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Toronto: University of Toronto Press, [1981]
Published in:Heritage
Riedel, Michael
Côté, M. M.
Neelands, P. J.
Middleton, G.
Standen, G.
Iuliucci, R.
Ulmi, M.
Stacey, C. D.
Murphy, R.
Manning, D.
Brillon, C.
Spence, G. D.
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OceanRep (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre für Ocean Research Kiel), 2014
Block Jr., Ray
Brazelton, Shenita
Brown, Robert A
Brown, Robert A
Brown-Dean, Khalilah L
Dowe, Pearl K. Ford
Franklin, Sekou
Frasure, Lorrie
Gillespie, Andra
Greene, Stacey
Jordan-Zachery, Julia S
King-Meadows, Tyson D
Lewis-Maddox, Angela K
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Packer, Robert B
Perry, Ravi K
Pinderhughes, Dianne M
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Toronto: University of Toronto Press, [2021]
Alldrit, N. S. F
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur ; 126
Dhomse, Sandip S.
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Abraham, N. Luke
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Archibald, Alex T.
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Bekki, Slimane
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Horowitz, Larry W.
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Jöckel, Patrick
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European Geosciences Union, 2018-06-29
Published in:Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 18 (11), 8409–8438 ; ISSN: 1680-7324
Mullins, Niamh
Kang, JooEun
Su, Mei-Hsin
Bryant, Richard
Treutlein, Jens
Dietl, Lydie
Schwarze, Cornelia E.
Dahmen, Norbert
Schott, Björn H.
Nöthen, Markus M.
Ripke, Stephan
Mobascher, Arian
Rujescu, Dan
Lieb, Klaus
Budde, Monika
Roepke, Stefan
Schmahl, Christian
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Crivelli, Silvia
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Carter, Bruce W.
Huffman, Jennifer E.