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  1. Riedel, Michael [Author]; Côté, M. M. [Author]; Neelands, P. J. [Author]; Middleton, G. [Author]; Standen, G. [Author]; Iuliucci, R. [Author]; Ulmi, M. [Author]; Stacey, C. D. [Author]; Murphy, R. [Author]; Manning, D. [Author]; Brillon, C. [Author]; Spence, G. D. [Author]

    2012 Haida Gwaii Mw 7.7 Earthquake Response - Ocean Bottom Seismometer Relocation and Geophone Orientation Analysis and Quality Control of Wide-Angle P-wave Refraction Data

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    OceanRep (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre für Ocean Research Kiel), 2014

  2. Block Jr., Ray [Contributor]; Brazelton, Shenita [Contributor]; Brown, Robert A [Contributor]; Brown, Robert A [Editor]; Brown-Dean, Khalilah L [Contributor]; Dowe, Pearl K. Ford [Contributor]; Franklin, Sekou [Contributor]; Frasure, Lorrie [Contributor]; Gillespie, Andra [Contributor]; Greene, Stacey [Contributor]; Jordan-Zachery, Julia S [Contributor]; King-Meadows, Tyson D [Contributor]; Lewis-Maddox, Angela K [Contributor]; McCormick II, Joseph P [Editor]; McCormick ii, Joseph P [Contributor]; McKenzie, Brian D [Contributor]; Nunnally, Shayla C [Contributor]; Packer, Robert B [Contributor]; Perry, Ravi K [Contributor]; Pinderhughes, Dianne M [Contributor]; Shaw, Todd C [Contributor]; Shaw, Todd C [Editor]; Smooth, Wendy G [Contributor]

    After Obama : African American Politics in a Post-Obama Era

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    New York, NY: New York University Press, [2021] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

  3. Bonenfant, Jean-Charles [Contributor]; Brouillet, Eugénie [Contributor]; Buckner, Phillip [Contributor]; Cameron, David [Editor]; Careless, J.M.S [Contributor]; Daschuk, James W [Contributor]; Dumont, Fernand [Contributor]; Gray, John Hamilton [Contributor]; Groulx, Lionel [Contributor]; Kelly, Stéphane [Contributor]; Krikorian, Jacqueline [Editor]; Martel, Marcel [Editor]; Martin, Chester [Contributor]; McDougall, Andrew [Editor]; McKay, Ian [Contributor]; Morton, W.L [Contributor]; Owram, Doug [Contributor]; Perry, Adele [Contributor]; Roby, Yves [Contributor]; Ryerson, Stanley B [Contributor]; Shi, David E [Contributor]; Silver, A.I [Contributor]; Stacey, C.P [Contributor]; Vipond, Robert [Editor]; [...]

    Roads to Confederation : The Making of Canada, 1867, Volume 2

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    Toronto: University of Toronto Press, [2021] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

  4. Alldrit, N. S. F [Contributor]; Anderson, G. W [Contributor]; Atkinson, P. C [Contributor]; Bailey, T [Contributor]; Bartsch, H. W [Contributor]; Beake, F. W [Contributor]; Best, E [Contributor]; Blair, H. A [Contributor]; Bogaert, P.-M [Contributor]; Boyd, W. J. P [Contributor]; Burkill, T. A [Contributor]; Butterworth, R [Contributor]; Caird, G. B [Contributor]; Campbell, R. J [Contributor]; Campbell, W. S [Contributor]; Churchill, J. H [Contributor]; Craddock, J. G [Contributor]; Crehan, J [Contributor]; Daalen, D. H. van [Contributor]; Davies, G. I [Contributor]; Debrett, M [Contributor]; Dehandschutter, B [Contributor]; Denis, A.-M [Contributor]; Duncan, J [Contributor]; [...]

    Studia Evangelica Vol. VII: Papers presented to the Fifth International Congress on Biblical Studies held at Oxford, 1973 - [Reprint 2021]

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    Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022] ; [Online-Ausgabe]

    Published in: Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur ; 126

  5. Dhomse, Sandip S. [Author]; Kinnison, Douglas [Author]; Chipperfield, Martyn P. [Author]; Salawitch, Ross J. [Author]; Cionni, Irene [Author]; Hegglin, Michaela I. [Author]; Abraham, N. Luke [Author]; Akiyoshi, Hideharu [Author]; Archibald, Alex T. [Author]; Bednarz, Ewa M. [Author]; Bekki, Slimane [Author]; Braesicke, Peter [Author]; Butchart, Neal [Author]; Dameris, Martin [Author]; Deushi, Makoto [Author]; Frith, Stacey [Author]; Hardiman, Steven C. [Author]; Hassler, Birgit [Author]; Horowitz, Larry W. [Author]; Hu, Rong-Ming [Author]; Jöckel, Patrick [Author]; Josse, Beatrice [Author]; Kirner, Oliver [Author]; Kremser, Stefanie [Author]; [...]

    Estimates of ozone return dates from Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative simulations

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    European Geosciences Union, 2018-06-29

    Published in: Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18 (11), 8409–8438 ; ISSN: 1680-7324

  6. Mullins, Niamh [Author]; Kang, JooEun [Author]; Su, Mei-Hsin [Author]; Bryant, Richard [Author]; Treutlein, Jens [Author]; Dietl, Lydie [Author]; Schwarze, Cornelia E. [Author]; Dahmen, Norbert [Author]; Schott, Björn H. [Author]; Nöthen, Markus M. [Author]; Ripke, Stephan [Author]; Mobascher, Arian [Author]; Rujescu, Dan [Author]; Lieb, Klaus [Author]; Budde, Monika [Author]; Roepke, Stefan [Author]; Schmahl, Christian [Author]; Bohus, Martin [Author]; Rietschel, Marcella [Author]; Crivelli, Silvia [Author]; Dennis, Michelle F. [Author]; Harvey, Phillip D. [Author]; Carter, Bruce W. [Author]; Huffman, Jennifer E. [Author]; [...]

    Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors

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    Elsevier Science, 2022

    Published in: Biological psychiatry 91(3), 313-327 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.05.029