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  1. Arlt, Elisabeth [Author]; Fraticelli, Marco [Author]; Tsvilovskyy, Volodymyr [Author]; Nadolni, Wiebke [Author]; Breit, Andreas [Author]; O’Neill, Thomas J. [Author]; Resenberger, Stefanie [Author]; Wennemuth, Gunther [Author]; Wahl-Schott, Christian [Author]; Biel, Martin [Author]; Grimm, Christian [Author]; Freichel, Marc [Author]; Gudermann, Thomas [Author]; Klugbauer, Axel [Author]; Boekhoff, Ingrid [Author]; Zierler, Susanna [Author]

    TPC1 deficiency or blockade augments systemic anaphylaxis and mast cell activity

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    Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 2020

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ; 117, 30 (2020), 18068-18078

  2. Romagnani, Andrea [Author]; Vettore, Valentina [Author]; Rezzonico-Jost, Tanja [Author]; Hampe, Sarah [Author]; Rottoli, Elsa [Author]; Nadolni, Wiebke [Author]; Perotti, Michela [Author]; Meier, Melanie A. [Author]; Hermanns, Constanze [Author]; Geiger, Sheila [Author]; Wennemuth, Gunther [Author]; Recordati, Camilla [Author]; Matsushita, Masayuki [Author]; Mühlich, Susanne [Author]; Proietti, Michele [Author]; Chubanov, Vladimir [Author]; Gudermann, Thomas [Author]; Grassi, Fabio [Author]; Zierler, Susanna [Author]

    TRPM7 kinase activity is essential for T cell colonization and alloreactivity in the gut

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    [London]: Nature Publishing Group UK, 2017

    Published in: Nature Communications ; 8 (2017), 1917

  3. Nadolni, Wiebke; Immler, Roland; Hoelting, Kilian; Fraticelli, Marco; Ripphahn, Myriam; Rothmiller, Simone; Matsushita, Masayuki; Boekhoff, Ingrid; Gudermann, Thomas; Sperandio, Markus; Zierler, Susanna

    TRPM7 Kinase Is Essential for Neutrophil Recruitment and Function via Regulation of Akt/mTOR Signaling

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    Frontiers Media SA, 2021

    Published in: Frontiers in Immunology, 11 (2021)

  4. Hoeger, Birgit; Nadolni, Wiebke; Hampe, Sarah; Hoelting, Kilian; Fraticelli, Marco; Zaborsky, Nadja; Madlmayr, Anna; Sperrer, Viktoria; Fraticelli, Laura; Addington, Lynda; Steinritz, Dirk; Chubanov, Vladimir; Geisberger, Roland; Greil, Richard; Breit, Andreas; Boekhoff, Ingrid; Gudermann, Thomas; Zierler, Susanna

    Inactivation of TRPM7 Kinase Targets AKT Signaling and Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression in Human CML Cells

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2023

    Published in: Function, 4 (2023) 6

  5. Immler, Roland; Nadolni, Wiebke; Bertsch, Annika; Morikis, Vasilios; Rohwedder, Ina; Masgrau-Alsina, Sergi; Schroll, Tobias; Yevtushenko, Anna; Soehnlein, Oliver; Moser, Markus; Gudermann, Thomas; Barnea, Eytan R; Rehberg, Markus; Simon, Scott I; Zierler, Susanna; Pruenster, Monika; Sperandio, Markus

    The voltage-gated potassium channel KV1.3 regulates neutrophil recruitment during inflammation

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2022

    Published in: Cardiovascular Research, 118 (2022) 5, Seite 1289-1302

  6. Voringer, Sandra; Schreyer, Laura; Nadolni, Wiebke; Meier, Melanie A.; Woerther, Katharina; Mittermeier, Constanze; Ferioli, Silvia; Singer, Stephan; Holzer, Kerstin; Zierler, Susanna; Chubanov, Vladimir; Liebl, Bernhard; Gudermann, Thomas; Muehlich, Susanne

    Inhibition of TRPM7 blocks MRTF/SRF-dependent transcriptional and tumorigenic activity

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020

    Published in: Oncogene, 39 (2020) 11, Seite 2328-2344

  7. Arlt, Elisabeth; Fraticelli, Marco; Tsvilovskyy, Volodymyr; Nadolni, Wiebke; Breit, Andreas; O’Neill, Thomas J.; Resenberger, Stefanie; Wennemuth, Gunther; Wahl-Schott, Christian; Biel, Martin; Grimm, Christian; Freichel, Marc; Gudermann, Thomas; Klugbauer, Norbert; Boekhoff, Ingrid; Zierler, Susanna

    TPC1 deficiency or blockade augments systemic anaphylaxis and mast cell activity

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    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (2020) 30, Seite 18068-18078

  8. Arlt, Elisabeth; Fraticelli, Marco; Tsvilovskyy, Volodymyr; Nadolni, Wiebke; Breit, Andreas; O’Neill, Thomas J.; Resenberger, Stefanie; Wennemuth, Gunther; Wahl-Schott, Christian; Biel, Martin; Grimm, Christian; Freichel, Marc; Gudermann, Thomas; Klugbauer, Norbert; Boekhoff, Ingrid; Zierler, Susanna

    TPC1 deficiency or blockade augments systemic anaphylaxis and mast cell activity

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    National Academy of Sciences, 2020

    Published in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (2020) 30, Seite 18068-18078

  9. Romagnani, Andrea; Vettore, Valentina; Rezzonico-Jost, Tanja; Hampe, Sarah; Rottoli, Elsa; Nadolni, Wiebke; Perotti, Michela; Meier, Melanie A.; Hermanns, Constanze; Geiger, Sheila; Wennemuth, Gunther; Recordati, Camilla; Matsushita, Masayuki; Muehlich, Susanne; Proietti, Michele; Chubanov, Vladimir; Gudermann, Thomas; Grassi, Fabio; Zierler, Susanna

    TRPM7 kinase activity is essential for T cell colonization and alloreactivity in the gut

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017

    Published in: Nature Communications, 8 (2017) 1

  10. Monika I. Hollenhorst; Rajender Nandigama; Saskia B. Evers; Igor Gamayun; Noran Abdel Wadood; Alaa Salah; Mario Pieper; Amanda Wyatt; Alexey Stukalov; Anna Gebhardt; Wiebke Nadolni; Wera Burow; Christian Herr; Christoph Beisswenger; Soumya Kusumakshi; Fabien Ectors; Tatjana I. Kichko; Lisa Hübner; Peter Reeh; Antje Munder; Sandra-Maria Wienhold; Martin Witzenrath; Robert Bals; Veit Flockerzi; [...]

    Bitter taste signaling in tracheal epithelial brush cells elicits innate immune responses to bacterial infection

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    Published in: The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 132 (2022) 13

  11. Hollenhorst, Monika I.; Nandigama, Rajender; Evers, Saskia B.; Gamayun, Igor; Abdel Wadood, Noran; Salah, Alaa; Pieper, Mario; Wyatt, Amanda; Stukalov, Alexey; Gebhardt, Anna; Nadolni, Wiebke; Burow, Wera; Herr, Christian; Beisswenger, Christoph; Kusumakshi, Soumya; Ectors, Fabien; Kichko, Tatjana I.; Hübner, Lisa; Reeh, Peter; Munder, Antje; Wienhold, Sandra-Maria; Witzenrath, Martin; Bals, Robert; Flockerzi, Veit; [...]

    Bitter taste signaling in tracheal epithelial brush cells elicits innate immune responses to bacterial infection

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    American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2022

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Investigation, 132 (2022) 13