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  1. Amirabadizadeh, Ahmad; Emami, Seyyed Amir Abbas; Nourbakhsh, Zahra; Sadr, Seyyed Mojtaba Alavi; Baizaee, Seyyed Madhy

    The Structural, Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Properties of Mn2ZrGa1−x Ge x Heusler Alloys: First-Principles Calculations

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018

    Published in: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 31 (2018) 5, Seite 1515-1525

  2. Abbas Emami, Seyyed Amir; Amirabadizadeh, Ahmad; Nourbakhsh, Zahra; Baizaee, Seyyed Madhy; Alavi Sadr, Seyyed Mojtaba

    Study of the Structural, Electronic, Magnetic, and Optical Properties of Mn2ZrGa Full-Heusler Alloy: First-Principles Calculations

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2018

    Published in: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 31 (2018) 1, Seite 127-134

  3. Amirabadizadeh, Ahmad; Abbas Emami, Seyyed Amir; Nourbakhsh, Zahra; Alavi Sadr, Seyyed Mojtaba; Baizaee, Seyyed Madhy

    The Effect of Substitution of As for Ga on the Topological Phase and Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Mn 2 ZrGa Heusler Alloy

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017

    Published in: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 30 (2017) 4, Seite 1035-1049

  4. Amirabadizadeh, Ahmad; Abbas Emami, Seyyed Amir; Nourbakhsh, Zahra; Alavi Sadr, Seyyed Mojtaba; Baizaee, Seyyed Madhy

    Erratum to: The Effect of Substitution of As for Ga on the Topological Phase and Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Mn2ZrGa Heusler Alloy

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2017

    Published in: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 30 (2017) 4, Seite 1051-1051

  5. Asadi, Payman; Zia Ziabari, Seyyed Mahdi; Majdi, Alireza; Vatanparast, Karim; Naseri Alavi, Seyed Ahmad

    Cinnarizine/betahistine combination vs. the respective monotherapies in acute peripheral vertigo: a randomized triple-blind placebo-controlled trial

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 75 (2019) 11, Seite 1513-1519

  6. Goudarzi, Gholamreza; Geravandi, Sahar; Idani, Esmaeil; Hosseini, Seyyed Ahmad; Baneshi, Mohammad Mehdi; Yari, Ahmad Reza; Vosoughi, Mehdi; Dobaradaran, Sina; Shirali, Saeed; Marzooni, Mohammad Bagherian; Ghomeishi, Ali; Alavi, Nadali; Alavi, Seyedeh Shaghayegh; Mohammadi, Mohammad Javad

    An evaluation of hospital admission respiratory disease attributed to sulfur dioxide ambient concentration in Ahvaz from 2011 through 2013

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2016

    Published in: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (2016) 21, Seite 22001-22007

  7. Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza; Salmanian, Maryam; Hooshyari, Zahra; Shakiba, Alia; Alavi, Seyyed Salman; Ahmadi, Ameneh; Khaleghi, Ali; Zarafshan, Hadi; Mostafavi, Seyed Ali; Alaghmand, Anita; Molavi, Parviz; Mahmoudi-Gharaei, Javad; Kamali, Koorosh; Ghanizadeh, Ahmad; Nazari, Hedayat; Sarraf, Nasrin; Ahmadipour, Ahmad; Derakhshanpour, Firoozeh; Riahi, Forough; Golbon, Atieh; Kousha, Maryam; Yazdi, Aazam Sadat Heydari; Shahrbabaki, Mahin Eslami; Motlagh, Naser Hajian; [...]

    Lifetime prevalence, sociodemographic predictors, and comorbidities of oppositional defiant disorder: the National Epidemiology of Iranian Child and Adolescent Psychiatric disorders (IRCAP)

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    Published in: Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 42 (2020) 2, Seite 162-167

  8. Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza; Khaleghi, Ali; Mostafavi, Seyed-Ali; Ahmadi, Nastaran; Kamali, Koorosh; Hooshyari, Zahra; Ahmadi, Ameneh; Fadaei Fooladi, Mahbod; Mohammadzadeh, Soleiman; Hojjat, Seyed Kaveh; Sarraf, Nasrin; Nazaribadie, Marzieh; Farshidfar, Zahra; Mohamadian, Fathola; Sajedi, Zahra; Shahbakhsh, Rahim; Nasiri, Mahdie; Chegeni, Mahboobeh; Rostami, Rohollah; Riasati, Atieh; Shahbazi, Koroush; Roshandel Rad, Mahboubeh; Ghaneian, Mahnaz; Parsamehr, Hosien; [...]

    Gender Determines the Pattern of Correlation between Body Mass Index and Major Depressive Disorder among Children and Adolescents: Results from Iranian Children and Adolescents' Psychiatric Disorders Study

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    Mary Ann Liebert Inc, 2019

    Published in: Childhood Obesity, 15 (2019) 5, Seite 331-337

  9. Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza; Ahmadi, Nastaran; Khaleghi, Ali; Mostafavi, Seyed Ali; Kamali, Koorosh; Rahgozar, Mehdi; Ahmadi, Ameneh; Hooshyari, Zahra; Alavi, Seyyed Salman; Molavi, Parviz; Sarraf, Nasrin; Hojjat, Seyed Kaveh; Mohammadzadeh, Soleiman; Amiri, Shahrokh; Arman, Soroor; Ghanizadeh, Ahmad; Ahmadipour, Ahmad; Ostovar, Rahim; Nazari, Hedayat; Hosseini, Seyed Hamzeh; Golbon, Atieh; Derakhshanpour, Firoozeh; Delpisheh, Ali; Riahi, Forough; [...]

    Prevalence and Correlates of Psychiatric Disorders in a National Survey of Iranian Children and Adolescents

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    Knowledge E, 2019

    Published in: Iranian Journal of Psychiatry (2019)

  10. Mohammad Reza Mohammadi; Nastaran Ahmadi; Ali Khaleghi; Koorosh Kamali; Seyed Ali Mostafavi; Mehdi Rahgozar; Ameneh Ahmadi; Zahra Hooshyari; Seyyed Salman Alavi; Parviz Molavi; Nasrin Sarraf; Seyed Kaveh Hojjat; Soleiman Mohammadzadeh; Shahrokh Amiri; Soroor Arman; Ahmad Ghanizadeh; Ahmad Ahmadipour; Rahim Ostova; Hedayat Nazari; Seyed Hamzeh Hosseini; Atieh Golbon; Firoozeh Derakhshanpour; Ali Delpisheh; Forough Riahi; [...]

    Prevalence and Correlates of Psychiatric Disorders in a National Survey of Iranian Children and Adolescents

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    Published in: Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, 14 (2018) 1, Seite 1-15

  11. Aksu, Funda; Topacoglu, Hakan; Arman, Candan; Atac, Aytul; Tetik, Suleyman; Hasanovic, Aida; Kulenovic, Amela; Mornjakovic, Zakira; Pikula, Branko; Sarac-Hadzihalilovic, Aida; Voljevica, Alma; Bamac, Belgin; Colak, Tuncay; Alemdar, Murat; Dundar, Gulmine; Selekler, Macit; Dincer, Ozgur; Colak, Enis; Ozbek, Aydin; Kilic, Cenk; Kamburoglu, Kivanc; Ozen, Tuncer; Kavak, Vatan; Kirici, Yalcin; [...]

    Poster presentations

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2009

    Published in: Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, 31 (2009) S1, Seite 95-229