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  1. Rheinberger, Joseph [Author] ; Brahms, Johannes [Other]; Conte, Peter Richard [Performer] Saint Clement's Choir Philadelphia, Pa

    The Romantic mass (1 CD)

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    Troy, NY: Dorian Discovery, P 1995

  2. Enescu, George [Composer]; Marot, Clément [Lyricist]; Roussel, Albert [Composer] ; Marcoulescou, Yolanda [Singer]; Phyllabaum, Katja [Instrumentalist]

    Songs by Georges Enesco and Albert Roussel (1 Langspielplatte)

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    London: Allied Records LTD., [1975]

  3. Werndly, George Henrik [Author]; Bèze, Théodore de [Author]; Marot, Clément [Author]

    Sjix̄r segala mazmûr dâ'ûd

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    Am̄isterdam, 1735

  4. Bernart de Ventadour [Other]; Gesualdo, Carlo [Other]; Lasso, Orlando di [Other]; Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da [Other]; Neusidler, Hans [Other]; Gibbons, Orlando [Other]; Byrd, William [Other]; Alt, Michael [Commentator]; Adam de la Halle [Other]; Raimbaut de Vaqueiras [Other]; Leoninus [Other]; Guillaume de Machaut [Other]; Senfl, Ludwig [Other]; Lechner, Leonhard [Other]; Haßler, Hans Leo [Other]; Janequin, Clément [Other]

    Musik des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (1 Schallpl)

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    Hamburg: Dt. Grammophon, [19]57

    Published in: Musikkunde in Beispielen

  5. Haßler, Hans Leo [Composer]; Isaac, Heinrich [Composer]; Marenzio, Luca [Composer]; Morley, Thomas [Composer]; Monteverdi, Claudio [Composer]; Costeley, Guillaume [Composer]; Senfl, Ludwig [Composer]; Dowland, John [Composer]; Janequin, Clément [Composer]; Pilkington, Francis [Composer]; Bennet, John [Composer]; Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da [Composer]; Widmann, Erasmus [Composer]; Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo [Composer]; Lasso, Orlando di [Composer]; Janequin, Clément [Composer]; Steffens, Johann [Composer]; Othmayr, Caspar [Composer]; Morley, Thomas [Composer]; Weelkes, Thomas [Composer]

    European madrigals for mixed voices / 1, [Partitur]

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    Zürich: Musikverl. zum Pelikan, 1955

    Published in: European madrigals for mixed voices / hrsg. von Egon Kraus ; 1

  6. Heinrich VIII. England, König [Other]; Judenkünig, Hans [Other]; Hofhaimer, Paul [Other]; Neusidler, Hans [Other]; Mikołaj z Krakowa [Other]; Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo [Other]; Senfl, Ludwig [Other]; Verdelot, Philippe [Other]; Janequin, Clément [Other]; Encina, Juan del [Other]; Narváez, Luis de [Other]; Lasso, Orlando di [Other]; Isaac, Heinrich [Other]; Pillinger, Franz [Performer] ; Franz-Pillinger-Bassgeigen-Quartett

    Europäische Musik der Renaissance = European music of the Renaissance (1 Compact Disc)

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    Berlin: DSB Deutsche Schallplatten, 1994

  7. Knecht, Justin Heinrich [Other]; Hasse, Johann Adolf [Other]; Krebs, Johann Ludwig [Other]; Franck, César [Other]; Reger, Max [Other]; Kirnberger, Johann Philipp [Other]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Other]; Buxtehude, Dietrich [Other]; Scheidt, Samuel [Other]; Telemann, Georg Philipp [Other]; Simon, Johann Caspar [Other]; Höpner, Christian Gottlob [Other]; Beethoven, Ludwig van [Other]; Ruppe, Christian Friedrich [Other]; Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich [Other]; Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix [Other]; Walther, Johann Gottfried [Other]; Blumenthal, Paul [Other]; Loewe, Carl [Other]; Vierling, Johann Gottfried [Other]; Rost, Martin [Performer]; Vetter, Joachim [Performer]; Werbs, Christiane [Performer]; Langer, Markus Johannes [Performer]; [...] ; Evangelisch-Lutherische Landeskirche Mecklenburgs, Pommersche Evangelische Kirche

    Historische Orgeln Mecklenburg-Vorpommern : für die Zukunft gerettet ; Altentreptow, Barth, Blankenhagen, Cammin, Demmin ... (3 CD in Box)

