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Dresden, 2002
Musketa, Konstanze
Barth, Christiane
Scheidt, Samuel
Händel, Georg Friedrich
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich
Loewe, Carl
Franz, Robert
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Halle (Saale): Stiftung Händel-Haus, 2012
Legler, Claus
Barth, Andreas
Járóka, Tom
Weber, Sebastian
Möckel, Frank
Lapp, Manuel
[Editor]Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie
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Zürich: Froschauer, Christoph d.Ä., 1550
Barth, Dietrich
Schütz, Heinrich
Thiel, Carl
Hoyer, Karl
Weinreis, Heinrich
Brahms, Johannes
Heroldt, Bruno
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Distler, Hugo
Othegraven, August von
Riedel, Carl
Weyrauch, Johannes
Kretzschmar, Hermann
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon
Hofmann, Wolfgang
Kantorei St. Nikolai Leipzig
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Leipzig: Bapst, Valentin d.Ä., 1548
Statius, Publius Papinius
Veenhusen, Johannes
Domitius de Calderiis
[Writer of added commentary];
Morel, Fédéric
[Writer of added commentary];
Bernaerts, Jan
[Writer of added commentary];
Gevaerts, Jean Gaspard
[Writer of added commentary];
Crucé, Emeric
[Writer of added commentary];
Barth, Caspar von
[Writer of added commentary];
Gronovius, Johann Friedrich
[Writer of added commentary];
Lactantius Placidus
[Writer of added commentary]Officina Hackiana Leiden