens zu Delitzsch/|| neben der Leichpredigt des Autoris ... ||(Gehalten von || Georg Müllern/ der Heiligen Schrifft Doctorn vnd || Professorn zu Jehna.||)

    Leipzig: Lantzenberger, Michael, 1593/1594

  6. Anacreon [Author] ; Fischer, Johann Friedrich [Other]; Baxter, William [Other]; Sappho [Other]; Theocritus [Other]; Fabricius, Johann Albert [Other]; Estienne, Henri [Other]; Le Fèvre, Tanneguy [Other]; Barnes, Joshua [Other]; Müller, Johann Gottfried [Printer]

    Anacreontis Teii Carmina Graece

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    Lipsiae: Müller, 1776

  7. Buchanan, George [Author] ; Chyträus, Nathan [Other]; Otto Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Harburg, Herzog, I. [Dedicatee]; Olthof, Statius [Other]; Utenhove, Karl von [Contributor]; Utenhove, Karl von [Other]; Turnèbe, Adrien [Contributor]; Turnèbe, Adrien [Other]; Fabricius, Georg [Contributor]; Fabricius, Georg [Other]; Portus, Franciscus [Contributor]; Portus, Franciscus [Other]; Flaminio, Marco Antonio [Contributor]; Flaminio, Marco Antonio [Other]; Lundorp, Johannes [Contributor]; Lundorp, Johannes [Other]; Sylburg, Friedrich [Contributor]; Sylburg, Friedrich [Other]; Posthius, Johannes [Contributor]; Posthius, Johannes [Other]; Schede Melissus, Paulus [Contributor]; Schede Melissus, Paulus [Other]; Scaliger, Julius Caesar [Contributor]; Scaliger, Julius Caesar [Other]; Estienne, Henri [Contributor]; [...]

    Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis poetica Georgii Buchanani Scoti: Argumentis ac melodiis explicata atque illustrata

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    Herbornae Nassoviorum, 1646

  8. Chyträus, Nathan [Adapter]; Buchanan, George [Adapter]; Otto Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Herzog [Dedicatee]; Otto Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Herzog [Other]; Egenolff, Christian der Jüngere [Contributor]; Egenolff, Christian der Jüngere [Other]; Estienne, Henri [Contributor]; Estienne, Henri [Other]; Fabricius, Georg [Contributor]; Fabricius, Georg [Other]; Lundorp, Johannes [Contributor]; Lundorp, Johannes [Other]; Portius, Franciscus [Contributor]; Portius, Franciscus [Other]; Posthius, Johannes [Contributor]; Posthius, Johannes [Other]; Scaliger, Julius Caesar [Contributor]; Scaliger, Julius Caesar [Other]; Schede Melissus, Paulus [Contributor]; Schede Melissus, Paulus [Other]; Sylburg, Friedrich [Contributor]; Sylburg, Friedrich [Other]; Utenhove, Karl von [Contributor]; Utenhove, Karl von [Other]; [...]

    PSALMORVM || DAVIDIS || Paraphrasis poëtica || GEORGII BVCHANANI || SCOTI:|| Argumentis ac melodiis explicata || atque illustrata || Opera & studio || NATHANIS CHYTRAEI.||

    Herborn: Rab, Christoph, 1600

  9. Selnecker, Nikolaus [Author] ; Eck, Johannes [Contributor]; Eck, Johannes [Other]; Hessus, Helius Eobanus [Contributor]; Hessus, Helius Eobanus [Other]; Fabricius, Georg [Contributor]; Fabricius, Georg [Other]; Mathesius, Johannes [Contributor]; Mathesius, Johannes [Other]; More, Thomas [Contributor]; More, Thomas [Other]; Luther, Martin [Contributor]; Luther, Martin [Other]; Örtel, Veit der Ältere [Contributor]; Örtel, Veit der Ältere [Other]; Melanchthon, Philipp [Contributor]; Melanchthon, Philipp [Other]; Neander, Michael [Contributor]; Neander, Michael [Other]; Spalatin, Georg [Contributor]; Spalatin, Georg [Other]; Stigel, Johann [Contributor]; Stigel, Johann [Other]; Widebram, Friedrich [Contributor]; Widebram, Friedrich [Other]; [...]

    D. Nicolai Selnecceri || ANNOTATIONES || IN GENESIN,|| SIVE || Primum Librum MOSIS:|| Cum Praefatione <in qua ratio redditur de doctrinae || Christianae capitibus controuersis> scripta ad Inclitos || & Generosos Comites Oldenburgicos, Fratres.|| Addita est ISAGOGE in Exodum, Leuiticum,|| Numeros, || Deuteronomion.|| ... ||



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    Leipzig: Rambau, Hans d.Ä., 1578

  10. Selnecker, Nikolaus [Author] ; Eck, Johannes [Contributor]; Eck, Johannes [Other]; Hessus, Helius Eobanus [Contributor]; Hessus, Helius Eobanus [Other]; Fabricius, Georg [Contributor]; Fabricius, Georg [Other]; Mathesius, Johannes [Contributor]; Mathesius, Johannes [Other]; More, Thomas [Contributor]; More, Thomas [Other]; Luther, Martin [Contributor]; Luther, Martin [Other]; Winsheim, Veit [Contributor]; Winsheim, Veit [Other]; Melanchthon, Philipp [Contributor]; Melanchthon, Philipp [Other]; Neander, Michael [Contributor]; Neander, Michael [Other]; Rambau, Hans [Contributor]; Rambau, Hans [Other]; Spalatin, Georg [Contributor]; Spalatin, Georg [Other]; Stigel, Johann [Contributor]; Stigel, Johann [Other]; [...]

