%0 Generic
%T Le comte Ory
%A Rossini, Gioachino
%A Metropolitan Opera Chorus
%A Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
%A Scribe, Eugène
%A Sher, Bartlett
%A Halvorson, Gary
%A Benini, Maurizio
%A Simpson, Tyler
%A Degout, Stéphane
%A Yunus, Monica
%A Resmark, Susanne
%A Flórez, Juan Diego
%A Pertusi, Michele
%A DiDonato, Joyce
%A Damrau, Diana
%A Stevenson, Tony
%I The Metropolitan Opera - EMI Records
%K Film
%K DVD-Video
%K Operninszenierung USA 2011
%D P 2012
%X Franz. gesungen. - Untertitel: engl., franz., dt., span., ital. - Bonus: Backstage at the Met with Juan Diego Flórez, Diana Damrau, Joyce DiDonato and others
%X Operninszenierung. USA. 2011
%X Interpr. u.a.: Raimbaud: Stéphane Degout. Alice: Monica Yunus. Ragonde: Susanne Resmark. Le comte Ory: Juan Diego Flórez. Le gouverneur: Michele Pertusi. Isolier: Joyce DiDonato. La comtesse Adèle: Diana Damrau. Courtiers: Tony Stevenson; Tyler Simpson. The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus. Conductor: Maurizio Benini. - Live-Aufn.: 2011
%C The Metropolitan Opera - EMI Records
%C [S.l.]
%U http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2
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