%0 Generic
%T Les villes petites et moyennes: situation, développement et perspectives dans différents contextes territoriaux
%A Grabski-Kieron, Ulrike
%A Boutet, Annabelle
%A ARL - Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
%A Gustedt, Evelyn
%A Grabski-Kieron, Ulrike
%A Demazière, Christophe
%A Paris, Didier
%I Verlag der ARL
%K Kleinstadt
%K Mittelstadt
%K ländlicher Raum
%K Wachstum
%K Bevölkerungsentwicklung
%K Stadt-Land-Beziehung
%K regionale Entwicklung
%K zentraler Ort
%K Raumplanung
%K Regionalpolitik
%K Kommunalpolitik
%K Regionalplanung
%K Bundesrepublik Deutschland
%K Frankreich
%K central place system
%K demographic change
%K development of rural regions
%K growth and shrinkage
%D 2023
%X Veröffentlichungsversion
%X begutachtet (peer reviewed)
%X In: Gustedt, Evelyn (Hg.), Grabski-Kieron, Ulrike (Hg.), Demazière, Christophe (Hg.), Paris, Didier (Hg.): Villes et métropoles en France et en Allemagne. 2023. S. 83-105. ISBN 978-3-88838-113-3
%X The situation, development lines and perspectives of small and medium-sized towns in Germany and France are compared and similarities and differences within the central place systems and the spatial planning of both countries are discussed. With different approaches to definition, these towns have received new attention in both countries in recent years, albeit with different focal points. The discussion covers the positions and lines of development of these towns in the respective central place systems; the perspectives of their future development regarding the strengthening of central place functions, their attractiveness as residential and economic locations, and contexts of rural regional development and services of general interest. In addition, aspects of research on small and medium-sized towns as well as approaches to spatial policy in both countries are addressed.
%C Verlag der ARL
%C Hannover
%U http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2
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