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Reimerdes, H. [Author]; Agostini, M. [Author]; Bin, W. [Author]; Iantchenko, A. [Author]; Innocente, P. [Author]; Insulander Björk, K. [Author]; Ionita-Schrittweiser, C. [Author]; Isliker, H. [Author]; Jardin, A. [Author]; Jaspers, R. J. E. [Author]; Karimov, R. [Author]; Karpushov, A. N. [Author]; Kazakov, Y. [Author]; Blanchard, P. [Author]; Komm, M. [Author]; Kong, M. [Author]; Kovacic, J. [Author]; Krutkin, O. [Author]; Kudlacek, O. [Author]; Kumar, U. [Author]; Kwiatkowski, R. [Author]; Labit, B. [Author]; Laguardia, L. [Author]; Lammers, J. T. [Author]; [...]Overview of the TCV tokamak experimental programmeView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear fusion 62(4), 042018 - (2022). doi:10.1088/1741-4326/ac369b
Abdullaeva, T [Contributor]; Akhmedov, Sh. D [Contributor]; Albrecht, G [Contributor]; Albrecht, Q [Contributor]; Amirov, H. Z [Contributor]; Amirov, R. Z [Contributor]; Amiroy, R. Z [Contributor]; Anders, G [Contributor]; Andreichev, N. A [Contributor]; Antalóczy, Z [Contributor]; Antalóczy, Zoltàn [Contributor]; Antalóczy, Zoltán [Contributor]; Apetrei, S [Contributor]; Assmann, I [Contributor]; Assmasn, I [Contributor]; Athanasopoulos, G [Contributor]; Bacharova, L [Contributor]; Bachárová, L [Contributor]; Balogh, I [Contributor]; Balogh, Ildikó [Contributor]; Bandini, F [Contributor]; Barabanova, V.V [Contributor]; Baum, O. V [Contributor]; Beattie, J. M [Contributor]; [...]Electrocardiology '87 : Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Electrocardiology, Berlin, August 17-20th, 1987 - [Reprint 2021]View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR/ N. Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik ; 1988, 1
Abdullaeva, T [Contributor]; Akhmedov, Sh. D [Contributor]; Albrecht, G [Contributor]; Aleixo, A [Contributor]; Almeida, P [Contributor]; Amirov, R. Z [Contributor]; Amirov, R.Z [Contributor]; Anders, G [Contributor]; Andrade, M. J [Contributor]; Andreichev, N.A [Contributor]; Antaloczy, Z [Contributor]; Antalóczy, Zoltán [Contributor]; Apetrei, E [Contributor]; Arhaud, P [Contributor]; Assman, I [Contributor]; Assmann, I [Contributor]; Athanasopoulos, G [Contributor]; Bacharova, L [Contributor]; Balogh, I [Contributor]; Bandini, P [Contributor]; Baum, O. V [Contributor]; Baum, O [Contributor]; Beattie, J. M [Contributor]; Becucci, A [Contributor]; [...]Electrocardiology ’87 : Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Electrocardiology, Berlin, August 17th–20th, 1987 - [Reprint 2021]View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR/ N. Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Technik ; 1988, 1
Eich, T. [Author]; Beurskens, M. [Author]; Akers, R. [Author]; De Masi, G. [Author]; De Temmerman, G. [Author]; De Tommasi, G. [Author]; Delogu, R. S. [Author]; Dendy, R. [Author]; Denner, P. [Author]; Di Troia, C. [Author]; Dimitrova, M. [Author]; D’Inca, R. [Author]; Dorić, V. [Author]; Albanese, R. [Author]; Douai, D. [Author]; Drenik, A. [Author]; Dudson, B. [Author]; Dunai, D. [Author]; Dunne, M. [Author]; Duval, B. P. [Author]; Easy, L. [Author]; Elmore, S. [Author]; Erdös, B. [Author]; Esposito, B. [Author]; [...]Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solutionView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear fusion 57(10), 102014 (2017). doi:10.1088/1741-4326/aa6084
