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Frontiers Research Foundation, 2019
Published in:Frontiers in aging neuroscience 11, 57 (2019). doi:10.3389/fnagi.2019.00057
Theisen, Christian
Rosen, Marlene
Upthegrove, Rachel
Antonucci, Linda A.
Bertolino, Alessandro
Pigoni, Alessandro
Salokangas, Raimo K. R.
Pantelis, Christos
Wood, Stephen J.
Lencer, Rebekka
Falkai, Peter
Hietala, Jarmo
Meisenzahl, Eva
Brambilla, Paolo
Schmidt, André
Andreou, Christina
Borgwardt, Stefan
Osman, Naweed
Schultze-Lutter, Frauke
Koutsouleris, Nikolaos
Lichtenstein, Theresa
Ruhrmann, Stephan
Kambeitz, Joseph
Kambeitz-Ilankovic, Lana
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Elsevier Inc., 2024
Published in:Biological psychiatry / Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging 9(3), 356-366 (2024). doi:10.1016/j.bpsc.2023.11.001
Passiatore, Roberta
Antonucci, Linda A.
Goldman, Aaron L.
Mattay, Venkata S.
Popolizio, Teresa
Rampino, Antonio
Sambataro, Fabio
Selvaggi, Pierluigi
Ulrich, William
Weinberger, Daniel R.
Bertolino, Alessandro
Calhoun, Vince D.
DeRamus, Thomas P.
Pergola, Giulio
Fazio, Leonardo
Stolfa, Giuseppe
Sportelli, Leonardo
Kikidis, Gianluca C.
Blasi, Giuseppe
Chen, Qiang
Dukart, Juergen
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AAAS, 2019
Published in:Science translational medicine 11(481), eaat9223 (2019). doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aat9223
Hoheisel, Linnea
Kambeitz-Ilankovic, Lana
Dwyer, Dominic B.
Bonivento, Carolina
Cabras, Giuseppe
Fabbro, Franco
Garzitto, Marco
Piccin, Sara
Salokangas, Raimo K. R.
Lencer, Rebekka
Brambilla, Paolo
Borgwardt, Stephan
Wood, Stephen J.
Upthegrove, Rachel
Bertolino, Alessandro
Ruhrmann, Stephan
Meisenzahl, Eva
Wenzel, Julian
Koutsouleris, Nikolaos
Fink, Gereon R.
Daun, Silvia
Kambeitz, Joseph
Betz, Linda
Erkens, Anne
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OpenEdition, 2012
Published in:
Studi Francesi (2012) 168 (LVI | III), Seite 547-548
Wierenga, Lara
Doucet, Gaelle E
Dima, Danai
Agartz, Ingrid
Aghajani, Moji
Akudjedu, Theophilus N
Albajes-Eizagirre, Anton
Alnæs, Dag
Alpert, Kathryn I
Andreassen, Ole A
Anticevic, Alan
Asherson, Philip
Banaschewski, Tobias
Bargallo, Nuria
Baumeister, Sarah
Baur-Streubel, Ramona
Bertolino, Alessandro
Bonvino, Aurora
Boomsma, Dorret I
Borgwardt, Stefan
Bourque, Josiane
den Braber, Anouk
Brandeis, Daniel
Breier, Alan