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    Detmold: Dabringhaus und Grimm, P 2004 ; Hamburg: Zeit-Stiftung, P 2004

  8. Proch, Heinrich [Composer]; Scarlatti, Alessandro [Composer]; Thomas, Ambroise [Composer]; Gounod, Charles [Composer]; Adam, Adolphe [Composer]; Rossini, Gioachino [Composer]; Bellini, Vincenzo [Composer]; Verdi, Giuseppe [Composer]; Grieg, Edvard [Composer]; Benedict, Julius [Composer]; Giordani, Giuseppe [Composer]; Bishop, Henry Rowley [Composer] ; van Leeuwen, .. [Arranger]; Moore, Gerald [Arranger]; Galli-Curci, Amelita [Singer]; Barone, Clement [Instrumentalist]; Samuels, Homer [Instrumentalist]; Berenguer, Manuel [Instrumentalist]

    Amelita Galli-Curci : volume II (1 CD)

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    Wadhurst, E. Sussex, England: Pavilion Records LTD., [1990]

  9. Marenzio, Luca [Other]; Mudarra, Alonso [Other]; Lechner, Leonhard [Other]; Haßler, Hans Leo [Other]; Janequin, Clément [Other]; Passereau, Pierre [Other]; Morley, Thomas [Other]; Farmer, John [Other]; Wilbye, John [Other]; Gibbons, Orlando [Other]; Bennet, John [Other]; Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da [Other]; Arcadelt, Jacob [Other]; Monteverdi, Claudio [Other]; Gesualdo, Carlo [Other]; Schütz, Heinrich [Other]; Lasso, Orlando di [Other]; Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo [Other]; Guerrero, Francisco [Other]; Göpfert, Andreas [Performer] ; Hallenser Madrigalisten

    La bella ninfa : Madrigale (1 CD)

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    Berlin: magna MUSIC, P 1990

    Published in: Ars Vivendi

  10. Marenzio, Luca [Other]; Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da [Other]; Lechner, Leonhard [Other]; Haßler, Hans Leo [Other]; Janequin, Clément [Other]; Passereau, Pierre [Other]; Morley, Thomas [Other]; Farmer, John [Other]; Wilbye, John [Other]; Gibbons, Orlando [Other]; Arcadelt, Jacob [Other]; Monteverdi, Claudio [Other]; Gesualdo, Carlo [Other]; Schütz, Heinrich [Other]; Lasso, Orlando di [Other]; Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo [Other]; Guerrero, Francisco [Other]; Mudarra, Alonso [Other]; Bennet, John [Other]; Göpfert, Andreas [Performer] ; Hallenser Madrigalisten

    La bella ninfa : europäische Madrigale um 1600 (1 Schallpl)

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    Berlin: VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, [19]89

    Published in: Eterna Digital Recordings

  11. Hofmann, Carl Gottlob [Author] ; Leyser, Augustin von [Other]; Rivinus, Andreas Florens [Contributor]; Rivinus, Andreas Florens [Other]; Hanack, Christian [Contributor]; Hanack, Christian [Other]; Chladni, Ernst Martin [Contributor]; Chladni, Ernst Martin [Other]; Triller, Daniel Wilhelm [Contributor]; Triller, Daniel Wilhelm [Other]; Langguth, Georg August [Contributor]; Langguth, Georg August [Other]; Böhmer, Georg Rudolph [Contributor]; Böhmer, Georg Rudolph [Other]; Werner, Johann Gottlob [Contributor]; Werner, Johann Gottlob [Other]; Kirchmaier, Georg Wilhelm [Contributor]; Kirchmaier, Georg Wilhelm [Other]; Schroedter, Ernst Christian [Contributor]; Schroedter, Ernst Christian [Other]; Weidler, Johann Friedrich [Contributor]; Weidler, Johann Friedrich [Other]; Leyser, Johann Gottlieb von [Contributor]; Leyser, Johann Gottlieb von [Other]; Sperbach, Karl Gottlob [Contributor]; [...]

