%0 Generic
%T Toys music from the original motion picture soundtrack
%A Wendy and Lisa Musikgruppe
%A Enya
%A Frankie Goes to Hollywood Musikgruppe
%A Migenes, Julia
%A Amos, Tori
%A Williams, Robin
%I Warner Music Germany
%D P 1991
%X Enth.: Winter Reveries. The closing of the year (Main theme). Ebudae. The happy worker. Alsatia's Lullaby. Workers. Let jou and innocence prevail (Instrumental). The general. The mirror song. Battle introduction. Welcome to the pleasuredome. Let yoy and innocence prevail. The closing of the year/Happy Workers.
%C Warner Music Germany
%C Hamburg
%U http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2
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