Karpushov, I.D.; Klimenko, E.Yu.; Malofeev, A.M.; Martovetsky, N.N.; Mokhnatuk, V.A.Φ-shaped magnet for a big detector on large acceleratorsView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 314 (1992) 1, Seite 63-69
Lazzaro, E.; Nowak, S.; Sauter, O.; Canal, G.; Duval, B.; Federspiel, L.; Karpushov, A.N.; Kim, D.; Reimerdes, H.; Rossel, J.; Testa, D.; Wagner, D.Effects of central electron cyclotron power on plasma rotation and on triggerless onset of NTMs in the TCV tokamakView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear Fusion, 55 (2015) 9, Seite 093031
Nowak, S; Lazzaro, E; Sauter, O; Canal, G; Duval, B; Federspiel, L; Karpushov, A N; Kim, D; Reimerdes, H; Rossel, J; Wagner, DEvidence of Neoclassical Toroidal Viscosity on the Neoclassical Tearing Modes in TCV tokamakView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 401 (2012), Seite 012017
Bagryansky, P.A; Bender, E.D; Ivanov, A.A; Karpushov, A.N; Murachtin, S.V; Noack, K; Krahl, St; Collatz, SEffect of fast Ti-deposition on gas recycling at the first wall and on fast ion losses in the GDT experimentView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Journal of Nuclear Materials, 265 (1999) 1-2, Seite 124-133
Murachtin, S.V.; Bagryansky, P.A.; Bender, E.D.; Ivanov, A.A.; Karpushov, A.N.; Noack, K.; Krahl, St.; Collatz, S.Wall Conditioning and Neutral Gas Transport at the GDT FacilityView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Fusion Technology, 35 (1999) 1T, Seite 370-374
Nowak, S.; Lazzaro, E.; Sauter, O.; Canal, G.; Duval, B.; Federspiel, L.; Karpushov, A. N.; Kim, D.; Raju, D.; Reimerders, H.; Rossel, J.; Testa, D.; Wagner, D.; TCV TeamPlasma rotation and NTM onset driven by central EC deposition in TCV tokamakView onlineSchließen
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Published in: AIP Conference Proceedings (2014), Seite 502-505
Fasoli, A.; Reimerdes, H.; Alberti, S.; Baquero-Ruiz, M.; Duval, B.P.; Havlikova, E.; Karpushov, A.; Moret, J.-M.; Toussaint, M.; Elaian, H.; Silva, M.; Theiler, C.; Vaccaro, D.TCV heating and divertor upgradesView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear Fusion, 60 (2020) 1, Seite 016019
Karpushov, I.D.; Klimenko, E.Y.; Malofeev, A.M.; Martovetsky, N.N.; Mokhnatuk, V.A.; Novikov, S.I.; Chernoplekov, N.A.; Bondarchuk, E.N.; Dedurin, A.M.; Egorov, S.A.; Filatov, O.G.; Trokhachev, G.V.; Henning, C.D.; Heim, J.R.; Miller, J.R.; Slack, D.S.; Marston, P.G.Superconducting magnet for L* detector (of SSC)View onlineSchließen
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Published in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 28 (1992) 1, Seite 701-704
Vianello, N.; Carralero, D.; Tsui, C.K.; Naulin, V.; Agostini, M.; Cziegler, I.; Labit, B.; Theiler, C.; Wolfrum, E.; Aguiam, D.; Allan, S.; Bernert, M.; Boedo, J.; Costea, S.; De Oliveira, H.; Fevrier, O.; Galdon-Quiroga, J.; Grenfell, G.; Hakola, A.; Ionita, C.; Isliker, H.; Karpushov, A.; Kovacic, J.; Lipschultz, B.; [...]Scrape-off layer transport and filament characteristics in high-density tokamak regimesView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear Fusion, 60 (2020) 1, Seite 016001
