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  1. Werder, Felix [Other]; Stahmer, Klaus Hinrich [Other]; Hildemann, Wolfgang [Other]; Jentzsch, Wilfried [Other]; Michael, Frank [Performer]; Grün, Andreas [Performer]; Müller-Hornbach, Susanne [Performer]; Krüerke, Daniel [Performer]; Patzelt, Hanna [Performer]; Meier-Ehrat, Winfried [Performer]

    Flöte plus (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    Wedemark: Thorofon, P 1992

  2. Hildemann, Wolfgang Komponist; Jentzsch, Wilfried Komponist; Michael, Frank Komponist; Werder, Felix Komponist

    WERDER, F.: 3 Night Pieces / HILDEMANN, W.: Suoni serale XI/XII / STAHMER, K.H.: Konig Wiedehopf (Meier-Ehrat, Michael, Patzelt)

    Sound Recordings
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    Thorofon, 081208

    Published in: Thorofon

  3. Weise, Frank [Author]; von Werder, Julia [Author]; Manninger, Tanja [Author]; Maier, Bärbel [Author]; Fladt, Matthias [Author]; Simon, Sebastian [Author]; Gardei, Andre [Author]; Höhnel, Desirée [Author]; Pirskawetz, Stephan [Author]; Meng, Birgit [Author]

    A multiscale and multimethod approach to assess and mitigate concrete damage due to alkali-silica reaction

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    BAM-Publica - Publikationsserver der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), 2022

  4. Meissner, Frank [Author]; Haas, Armin [Author]; Hinkel, Jochen [Author]; Bisaro, Alexander [Author]; Frame Solution, Werder (Havel), Germany [Author]; Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam (IASS), Germany [Author]; Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany [Author]; Global Climate Forum (GCF), Berlin, Germany [Author]

    A typology for analysing mitigation and adaptation win-win strategies

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    Springer Netherlands, 2020-05-16

  5. Scholderer, Frank; Werder, Axel v.

    Dissens im Aufsichtsrat

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    Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2017

    Published in: Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht, 46 (2017) 6

  6. Cao, Zichun; Yang, Aiwen; White, Alexandra J.; Purdy, Frank; Li, Chenxi; Luo, Zhehui; D’Aloisio, Aimee A.; Suarez, Lourdes; Deming-Halverson, Sandra; Pinto, Jayant M.; Chen, Jiu-Chiuan; Werder, Emily J.; Kaufman, Joel D.; Sandler, Dale P.; Chen, Honglei

    Ambient Air Pollutants and Olfaction among Women 50–79 Years of Age from the Sister Study

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    Environmental Health Perspectives, 2023

    Published in: Environmental Health Perspectives, 131 (2023) 8

  7. Stefan, Norbert; Sippel, Katrin; Heni, Martin; Fritsche, Andreas; Wagner, Robert; Jakob, Carolin E. M.; Preißl, Hubert; von Werder, Alexander; Khodamoradi, Yascha; Borgmann, Stefan; Rüthrich, Maria Madeleine; Hanses, Frank; Haselberger, Martina; Piepel, Christiane; Hower, Martin; vom Dahl, Jürgen; Wille, Kai; Römmele, Christoph; Vehreschild, Janne; Stecher, Melanie; Solimena, Michele; Roden, Michael; Schürmann, Annette; Gallwitz, Baptist; [...]

    Obesity and Impaired Metabolic Health Increase Risk of COVID-19-Related Mortality in Young and Middle-Aged Adults to the Level Observed in Older People: The LEOSS Registry

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    Frontiers Media SA, 2022

    Published in: Frontiers in Medicine, 9 (2022)

  8. Glasbey, James C; Adisa, Adewale O; Costas‐Chavarri, Ainhoa; Qureshi, Ahmad U; Allen‐Ingabire, Jean C; Salem, Hosni Khairy; Kojo, Anyomih Theophilus Teddy; Tabiri, Stephen; Nepogodiev, Dmitri; Lilford, Richard J; Harrison, Ewen M; Pinkney, Thomas D; Smart, Neil; Bhangu, Aneel; Verjee, Azmina; Runigamugabo, Emmy; Glasbey, James; Bhangu, Aneel; Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O; Adisa, Adewale O; Aguilera, Maria Lorena; Altamini, Afnan; Alexander, Philip; Al‐Saqqa, Sara W; [...]

    Global variation in anastomosis and end colostomy formation following left‐sided colorectal resection

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2019

    Published in: BJS Open, 3 (2019) 3, Seite 403-414

  9. Thomas, Hannah S; Weiser, Thomas G; Drake, Thomas M; Knight, Stephen R; Fairfield, Cameron; Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O; Aguilera, Maria Lorena; Alexander, Philip; Al-Saqqa, Sara W; Borda-Luque, Giuliano; Costas-Chavarri, Ainhoa; Ntirenganya, Faustin; Fitzgerald, J Edward; Fergusson, Stuart J; Glasbey, James; Ingabire, J C Allen; Ismaïl, Lawani; Salem, Hosni Khairy; Kojo, Anyomih Theophilus Teddy; Lapitan, Marie Carmela; Lilford, Richard; Mihaljevic, Andre L; Morton, Dion; Mutabazi, Alphonse Zeta; [...]

    Pooled analysis of WHO Surgical Safety Checklist use and mortality after emergency laparotomy

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2019

    Published in: British Journal of Surgery, 106 (2019) 2, Seite e103-e112