    IN GENESIN,|| PRIMVM LIBRVM MOYSI,|| COMMENTARIVS ITA SCRIPTVS,|| VT DOCENTIBVS ET DISCENTIBVS COELESTEM || DOCTRINAM MAGNO VSVI ESSE POSSIT, HOC PRAESERTIM || tempore, in quo verâ doctrina ... || maxime opus est:|| AVTORE || Nicolao Selneccero.|| Addita est Chronologia ab initio mundi us#[que] ad exitum || populi Israëlitici ex Aegypto.|| ... ||



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    Leipzig: Rambau, Hans d.Ä., 1569

  11. Simmler, Josias [Author] ; Wolf, Caspar [Other]; Gessner, Conrad [Other]; Ambühl, Rudolf der Ältere [Contributor]; Ambühl, Rudolf der Ältere [Other]; Ambühl, Rudolf der Jüngere [Contributor]; Ambühl, Rudolf der Jüngere [Other]; Crato, Johannes [Contributor]; Crato, Johannes [Other]; Grataroli, Guglielmo [Contributor]; Grataroli, Guglielmo [Other]; Bèze, Théodore de [Contributor]; Bèze, Théodore de [Other]; Gasser, Achilles Pirmin [Contributor]; Gasser, Achilles Pirmin [Other]; Haller, Wolfgang [Contributor]; Haller, Wolfgang [Other]; Estienne, Henri [Contributor]; Estienne, Henri [Other]; Heideck, Jakob [Contributor]; Heideck, Jakob [Other]; Fabricius Montanus, Johannes [Contributor]; Fabricius Montanus, Johannes [Other]; Occo, Adolf 1524-1606 [Contributor]; Occo, Adolf 1524-1606 [Other]; [...]

    VITA || CLARISSIMI PHI||LOSOPHI ET MEDICI EX=||CELLENTISSIMI CONRADI GES=||NERI Tigurini, conscripta à IOSIA || SIMLERO Tigurino.|| ITEM, Epistola Gesneri de libris à se editis. Et Car-||mina complura in obitum eius conscripta.|| HIS ACCESSIT || CASPARI VVOLPHII Tigurini Me||dici & Philosophi HYPOSCHESIS, siue, de || CON. GESNERI Stirpium historia ad IOAN.|| CRATONEM ... medicum ... || pollicitatio.||

    Zürich: Froschauer, Christoph d.J., 1566

  12. Fabricius, Vincent [Other]

    Mem. P. P. Man. Amplissimi Viri Vincentii Fabricii, Monumentum

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    1685 ; Online-Ausg., 2008

    Published in: Fabricius, Vincent, 1612 - 1667: Orationes Civiles, Ad Serenissimos, Potentissimosque PoloniaR︢eges, nomine publico habitæ ; 1685

  13. Fabricius, Vincent [Author]

    Vincentii Fabricii Dissertatio De Divitiis : Utrum eas vir Sapiens possidere, & quomodo tuto, sine molestica cum aliquo emolumento honeste habere possit

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    1685 ; Online-Ausg., 2008

    Published in: Fabricius, Vincent, 1612 - 1667: Orationes Civiles, Ad Serenissimos, Potentissimosque PoloniaR︢eges, nomine publico habitæ ; 1685

  14. Voget, Peter [Author] ; Bömel, Georg von [Dedicatee]; Bömel, Georg von [Other]; Fabritius, Vincentius [Dedicatee]; Fabritius, Vincentius [Other]; Linde, Valentin von der [Dedicatee]; Linde, Valentin von der [Other]; Kromhausen, Gabriel [Dedicatee]; Kromhausen, Gabriel [Other]; Brandt, Constantin [Dedicatee]; Brandt, Constantin [Other]; Kölmer, Clement [Dedicatee]; Kölmer, Clement [Other]; Ferber, Hanß [Dedicatee]; Ferber, Hanß [Other]; Engelke, Adrian [Dedicatee]; Engelke, Adrian [Other]; Wahl, Hanß [Dedicatee]; Wahl, Hanß [Other]; Schrader, Joachim [Dedicatee]; Schrader, Joachim [Other]; Schliefe, Daniel [Dedicatee]; Schliefe, Daniel [Other]; Glaser, Daniel [Dedicatee]; Glaser, Daniel [Other]; [...]

    Wahrhafftiger und gründlicher Bericht von Belager- und Eroberung der Haupt-Schantze in der Dantziger Nährung zwischen der Theilung des Weissel-Strohmes von den Schweden Anno MDCLVI. auffgeführet und befestiget von den Dantzigern aber Anno MDCLIX. in den Monaten October, November und December belagert und endlich durch Göttlichen Beystand erobert

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    Dantzig: Autor, 1661 ; Dantzig: Rhete, 1661 ; Online-Ausg., Berlin: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 2012

  15. Paruta, Paolo [Author] ; Fabricius, Vincent [Other]

    Vincentii Fabricii Satyra Pransus Paratus In Poe͏̈tas & eorum Contemptores

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    1685 ; Online-Ausg., 2008

    Published in: Fabricius, Vincent, 1612 - 1667: Orationes Civiles, Ad Serenissimos, Potentissimosque PoloniaR︢eges, nomine publico habitæ ; 1685