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  1. Le Drou, Pierre Lambert [Author] ; Klemens XI. Papst [Other]; Wening, Johann Balthasar [Illustrator]; Wening, Johann Balthasar [Contributor]; Riedl, Matthias [Printer]; Degler, Sebastian [Illustrator]; Degler, Sebastian [Contributor]

    De Contritione Et Attritione Dissertationes Quatuor : Quibus Ostenditur Non requiri in reconciliationis Sacramento perfectam, & se solâ justificantem Contritionem; certum tamen onn esse, nac a Tridentino definitum, immo nec verum, quod sufficiat Attritio servilis, præsertim cognita: sed opus esse aliquo, saltemim perfectæ, Chaharitatis actu, seu Dei propter se seuper imnia dilectione ... - [Juxta Exemplar Romanæ Editionis Anni 1707.]

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    Monachii: Typis Mathiæ Riedl, 1708. ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2011

  2. Herz, Johann Daniel [Artist]; Herz, Johann Daniel [Artist]; Reni, Guido [Artist]; Bruyn, Cornelis de [Artist]; Crassi, Nicolaus [Artist]; Maratti, Carlo [Artist]; Boulogne, M. L. [Artist]; Jouvenet, Jean [Artist]; Domenichino [Artist]; Mignard, Pierre [Artist]; Conca, Sebastiano [Artist]; Lairesse, Gérard de [Artist]; Poussin, Nicolas [Artist]; Frey, Jakob [Artist]; Sacchi, Andrea [Artist]; Dulin, Pierre [Artist]; Raffael [Artist]; Domenichino [Artist]; Van Loo, Carle [Artist]; Rubens, Peter Paul [Artist]; Le Brun, Charles [Artist]; Boucher, François [Artist]; Albani, Petrus [Artist]; Picart, Bernard [Artist]; [...] ; Winkler, Benedikt [Engraver]; Thelott, Johann Gottfried [Engraver]; Erdinger, Daniel [Engraver]; Coypel, Antoine [Engraver]; Lobeck, Tobias [Engraver]; Winckler, Georg Gottfried [Engraver]; Lidel, Jacob Balthasar [Engraver]; Steinberger, Johann Christoph [Engraver]; Crophius, Martin Gottfried [Engraver]; Eichel, Emanuel [Engraver]; Wangner, Jakob [Engraver]; Cavalli, Nicolò [Engraver]; Herz, Matthaeus [Engraver]; Eichel, Philipp Heinrich [Engraver]; Negelin, Johann Ueli [Engraver]; Steudlin, Johannes Matthias [Engraver]; Steinberg, Gottfried [Engraver]; Halbou, Louis Michel [Engraver]; Back, Jakob Conrad [Engraver]; Ebersbach, Johann Jacob [Engraver]; Schwab, Caspar [Engraver] Kayserlich Franciscische Akademie Freier Künste Augsburg

    Der allgemeinen akademischen Bilder Galerie vierzehendes und fünfzehendes oder sechzehendes Werk aus der zwanzigsten Größe mit U.o. U.p. und U.q. bezeichnet. oder wochentliche Figuren Belustigung, das ist Sammlung einzelner Figuren theils für die Jugend und Unwissende zu Erlernung der Namen und Manieren der berühmtesten Zeichner, Mahler, Bildhauer und Kupferstecher. theils für Alte und Verständige sowol zum Vergnügen als zum nuzlichen Gebrauch in verschiedenen Gelegenheiten

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    Augsburg: zu finden in der gemeinschaftlichen Handlung der kaiserlichen franziszischen Akademie freier Künsten, 1765 ; Online-Ausgabe, Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, [2021]

  3. Krisper, Crescentius [Author] ; Iustinus Africanus [Other]; Klemens XI. Papst [Other]; Jansenius, Cornelius [Other]; Wolff, Matthias [Publisher]; Quesnel, Pasquier [Other]

    Nubila Jansenismi et Quesnellianismi Luce Dogmatico-Scholastica Dispulsa : In duas partes divisa

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    Augustæ Vindelicorum: Sûmptibus Mathiæ Wolff, Bibliopolæ, Anno MDCCXXVI. ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2011

  4. Michaelis, Johann David [Author] ; Wolff, Christian von [Writer of preface]; Luederwald, Ernst Matthias [Publisher]; Ludewig, Johann Peter von [Collector]

    Bibliothecae Lvdewigianae Pars Qvarta / Philosophiae, Philologiae Et Miscellaneorvm Scriptores Vna Cvm Indicibvs Continens

