%0 Generic
%T Toward More Transparent and Reproducible Omics Studies Through a Common Metadata Checklist and Data Publications
%A Kolker, Eugene
%A Özdemir, Vural
%A Martens, Lennart
%A Hancock, William
%A Anderson, Gordon
%A Anderson, Nathaniel
%A Aynacioglu, Sukru
%A Baranova, Ancha
%A Campagna, Shawn R.
%A Chen, Rui
%A Choiniere, John
%A Dearth, Stephen P.
%A Feng, Wu-Chun
%A Ferguson, Lynnette
%A Fox, Geoffrey
%A Frishman, Dmitrij
%A Grossman, Robert
%A Heath, Allison
%A Higdon, Roger
%A Hutz, Mara H.
%A Janko, Imre
%A Jiang, Lihua
%A Joshi, Sanjay
%A Kel, Alexander
%A Kemnitz, Joseph W.
%A Kohane, Isaac S.
%A Kolker, Natali
%A Lancet, Doron
%A Lee, Elaine
%A Li, Weizhong
%A Lisitsa, Andrey
%A Llerena, Adrian
%A MacNealy-Koch, Courtney
%A Marshall, Jean-Claude
%A Masuzzo, Paola
%A May, Amanda
%A Mias, George
%A Monroe, Matthew
%A Montague, Elizabeth
%A Mooney, Sean
%A Nesvizhskii, Alexey
%A Noronha, Santosh
%A Omenn, Gilbert
%A Rajasimha, Harsha
%A Ramamoorthy, Preveen
%A Sheehan, Jerry
%A Smarr, Larry
%A Smith, Charles V.
%A Smith, Todd
%A Snyder, Michael
%A Rapole, Srikanth
%A Srivastava, Sanjeeva
%A Stanberry, Larissa
%A Stewart, Elizabeth
%A Toppo, Stefano
%A Uetz, Peter
%A Verheggen, Kenneth
%A Voy, Brynn H.
%A Warnich, Louise
%A Wilhelm, Steven W.
%A Yandl, Gregory
%I Mary Ann Liebert Inc
%@ 1536-2310
%@ 1557-8100
%K Genetics
%K Molecular Biology
%K Molecular Medicine
%K Biochemistry
%K Biotechnology
%D 2014
%C Mary Ann Liebert Inc
%U https://katalog.slub-dresden.de/en/?cHash=d436d54d7a76fc6fe03d5b8c85ebf4cf&tx_find_find%5Baction%5D=citation&tx_find_find%5Bcontroller%5D=Search&tx_find_find%5Bid%5D=ai-49-aHR0cDovL2R4LmRvaS5vcmcvMTAuMTA4OS9vbWkuMjAxMy4wMTQ5&tx_find_find%5Btype%5D=endnote
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