You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this., 2022-09-30
Sweeney, Ben
Curtarelli, Maurizio
Broughton, Andrea
Aumayr, Christine
Vargas, Oscar
Cabrita, Jorge
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
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Strasbourg: Conseil de l'Europe, [2020]
Weber, Carl Maria von
Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič
Menke, Manfred
Ben, Jorge
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Susato, Tylman
Parker, Jim
Franck, Melchior
Williams, John
Gershwin, George
Willis, Sarah
Willis, Sarah
Davis, Joshua
Bernstorff, Jakob von
[Film director]Berliner Philharmoniker
Page, Don
Gurǎu, Rǎzvan
Craps, Ben
Shepelyansky, Dima
Veneziano, Gabriele
Gibbons, Gary W.
Bena, Iosif
Boer, Jan de
Kurchan, Jorge
Barbon, José
Maldacena, Juan Martín
Papadodimas, Kyriakos
Solodukhin, Sergey
Rivasseau, Vincent
Rosenhaus, Vladimir
Institut des hautes études scientifiques Bures-sur-Yvette
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[Bures-sur-Yvette]: [Institut des hautes études scientifiques (IHÉS)], 2017
Ben-Hur, Oded
Cunningham, Philip A.
Di Segni, Riccardo
Foa, Anna
Forte, Bruno
Francesco Fumagalli, Pier
Giuliani, Massimo
Hoffman, Norbert J.
Hofmann, Norbert J.
Hünermann, Peter
Kasper, Walter
Laras, Giuseppe
Maria Martini, Carlo
Maria Mejía, Jorge
Melloni, Alberto
Sievers, Joseph
Silvestrini, Achille
Zenger, Erich
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New York, NY: Fordham University Press, [2022]
Published in:Abrahamic Dialogues
Sabatini, Francesco Maria
Jimenez-Alfaro, Borja
Jandt, Ute
Chytrý, Milan
Field, Richard
Kessler, Michael
Lenoir, Jonathan
Schrodt, Franziska
Wiser, Susan K.
Arfin Khan, Mohammed A. S.
Attorre, Fabio
Cayuela, Luis
Sanctis, Michele de
Dengler, Jürgen
Haider, Sylvia Simone Rebekka
Hatim, Mohamed Z.
Indreica, Adrian
Jansen, Florian
Pauchard, Aníbal
Peet, Robert K.
Petřík, Petr
Pillar, Valério D.
Sandel, Brody
Schmidt, Marco
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Published in:Nature Communications ; 13(2022), 1, Artikel-ID 4683
Ansen, David
Antin, Eduardo
Belston, Schawn
Bodde, Margaret
Butcher, Pedro
Campbell, Zach
Carr, Jay
Cashill, Robert
Cherchi Usai, Paolo
Cheshire, Godfrey
Cheuk-to, Li
Chikhaoui, Tahar
Ciment, Michel
Clark, Mike
Contis, Angelike
Crisp, Grover
Crowdus, Gary
Dargis, Manohla
Denby, David
Dickstein, Morris
Doros, Dennis
D’Angelo, Mike
Ebert, Roger
Edelstein, David
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Bonsaï Music, 210527
Published in:Bonsaï Music
Hollmann, Samuel Christian
Georg II. Großbritannien, König
Weber, Andreas
Mosheim, Johann Lorenz von
Augusti, Friedrich Albrecht