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  1. Nyman, Markus [Contributor]; Angelone, Maurizio [Contributor]; Archier, Pascal [Contributor]; Cairns, Keith [Contributor]; Diaz Vizoso, Carlos [Contributor]; Drohé, Jean-Claude [Contributor]; Geslot, Benoit [Contributor]; Kim, DongHwan [Contributor]; Leconte, Pierre [Contributor]; Pettinicchi, Gino [Contributor]; Pillon, Mario [Contributor]; Plompen, Arjan [Contributor]; Spruyt, Hans [Contributor]; Van Bocxstaele, Marleen [Contributor]; Vermeiren, Steven [Contributor]; Wynants, Ruud [Contributor] ; European Commission Joint Research Centre

    Integral experiments in the GELINA target hall - 238U and natCu : description of the first two integral experiments in the GELINA target hall

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    Luxembourg: Publications Office, 2016

  2. Pillon, Mario; Angelone, Maurizio; Moro, Fabio; Kim, Dong Hwan Dani; Nyman, Markus; Plompen, Arjan J. M.

    Integral Benchmark Experiments on a Large Copper Block Using the GELINA Accelerator to Validate natCu Neutron Cross Sections From Different Neutron Cross-Sectional Databases

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2019

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 47 (2019) 6, Seite 2943-2949

  3. Raj, Prasoon; Angelone, Maurizio; Doring, Toralf; Eberhardt, Klaus; Fischer, Ulrich; Klix, Axel; Schwengner, Ronald

    Experimental Assessment of a Flat Sandwich-Like Self-Powered Detector for Nuclear Measurements in ITER Test Blanket Modules

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 65 (2018) 9, Seite 2385-2391

  4. Klix, Axel; Angelone, Maurizio; Fischer, Ulrich; Gehre, Daniel; Kleizer, Gabor; Lyoussi, Abdallah; Ruecker, Tom; Rovni, Istvan; Szalkai, Dora

    Instrumentation for Neutron Flux and Tritium Production Rate Monitoring in the European TBM in ITER

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 42 (2014) 10, Seite 3441-3444

  5. Rollet, Sofia; Angelone, Maurizio; Magrin, Giulio; Marinelli, Marco; Milani, Enrico; Pillon, Mario; Prestopino, Giuseppe; Verona, Claudio; Verona-Rinati, Gianluca

    A Novel Microdosimeter Based Upon Artificial Single Crystal Diamond

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2012

    Published in: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 59 (2012) 5, Seite 2409-2415

  6. Tnoumi, Ali; Angelone, Massimo; Armiento, Giovanna; Caprioli, Raffaela; Crovato, Cinzia; De Cassan, Maurizio; Montereali, Maria Rita; Nardi, Elisa; Parrella, Luisa; Proposito, Marco; Schirone, Antonio; Spaziani, Fabio; Zourarah, Bendahhou

    Heavy metal content and potential ecological risk assessment of sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon National Park (Morocco)

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194 (2022) 5

  7. Tnoumi, Ali; Angelone, Massimo; Armiento, Giovanna; Caprioli, Raffaela; Crovato, Cinzia; De Cassan, Maurizio; Montereali, Maria Rita; Nardi, Elisa; Parrella, Luisa; Proposito, Marco; Spaziani, Fabio; Zourarah, Bendahhou

    Assessment of Trace Metals in Sediments from Khnifiss Lagoon (Tarfaya, Morocco)

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    MDPI AG, 2020

    Published in: Earth, 2 (2020) 1, Seite 16-31

  8. Battaglia, Beatrice; Angelone, Mario; Vera, Elena; Basini, Giuseppina; Bussolati, Simona; Paci, Massimiliano; Del Bue, Maurizio; Aldigeri, Raffaella; Grolli, Stefano; Quintavalla, Fausto; Ramoni, Roberto

    Clinical Effects of the Extract of the Seeds of the Indian Celery—Apium graveolens—In Horses Affected by Chronic Osteoarthritis

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    MDPI AG, 2019

    Published in: Animals, 9 (2019) 8, Seite 585