%0 Book
%T The sunbonnet an American icon in Texas
%A Matheson, Rebecca Jumper
%I Texas Tech University Press
%@ 9780896726659
%@ 0896726657
%K Women's hats History Texas
%K Women's hats Texas History
%K Texas
%K Dame
%K Hut
%K Geschichte
%K Damenhut
%K Haube
%K Sonnenschutz
%D c2009
%X Includes bibliographical references and index
%X Introduction -- Fashionable millinery related to the sunbonnet -- The nineteenth-century sunbonnet -- Twentieth-century transition -- Components of the sunbonnet -- Dress sunbonnets -- Context of twentieth-century work sunbonnets -- Why a sunbonnet? Narrators' reasons -- The sunbonnet and white skin -- Decline (and revival?) of the sunbonnet -- The oral histories -- Afterword: Sunbonnet collection care -- Appendix: Patterns.
%C Texas Tech University Press
%C Lubbock, Tex
%U http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2
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