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BAM-Publica - Publikationsserver der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), 2013
Ananthabaman, T. R
Asadi, P
Babušková, R
Baranowski, B
Bazytjea, R. I
Bboss, H
Berchtold, K
Bevis, M
Bodó, Z
Bohn, G
Böttcher, R
Chou, Y. T
Chuang, S. Y
Coste, G
Cramer, K. R
Czachor, A
Davydov, A. S
Dayal, B
Dbeybrodt, W
Devaux, P
Dewames, E. E
Dobrosavljević, L
Dzhalilov, S. U
Eckstein, B
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 20, Number 1
Abarenkov, I. V
Abdullaev, G. B
Abdurakhmanova, A. A
Abend, H
Akimov, I. A
Aliev, M. I
Amelinckx, S
Amirkhanov, Eh. I
Antonova, I. M
Asadi, P
Asnin, V. M
Auleytner, J
Bashieov, E. I
Beattie, A. R
Bentsa, V. M
Bilz, H
Blasse, G
Blinowski, J
Blum, W
Bokov, V. A
Bonzel, H. P
Bril, A
Brittain, J. O
Bryzhesta, M. F