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  1. Arinze, Francis A. [Other]; Sorrentino, Domenico [Other] ; Katholische Kirche Kongregation für den Gottesdienst und die Sakramentenordnung

    Instruktion "Redemptionis Sacramentum" über einige Dinge bezüglich der heiligsten Eucharistie, die einzuhalten und zu vermeiden sind : 25. März 2004



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    Bonn: Sekretariat der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, 2004

    Published in: Verlautbarungen des Apostolischen Stuhls ; 164

  2. Johannes Paul II. Papst [Author] ; Arinze, Francis A. [Other]; Sorrentino, Domenico [Other] Katholische Kirche Kongregation für den Gottesdienst und die Sakramentenordnung

    Apostolisches Schreiben Mane nobiscum Domine Seiner Heiligkeit Papst Johannes Paul II. an die Bischöfe, den Klerus und an die Gläubigen zum Jahr der Eucharistie Oktober 2004 - Oktober 2005



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    Bonn: Sekretariat der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, 2004

    Published in: Verlautbarungen des Apostolischen Stuhls ; 167

  3. Nwafor, Amuche V.; Umeora, Odidika U.; Ikeotuonye, Arinze C.; Obi, Vitus O.; Adiele, Nnabugwu A.; Iwe, Bobby; Okoroafor, Francis C.; Obi, Chuka

    Assessing aspects of better birth initiatives: a single centre experience

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    Medip Academy, 2024

    Published in: International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 13 (2024) 2, Seite 218-223

  4. Belghasem, Mostafa E.; A’amar, Ousama; Roth, Daniel; Walker, Joshua; Arinze, Nkiruka; Richards, Sean M.; Francis, Jean M.; Salant, David J.; Chitalia, Vipul C.; Bigio, Irving J.

    Towards minimally-invasive, quantitative assessment of chronic kidney disease using optical spectroscopy

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: Scientific Reports, 9 (2019) 1

  5. Walker, Joshua A.; Richards, Sean; Belghasem, Mostafa E.; Arinze, Nkiruka; Yoo, Sung Bok; Tashjian, Joseph Y.; Whelan, Stephen A.; Lee, Norman; Kolachalama, Vijaya B.; Francis, Jean; Ravid, Katya; Sherr, David; Chitalia, Vipul C.

    Temporal and tissue-specific activation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in discrete mouse models of kidney disease

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    Elsevier BV, 2020

    Published in: Kidney International, 97 (2020) 3, Seite 538-550

  6. Belghasem, Mostafa; Roth, Daniel; Richards, Sean; Napolene, Marc Arthur; Walker, Joshua; Yin, Wenqing; Arinze, Nkiruka; Lyle, Chimera; Spencer, Cheryl; Francis, Jean M.; Thompson, Cristal; Andry, Christopher; Whelan, Stephen A.; Lee, Norman; Ravid, Katya; Chitalia, Vipul C.

    Metabolites in a mouse cancer model enhance venous thrombogenicity through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor–tissue factor axis

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    American Society of Hematology, 2019

    Published in: Blood, 134 (2019) 26, Seite 2399-2413

  7. Nkiruka V. Arinze; Wenqing Yin; Saran Lotfollahzadeh; Marc Arthur Napoleon; Sean Richards; Joshua A. Walker; Mostafa Belghasem; Jonathan D. Ravid; Mohamed Hassan Kamel; Stephen A. Whelan; Norman Lee; Jeffrey J. Siracuse; Stephan Anderson; Alik Farber; David Sherr; Jean Francis; Naomi M. Hamburg; Nader Rahimi; Vipul C. Chitalia

    Tryptophan metabolites suppress the Wnt pathway and promote adverse limb events in chronic kidney disease

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    Published in: The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 132 (2022) 1

  8. Arinze, Nkiruka V.; Yin, Wenqing; Lotfollahzadeh, Saran; Napoleon, Marc Arthur; Richards, Sean; Walker, Joshua A.; Belghasem, Mostafa; Ravid, Jonathan D.; Hassan Kamel, Mohamed; Whelan, Stephen A.; Lee, Norman; Siracuse, Jeffrey J.; Anderson, Stephan; Farber, Alik; Sherr, David; Francis, Jean; Hamburg, Naomi M.; Rahimi, Nader; Chitalia, Vipul C.

    Tryptophan metabolites suppress the Wnt pathway and promote adverse limb events in chronic kidney disease

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    American Society for Clinical Investigation, 2022

    Published in: Journal of Clinical Investigation, 132 (2022) 1

  9. Dandachi, Dima; Geiger, Grant; Montgomery, Mary W; Karmen-Tuohy, Savannah; Golzy, Mojgan; Antar, Annukka A R; Llibre, Josep M; Camazine, Maraya; Díaz-De Santiago, Alberto; Carlucci, Philip M; Zacharioudakis, Ioannis M; Rahimian, Joseph; Wanjalla, Celestine N; Slim, Jihad; Arinze, Folasade; Kratz, Ann Marie Porreca; Jones, Joyce L; Patel, Shital M; Kitchell, Ellen; Francis, Adero; Ray, Manoj; Koren, David E; Baddley, John W; Hill, Brannon; [...]

    Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes in a Multicenter Registry of Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Coronavirus Disease 2019

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2021

    Published in: Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73 (2021) 7, Seite e1964-e1972

  10. Minkove, Samuel J.; Geiger, Grant; Llibre, Josep M.; Montgomery, Mary W.; West, Natalie E.; Chida, Natasha M.; Antar, Annukka A. R.; Dandachi, Dima; Weld, Ethel D.; Karmen-Tuohy, Savannah; Carlucci, Philip M.; Zacharioudakis, Ioannis M.; Rahimian, Joseph; Zervou, Fainareti N.; Rebick, Gabriel; Stachel, Anna; Tang, Shini; Ding, Dan; Jones, Joyce L.; Farley, Jason E.; Dooley, Kelly E.; Wilgus, Barbara E.; Sanchez, Michael; Chow, Jeremy; [...]

    Clinical outcomes after IL-6 blockade in patients with COVID-19 and HIV: a case series

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022

    Published in: AIDS Research and Therapy, 19 (2022) 1