    Ein vollkommener Christlicher Rechts-Gelehrter wurde in der Dem Hoch-Wohlgebohrnen Herrn, Herrn Augustin von Leyser ... Am Ersten Sonntag nach dem Fester der Heil. Dreyeinigkeit im Jahr MDCCLII. ... gehaltenen ... Gedächtniß-Predigt zur Erbauung vorgestellet

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    Wittenberg: Eichsfeld, [1753]

  12. Zahrnt, Heinz [Editor]; Freud, Sigmund [Other]; Jesus Christus [Other]; Brocher, Tobias [Other]; Goerres, Albert [Other]; Hirsch, Maielies [Other]; Wiesenhutter, Eckart [Other]; Fries, Heinrich [Other]; Scharfenberg, Joachim [Other] ; Symposion von Psychoanalytikern und Theologen 1971 München; Frankfurt, Main

    Jesus und Freud : ein Symposion von Psychoanalytikern und Theologen



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    (München: Piper), 1972

    Published in: Serie Piper ; 29

  13. Lemmens, Jaak Nikolaas [Other]; Telemann, Georg Philipp [Other]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Other]; Stanley, John [Other]; Rheinberger, Joseph [Other]; Lang, Craig Seller [Other]; Karg-Elert, Sigfrid [Other]; Dubois, Théodore [Other]; Trappe, Hans-Joachim [Other]

    Orgelmusik aus dem Mariendom zu Hildesheim : Hans-Joachim Trappe an der Klais-Orgel (1 CD)

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    [S.l.]: Vox Humana, P 2001

  14. Puccini, Giacomo [Other]; Di Capua, Eduardo [Other]; Rossini, Gioachino [Other]; Debussy, Claude [Other]; Berlioz, Hector [Other]; Massenet, Jules [Other]; Delibes, Léo [Other]; Thomas, Ambroise [Other]; Adam, Adolphe [Other]; Schubert, Franz [Other]; Boieldieu, François Adrien [Other]; Bizet, Georges [Other]; Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Other]; Ponchielli, Amilcare [Other]; Meyerbeer, Giacomo [Other]; Halévy, Fromental [Other]; Giordano, Umberto [Other]; Wagner, Richard [Other]; Leoncavallo, Ruggiero [Other]; Verdi, Giuseppe [Other]; Vinay, Ramón [Performer]; Couzinou, Robert [Performer]; Vaguet, Albert [Performer]; Creus, Emile de [Performer]; [...]

    Ramon Vinay, Richard Tucker, Mario del Monaco, Mario Lanza, Edmond Clément - [Digitally remastered] (2 CDs)

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    Hamburg: TIM, P 2001

    Published in: Unforgotten voices ; 3

  15. Weidler, Johann Friedrich [Other]; Jahr, Friedrich Wilhelm [Contributor]; Jahr, Friedrich Wilhelm [Other]; Rivinus, Andreas Florens [Contributor]; Rivinus, Andreas Florens [Other]; Hanack, Christian [Contributor]; Hanack, Christian [Other]; Chladni, Ernst Martin [Contributor]; Chladni, Ernst Martin [Other]; Kraus, Georg Friedrich [Contributor]; Kraus, Georg Friedrich [Other]; Triller, Daniel Wilhelm [Contributor]; Triller, Daniel Wilhelm [Other]; Langguth, Georg August [Contributor]; Langguth, Georg August [Other]; Martius, Johann Heinrich [Contributor]; Martius, Johann Heinrich [Other]; Kirchmaier, Georg Wilhelm [Contributor]; Kirchmaier, Georg Wilhelm [Other]; Schroedter, Ernst Christian [Contributor]; Schroedter, Ernst Christian [Other]; Böhmer, Georg Rudolph [Contributor]; Böhmer, Georg Rudolph [Other]; Sperbach, Karl Gottlob [Contributor]; [...]

    Obitum Inopinatum Viri Magnifici, Iureconsultissimi Excellentissimi Doctissimique Domini Ioannis Friderici Weidleri I. U. D. Mathematum Superiorum In Academia Vitembergensi Professoris Publici Ordinarii, Et Regiarum Societatum Scientiarum Britannicae Et Prussicae Sodalis Anno MDCCLV. Pride Calend. Decembr. Pie Placideque Defuncti Non Sine Magno Dolore Prosequuntur Fautores, Collegae, Amici



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    Wittenbergae: Eichsfeldius, [1755]

  16. Frobenius, Georg Ludwig [Author] ; Coronaeus, Martin [Contributor]; Alefeldt, Karl von [Contributor]; Lauterbach, Johann [Contributor]; Lindeberg, Peter [Contributor]; Joachim, Abt von Reinfeld [Contributor]; Palthenius, Zacharias [Contributor]; Rantzau, Heinrich [Contributor]; Baptista Mantuanus [Contributor]; Wippermann, Georg [Contributor]