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    [Halae Magdeburgicae]: [Sumtibus Bibliopolii Lüderwaldiani], [1745] ; Online-Ausgabe, Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2012

    Published in: Bibliothecae Lvdewigianae Pars Qvarta ; 4

  5. Michaelis, Johann David [Author] ; Wolff, Christian von [Writer of preface]; Luederwald, Ernst Matthias [Publisher]; Ludewig, Johann Peter von [Collector]

    Bibliothecae Lvdewigianae Pars Secvnda / Complectens Ivris Et Medicinae Scriptores


    [Halae Magdeburgicae]: [Sumtibus Bibliopolii Lüderwaldiani], [1745] ; Online-Ausgabe, Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2012

    Published in: Bibliothecae Lvdewigianae Pars Secvnda ; 2

  6. Michaelis, Johann David [Author] ; Wolff, Christian von [Writer of preface]; Luederwald, Ernst Matthias [Publisher]; Ludewig, Johann Peter von [Collector]

    Bibliothecae Lvdewigianae Pars Tertia / Complectens Historiae Scriptores

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    [Halae Magdeburgicae]: [Sumtibus Bibliopolii Lüderwaldiani], [1745] ; Online-Ausgabe, Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2012

    Published in: Bibliothecae Lvdewigianae Pars Tertia ; 3

  7. Michaelis, Johann David [Author] ; Wolff, Christian von [Writer of preface]; Luederwald, Ernst Matthias [Publisher]; Ludewig, Johann Peter von [Collector]

    Catalogus Praestantissimi Thesauri Librorum Typis Vulgatorum, Et Manuscriptorum, Joannis Petri De Ludewig, Jcti. Nobilis S.R.I. Cancellarii Ducatus Magdeburgici Et Academiae Hallensis ... Publicae Auctionis Lege Finitis Nundinis Lipsiensium Vernalibus 1746 Vendendi / Complectens Theologiae Et Historiae Ecclesiasticae Scriptores

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    Halae Magdeburgicae: Sumtibus Bibliopolii Lüderwaldiani, MDCCXLV. ; Online-Ausgabe, Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2015

    Published in: Catalogus Praestantissimi Thesauri Librorum Typis Vulgatorum, Et Manuscriptorum, Joannis Petri De Ludewig, Jcti. Nobilis S.R.I. Cancellarii Ducatus Magdeburgici Et Academiae Hallensis ... Publicae Auctionis Lege Finitis Nundinis Lipsiensium Vernalibus 1746 Vendendi / Secundum Materias Ordine Digessit, Judicia Illustris Possessoris Adjecit, Suas Etiam Notas Nonnullis Libris Addidit, Et Indicibus Illustravit, M. Joannes David Michaelis. Cum Praefatione Illustris Viri Christiani Wolfii ; 1

  8. Michaelis, Johann David [Author] ; Wolff, Christian von [Writer of preface]; Luederwald, Ernst Matthias [Publisher]; Ludewig, Johann Peter von [Collector]

    Catalogvs Bibliothecae Lvdewigianae Manvscriptae

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    [Halae Magdeburgicae]: [Sumtibus Bibliopolii Lüderwaldiani], [1745] ; Online-Ausgabe, Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2012

    Published in: Catalogvs Bibliothecae Lvdewigianae Manvscriptae ; 5

  9. Quesnel, Pasquier [Author] ; Klemens XI. Papst [Other]; Pfaff, Christoph Matthaeus [Editor]; Cotta, Johann Georg [Publisher]

    Acta Publica Constitutionis Unigenitus A Clemente XI. Pontifice Romano Contra Paschasium Quesnellum Conditæ, Usque Ad Declarationem Regiam Parisiensem, Quæ Silentium Disceptantibus Imposuit

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    Prodiere Tubingæ: sumtibus Jo. Georgii Cottæ, A.C. MDCCXXI. ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2010-2021

  10. Noailles, Louis Antoine de [Author]; Quesnel, Pasquier [Author] ; Klemens XI. Papst [Other]; Pfaff, Christoph Matthaeus [Other]; Cotta, Johann Georg [Author of introduction, etc.]; Cotta, Johann Georg [Publisher] Katholische Kirche

    Nova Editio Actorum Publicorum Constitutionis Unigenitus Clemente XI Nupero Pontifice Romano Contra Paschasium Quesnellum Conditæ Usque Ad Declarationem Regiam Parisiensem, Quæ Silentium Disceptantibus Imposuit : Cui Accessit Instrumentum Illud Novius, Quo Card. Noaillius Cum Episcopis Gallicanis Constitutionem Unigenitus Suis Dilutam Explicationibus Acceptavit