Goodman, T.P; Ahmed, S.M; Alberti, S; Andrèbe, Y; Angioni, C; Appert, K; Arnoux, G; Behn, R; Blanchard, P; Bosshard, P; Camenen, Y; Chavan, R; Coda, S; Condrea, I; Degeling, A; Duval, B.P; Etienne, P; Fasel, D; Fasoli, A; Favez, J.-Y; Furno, I; Henderson, M; Hofmann, F; Hogge, J.-P; [...]An overview of results from the TCV tokamakView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear Fusion, 43 (2003) 12, Seite 1619-1631
Henderson, M. A.; Alberti, S.; Angioni, C.; Arnoux, G.; Behn, R.; Blanchard, P.; Bosshard, P.; Camenen, Y.; Coda, S.; Condrea, I.; Goodman, T. P.; Hofmann, F.; Hogge, J.-Ph.; Karpushov, A.; Manini, A.; Martynov, An.; Moret, J.-M.; Nikkola, P.; Nelson-Melby, E.; Pochelon, A.; Porte, L.; Sauter, O.; Ahmed, S. M.; Andrèbe, Y.; [...]Recent results from the electron cyclotron heated plasmas in Tokamak à Configuration Variable (TCV)View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Physics of Plasmas, 10 (2003) 5, Seite 1796-1802
Martin, Y R; Henderson, M A; Alberti, S; Amorim, P; Andrebe, Y; Appert, K; Arnoux, G; Behn, R; Blanchard, P; Bosshard, P; Bottino, A; Camenen, Y; Chavan, R; Coda, S; Condrea, I; Degeling, A W; Dokouka, V N; Duval, B P; Fasel, D; Fasoli, A; Favez, J-Y; Ferrando, S; Goodman, T P; Hogge, J-P; [...]Accessibility and properties of ELMy H-mode and ITB plasmas in TCVView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 45 (2003) 12A, Seite A351-A365
Goodman, T P; Behn, R; Camenen, Y; Coda, S; Fable, E; Henderson, M A; Nikkola, P; Rossel, J; Sauter, O; Scarabosio, A; Zucca, C; Alberti, S; Amorim, P; Andrèbe, Y; Appert, K; Arnoux, G; Bortolon, A; Bottino, A; Chavan, R; Condrea, I; Droz, E; Duval, B P; Etienne, P; Fasel, D; [...]Safety factor profile requirements for electron ITB formation in TCVView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 47 (2005) 12B, Seite B107-B120
Moret, J-M; Ahmed, S M; Alberti, S; Andrebe, Y; Appert, K; Arnoux, G; Behn, R; Blanchard, P; Bosshard, P; Camenen, Y; Chavan, R; Coda, S; Condrea, I; Degeling, A; Duval, B P; Fasel, D; Fasoli, A; Favez, J-Y; Goodman, T; Henderson, M; Hofmann, F; Hogge, J-P; Horacek, J; Isoz, P; [...]ECH physics and new operational regimes on TCVView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 44 (2002) 12B, Seite B85-B97
Ageev, A; Akhobadze, K; Alvero, L; Amelino-Camelia, G; Avati, V; Baier, R; Bartels, J; Baur, G; Beneke, M; Berera, A; Bjorken, J D; Bondila, M; Britvich, I; Capella, A; Close, F; Collins, J; Costa, C; Cudell, J-R; Derevschikov, A; Dick, L; Djordjadze, V; Dokshitzer, Yu; Donnachie, A; Eggert, K; [...]A full-acceptance detector at the LHC (FELIX)View onlineSchließen
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Published in: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 28 (2002) 6, Seite R117-R215
Pucella, G.; Alessi, E.; Amicucci, L.; Angelini, B.; Apicella, M.L.; Apruzzese, G.; Artaserse, G.; Barbato, E.; Belli, F.; Bertocchi, A.; Bin, W.; Boncagni, L.; Botrugno, A.; Briguglio, S.; Bruschi, A.; Buratti, P.; Calabrò, G.; Cardinali, A.; Castaldo, C.; Causa, F.; Ceccuzzi, S.; Centioli, C.; Cesario, R.; Cianfarani, C.; [...]Overview of the FTU resultsView onlineSchließen
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Published in: Nuclear Fusion, 55 (2015) 10, Seite 104005