    EPISTOLAE CONSOLATORIAE,|| REGVM, PRINCIPVM,|| COMITVM, BARONVM,|| NOBILIVM, ALIORVMQVE || clarissimorum & doctissimorum || virorum,|| AD || HENRICVM RANZOVIVM,|| REGIS DANIAE PRODVCEM || Cimbricum scriptae;|| OPERA ET STVDIO || M. GEORGII LVDOVICI || FROBENII collectae.|| Accessit Index Epistolarum ... ||

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    Frankfurt/Main: Wechel, Johann, 1593

  17. Wesenbeck, Matthaeus [Author] ; Pinnau, Abraham [Contributor]; Stigel, Johann [Contributor]; Strigel, Victorinus [Contributor]; Thoming, Jakob [Contributor]; Vietz, Peter [Contributor]; Voit, David [Contributor]; Wesenbec, Petrus [Contributor]; Widebram, Friedrich [Contributor]; Aconcio, Iacopo [Contributor]; Arnurus, Kaspar [Contributor]; Boissard, Jean Jacques [Contributor]; Bugenhagen, Johannes [Contributor]; Camerarius, Joachim [Contributor]; Fleischer, Johannes [Contributor]; Francisci, Adam [Contributor]; Wesenbeck, Valentin [Contributor]; H.M.P [Contributor]; Helm, Lambert Ludolf [Contributor]; Hermann, Daniel [Contributor]; Mauricius, Georg [Contributor]; Mercklin, Johannes [Contributor]; Monau, Jacob [Contributor]; Monau, Peter [Contributor]; Ostermoncher, Martin [Contributor]; [...]


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    Wittenberg: Krafft, Johann d.Ä., 1570 ; Wittenberg: Selfisch, Samuel d.Ä., 1570

  18. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Composer]; Rossini, Gioachino [Composer]; Thomas, Ambroise [Composer]; Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič [Composer]; Wagner, Richard [Composer]; Verdi, Giuseppe [Composer]; Schubert, Franz [Composer]; Heine, Heinrich [Lyricist]; Müller, Wilhelm [Lyricist]; Pyrker, János László [Lyricist]; Grieg, Edvard [Composer]; Krag, Vilhelm [Lyricist]; Pessard, Émile [Composer] ; Jadlowker, Hermann [Singer]; Tauber, Richard [Singer]; Senius, Felix [Singer]; Melchior, Lauritz [Singer]; Walter, Gustav [Singer]; Slezak, Leo [Singer]; Urlus, Jacques [Singer]; Clément, Edmond [Singer]; Vaguet, Albert [Singer]; Dalmorès, Charles [Singer]; Ansseau, Fernand [Singer]; Franz, Paul [Singer]; Raucheisen, Michael [Instrumentalist]; Ruhlmann, François [Conductor] Odeon Werke Odeon-Orchester, Frank Wess Harry Edison Orchestra, Victor Orchestra Camden, NJ

    The great tenors / 1, The German and French traditions (1 Compact Disc )

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    Sparrows Green, Wadhurst, E. Sussex: Pavilion Records, [1988]

    Published in: The great tenors ; 1

  19. Forrai, Miklós [Editor]; Brahms, Johannes [Other]; Busnois, Antoine [Other]; Byrd, William [Other]; Casciolini, Claudio [Other]; Cherubini, Luigi [Other]; Clemens non Papa, Jacobus [Other]; Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič [Other]; Debussy, Claude [Other]; Dowland, John [Other]; Dufay, Guillaume [Other]; Aichinger, Gregor [Other]; Gallus, Jacobus [Other]; Gasparini, Quirino [Other]; Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo [Other]; Gebhardi, Ludwig Ernst [Other]; Gesualdo, Carlo [Other]; Goudimel, Claude [Other]; Guido von Arezzo [Other]; Gumpelzhaimer, Adam [Other]; Harmat, Artúr [Other]; Haßler, Hans Leo [Other]; Anerio, Giovanni Francesco [Other]; Haydn, Joseph [Other]; [...]

    Ezer év kórusa = Tausend Jahre Chormusik = Choral music of thousand years

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    Budapest: Ed. Musica, c 1977