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    Tubingæ: sumptibus Joh. Georgii Cottæ, A. MDCCXXIII. ; Online-Ausgabe, München: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2010

  11. Pain, Oliver [Author]; Hodgson, Karen [Author]; Als, Thomas D. [Author]; Goes, Fernando S. [Author]; Gordon, Scott D. [Author]; Grove, Jakob [Author]; Hall, Lynsey S. [Author]; Hansen, Christine Søholm [Author]; Hansen, Thomas F. [Author]; Herms, Stefan [Author]; Hickie, Ian B. [Author]; Hoffmann, Per [Author]; Homuth, Georg [Author]; Souery, Daniel [Author]; Horn, Carsten [Author]; Hottenga, Jouke-Jan [Author]; Hougaard, David M. [Author]; Howard, David M. [Author]; Ising, Marcus [Author]; Jansen, Rick [Author]; Jones, Ian [Author]; Jones, Lisa A. [Author]; Jorgenson, Eric [Author]; Knowles, James A. [Author]; [...]

    Identifying the Common Genetic Basis of Antidepressant Response

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    Elsevier, 2022

    Published in: Biological psychiatry: global open science 2(2), 115 - 126 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.bpsgos.2021.07.008

  12. Chilton, Bruce; Albani, Matthias; Frey, Jörg; Lange, Armin; Frey, Jorg

    Studies in the Book of Jubilees

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    JSTOR, 2000

    Published in: Journal of the American Oriental Society, 120 (2000) 2, Seite 267

  13. Coleman, Jonathan R. I. [Author]; Gaspar, Héléna A. [Author]; Whitehead Pavlides, Jennifer M. [Author]; Garnham, Julie [Author]; Giambartolomei, Claudia [Author]; Goes, Fernando S. [Author]; Goldstein, Jaqueline [Author]; Gordon, Scott D. [Author]; Gordon-Smith, Katherine [Author]; Green, Elaine K. [Author]; Green, Melissa J. [Author]; Greenwood, Tiffany A. [Author]; Grove, Jakob [Author]; Pers, Tune H. [Author]; Guan, Weihua [Author]; Hall, Lynsey S. [Author]; Hamshere, Marian L. [Author]; Hansen, Christine Søholm [Author]; Hansen, Thomas F. [Author]; Hautzinger, Martin [Author]; Heilbronner, Urs [Author]; van Hemert, Albert M. [Author]; Herms, Stefan [Author]; Hickie, Ian B. [Author]; [...]

    The Genetics of the Mood Disorder Spectrum: Genome-wide Association Analyses of More Than 185,000 Cases and 439,000 Controls

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    Elsevier Science, 2020

    Published in: Biological psychiatry 88(2), P169-184, (2020). doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.10.015

  14. Ludewig, Johann Peter von [Other]; Müller, Johann [Other]; Fries, Lorenz [Other]; Reinhard, Johann [Other]; Brusch, Kaspar [Other]; Serarius, Nikolaus [Other]; Trithemius, Johannes [Other]; Salver, Johann [Illustrator]; Anton Ulrich Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Herzog [Dedicatee]; Fritsch, Thomas [Printer]

    Geschicht-Schreiber von dem Bischoffthum Wirtzburg : Namentlich I Johann Müller, II Lorentz Friese, III Johann Reinhard IV Anonymus, V Caspar Brusch, VI Nic. Serarius, VII Anonymus ex Baluzio, VIII Joh. Trithemius, IX Anonymus

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    Frankfurt: Fritsch, 1713 ; Online-Ausg., Dresden: SLUB, 2012

  15. Andlauer, Till F M [Author]; Guzman-Parra, Jose [Author]; Orozco Diaz, Guillermo [Author]; Freimer, Nelson B [Author]; Frisén, Louise [Author]; Gade, Katrin [Author]; Gage, Diane [Author]; Garnham, Julie [Author]; Giambartolomei, Claudia [Author]; Pedersen, Marianne Giørtz [Author]; Goldstein, Jaqueline [Author]; Gordon, Scott D [Author]; Gordon-Smith, Katherine [Author]; de Diego-Otero, Yolanda [Author]; Green, Elaine K [Author]; Green, Melissa J [Author]; Greenwood, Tiffany A [Author]; Grove, Jakob [Author]; Guan, Weihua [Author]; Parra, José Guzman [Author]; Hamshere, Marian L [Author]; Hautzinger, Martin [Author]; Heilbronner, Urs [Author]; Herms, Stefan [Author]; [...]

