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  1. Wasem, Jürgen [Editor]; Staudt, Susanne [Editor]; Matusiewicz, David [Editor]; Biermann, Janine [Other]; Berstein, Alexander [Other]

    Medizinmanagement : Grundlagen und Praxis

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    Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2013

  2. Reis Silva, Daniel dos [Author] ; Faria Vilela, Antônio C. [Degree supervisor]; Klug, Jeferson Leandro [Degree supervisor]; Bielefeldt, Wagner V. [Degree supervisor]; Franc̜ois, Magda G. [Degree supervisor]; Volkova, Olena [Degree supervisor]; Rafaja, David [Degree supervisor]; Biermann, Horst [Degree supervisor]; Aneziris, Christos [Degree supervisor]; Schwarze, Rüdiger [Degree supervisor] Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    Influence of humid atmosphere on the crystallization behavior of slag systems used in continuous casting of steels - [1. Auflage]

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    Freiberg: Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, [2021]

    Published in: Freiberger Forschungshefte / B ; 400

  3. Fassbinder, Rainer Werner [Other]; Brustellin, Alf [Other]; Sinkel, Bernhard [Other]; Bennent, Heinz [Other]; Biermann, Wolf [Other]; Böll, Heinrich [Other]; Chaniolleau, Caroline [Other]; Ballhaus, Michael [Other]

    Deutschland im Herbst (1 DVD-Video)



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    Leipzig: Kinowelt Home Entertainment, 2008

    Published in: Deutscher Herbst ; deut

  4. Gerlich, Siegfried [Other]; Brecht, Bertolt [Other]; Weill, Kurt [Other]; Eisler, Hanns [Other]; Dessau, Paul [Other]; Biermann, Wolf [Other]; Hagen, Eva-Maria [Performer]; Gramatzki, Thomas [Performer]; Stollenberg, Hubert [Performer]; Spiegel, Hans-Georg [Performer]; Kiehn, Henning [Performer]; Funk, Rüdiger [Performer]; Hagen, Nina [Performer]

    Eva-Maria Hagen singt Brecht : "Joe, mach die Musik von damals nach..." - Eine Hommage zum 100. Geburtstag von Bertold Brecht (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    Hamburg: Hagen-Promotion, 1997

  5. Biermann, Beda [Author] ; Peumann, Bernward [Dedicatee]; Peumann, Bernward [Other]; Gudenus, Christophor. Ignatius de [Censor]; Gudenus, Christophor. Ignatius de [Other]; