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  1. Heidt, Timo [Author]; Reiß, Simon [Author]; Krafft, Axel Joachim [Author]; Özen, Ali Caglar [Author]; Lottner, Thomas [Author]; Hehrlein, Christoph [Author]; Galmbacher, Roland [Author]; Kayser, Gian [Author]; Hilgendorf, Ingo [Author]; Stachon, Peter [Author]; Wolf, Dennis [Author]; Zirlik, Andreas [Author]; Düring, Klaus [Author]; Zehender, Manfred Karl-Heinz [Author]; Meckel, Stephan [Author]; Elverfeldt, Dominik von [Author]; Bode, Christoph [Author]; Bock, Michael [Author]; Zur Mühlen, Constantin von [Author]

    Real-time magnetic resonance imaging - guided coronary intervention in a porcine model

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    London: Nature Publishing Group, 2019

    Published in: Scientific reports ; 9, 1 (2019), 8663