    Bipolar multiplex families have an increased burden of common risk variants for psychiatric disorders

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    Macmillan, 2021

    Published in: Molecular psychiatry 26, 1286–1298 (2021). doi:10.1038/s41380-019-0558-2

  16. Hübner, Christoph; Wiehler, Ulrike; Lindner, Stephan G; Beisiegel, Ulrike; Claussen, Matthias; Albani, Michael; Kohlschütter, Alfried

    A Membrane Fluidizing Factor in Sera from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients: Effect on Lymphocyte Membranes of Incubation in Patient and Control Lipoproteins

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1989

    Published in: Pediatric Research, 25 (1989) 6, Seite 656-659

  17. Salver, Johann [Artist] ; Ludewig, Johann Peter von [Other]; Müller, Johann [Other]; Fries, Lorenz [Other]; Reinhard, Johann Paul [Other]; Brusch, Kaspar [Other]; Serarius, Nikolaus [Other]; Baluze, Etienne [Other]; Trithemius, Johannes [Other]; Anton Ulrich Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Herzog [Dedicatee]; Anton Ulrich Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Herzog [Other]; Salver, Johann [Contributor]; Fritsch, Thomas [Printer]

    Geschicht-Schreiber von dem Bischoffthum Wirtzburg : Namentlich I Johann Müller, II Lorentz Friese, III Johann Reinhard, IV Anonymus, V Caspar Brusch, VI Nic. Serarius, VII Anonymus ex Baluzio, VIII Joh. Trithemius, IX Anonymus ; Wobey eine vorbereitung Zu der Fränckischen Historie und die Bildnisse aller Bischöffe

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    Franckfurt: Fritsch, 1713 ; Online-Ausgabe, Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2010

  18. Mullins, Niamh [Author]; Kang, JooEun [Author]; Su, Mei-Hsin [Author]; Bryant, Richard [Author]; Treutlein, Jens [Author]; Dietl, Lydie [Author]; Schwarze, Cornelia E. [Author]; Dahmen, Norbert [Author]; Schott, Björn H. [Author]; Nöthen, Markus M. [Author]; Ripke, Stephan [Author]; Mobascher, Arian [Author]; Rujescu, Dan [Author]; Lieb, Klaus [Author]; Budde, Monika [Author]; Roepke, Stefan [Author]; Schmahl, Christian [Author]; Bohus, Martin [Author]; Rietschel, Marcella [Author]; Crivelli, Silvia [Author]; Dennis, Michelle F. [Author]; Harvey, Phillip D. [Author]; Carter, Bruce W. [Author]; Huffman, Jennifer E. [Author]; [...]

    Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors

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    Elsevier Science, 2022

    Published in: Biological psychiatry 91(3), 313-327 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2021.05.029

  19. Müller, Axel; Goette, Andreas; Perings, Christian; Nägele, Herbert; Konorza, Thomas; Spitzer, Wilhelm; Schulz, Sabine-Susan; von Bary, Christian; Hoffmann, Matthias; Albani, Marco; Sack, Stefan; Niederlöhner, Annegret; Lewalter, Thorsten

    Potential Role of Telemedical Service Centers in Managing Remote Monitoring Data Transmitted Daily by Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: Results of the Early Detection of Cardiovascular Events in Device Patients with Heart Failure (detecT-Pilot) Study

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    Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2013

    Published in: Telemedicine and e-Health, 19 (2013) 6, Seite 460-466

  20. Gao, Yixin; Wang, Ting; Yu, Xinghao; Ferrari, Raffaele; Hernandez, Dena G.; Nalls, Michael A.; Rohrer, Jonathan D.; Ramasamy, Adaikalavan; Kwok, John B. J.; Dobson-Stone, Carol; Brooks, William S.; Schofield, Peter R.; Halliday, Glenda M.; Hodges, John R.; Piguet, Olivier; Bartley, Lauren; Thompson, Elizabeth; Haan, Eric; Hernández, Isabel; Ruiz, Agustín; Boada, Mercè; Borroni, Barbara; Padovani, Alessandro; Cruchaga, Carlos; [...]

    Mendelian randomization implies no direct causal association between leukocyte telomere length and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020

    Published in: Scientific Reports, 10 (2020) 1