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  1. Georgiev, Jasen [Author]; Belčev, Dragomir [Author]; Trifonova, Mariana [Author] ; Deutsch-Bulgarische Industrie- und Handelskammer, Institut za ikonomičeska politika

    Die bulgarische Wirtschaft vor und während der COVID-19-Pandemie: Herausforderungen, Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven im Kontext der Europäischen Union = Bălgarskata ikonomika predi i po vreme na koronavirusnata pandemija: predizikatelstva, vazmožnosti i perspektivi v konteksta na Evropejskija săjuz = The Bulgarian economy before and during the Coronavirus disease pandemic: challenges, opportunities and prospects in the context of the European Union

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    Sofia: Deutsch-Bulgarische Industrie- und Handelskammer (DBIHK), 2020

  2. Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy Professionals from Southeastern Europe and the Black Sea Region 20 2019 Sofia, Institut za ikonomičeska politika

    Summer seminar for young public policy professionals from Southeastern Europe and the Black Sea Region: public policy challenges – European and regional dimensions : written revised versions of the presentations delivered at the XX Edition of the Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy Professionals from Southeastern Europe and the Black Sea Region, held in the period June 3 – 7, 2019 in Albena resort (Bulgaria)

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2019

  3. Georgiev, Jasen [Editor] ; Special Summer Seminar "Exploring Post-COVID Scenarios for Eastern Europe & Bulgaria" 2020 Albena, Institut za ikonomičeska politika

    Special Summer Seminar "Exploring Post-COVID Scenarios for Eastern Europe & Bulgaria" : the Special Summer Seminar "Exploring Post-COVID Scenarios for Eastern Europe & Bulgaria" is an ad hoc initiative of the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), organized in partnership with the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute (BDI) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria with the kind financial support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Commission Representation in Bulgaria and the Austrian Embassy in Sofia : the international forum was held in the period 7-11 September 2020 at Albena Resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2020

  4. Conference on "Tackling Youth Unemployment Central and South Eastern Europe" 2015 Sofia, Institut za ikonomičeska politika, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Büro Bulgarien

    Youth unemployment in Bulgaria and in the Central and South East European countries

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2015

  5. Conference on "The Private Debt in Bulgaria - Trends and Comparisons with EU Member Countries" 2014 Sofia, Institut za ikonomičeska politika, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Büro Bulgarien

    Private indebtedness in Bulgaria - trends and comparisons with Central and South East Europoean countries

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2014

  6. The Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy - Global Macro-Trends: Impacts on CESEE Competitiveness Veranstaltung 2019 Sofia, Institut za ikonomičeska politika, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Büro Bulgarien

    The competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy - global macro-trends: impacts on CESEE competitiveness

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2019

  7. The Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy - Financial Engineering and Financing of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Veranstaltung 2017 Sofia, Institut za ikonomičeska politika, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Büro Bulgarien

    The competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy - financial engineering and financing of small and medium-sized enterprises

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2017

  8. The Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy - The Next EU Challenges in Front of the Bulgarian Economyd Veranstaltung 2014 Sofia, Institut za ikonomičeska politika, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Büro Bulgarien

    The competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy - the next EU challenges in front of the Bulgarian economy

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2015

  9. The Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy - the Service Sector as the Course Ahead Veranstaltung 2010 Sofia, Institut za ikonomičeska politika, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Büro Bulgarien

    The competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy - the service sector as the course ahead

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2010

  10. The Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy - Digital Transformation and Its Implications on the Competiveness of the Bulgarian Economy Veranstaltung 2018 Sofia, Institut za ikonomičeska politika, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Büro Bulgarien

    The competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy - digital transformation and its implications on the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2018

  11. The Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy - Opportunities for Innovations and Smart Specialisation During the 2014 - 2010 Programming Period Veranstaltung 2014 Sofia, Institut za ikonomičeska politika, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung Büro Bulgarien

    The competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy - opportunities for innovations and smart specialisation during the 2014 - 2010 programming period

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    Sofia: Economic Policy Institute, 2014