@misc {TN_libero_mab2,
author = { },
title = { Mnemosyne MnS Supplementum },
publisher = {Brill},
publisher = {: Brill},
isbn = {0169-8958},
isbn = {0026-7074},
keywords = { Monografische Reihe , Griechisch , Literatur , Geschichte , Latein },
year = {1938-},
year = {, teils},
abstract = {Einzelne Bände zugleich Bände von: Studies in archaic and classical Greek song},
abstract = {Das Gesamtwerk gliedert sich teils in d. ungezählten Unterreihen: History and archaeology of classical antiquity; Monographs on Greek and Roman language and literature; Monographs on Greek and Latin language and literature},
address = { Leiden , ; Leiden },
url = { http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2 }
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