%0 Generic
%T Tristan's Harp (The) (Arthurian Medieval Music) (Capilla Antigua de Chinchilla, Ferrero)
%A Capilla Antigua de Chinchilla
%A Alfonso X (El Sabio), Komponist
%A Bernart de Ventadorn, Komponist
%A Chastelain de Couci, Komponist
%A Richard I, Coeur de Lion Komponist
%A Thibaut de Champagne Komponist
%I Naxos Early Music
%K Mittelalter (800-1400)
%K Musik Computer- und Netzwerkressourcen
%K Gesang Ensemble
%K Kammermusik
%K Gesang Solisten
%D 120701
%X Streaming audio.
%X Cantiga 35: O que a Santa Maria (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:04:04 -- Tristrant muste sonder danc (15th century) (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:04:49 -- Dance of the forest of no return (13th century) (Stantipe I) (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:02:28 -- Deus est ensi comme li pellicanz (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:05:28 -- Redit aetas aurea (12th century) (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:03:51 -- Ja nuls hom pres (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:06:03 -- Pange melos lacrimosum (12th century) (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:03:21 -- Quarte Estampie Royale (13th century) (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:04:17 -- La douce voiz du louseignol sauvage (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:06:23 -- Dance of the forest of no return (13th century) (Stantipe II) (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:01:25 -- Can vei la lauzeta (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:07:31 -- Cantiga 419: Des quando Deus sa madre (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:02:41 -- Dance of the forest of no return (13th century) (Stantipe III) (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:01:59 -- Cantiga 108: Dereit' e de ss' end' achar (arr. J. Ferrero) 00:06:56 --
%C Naxos Early Music
%U http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2
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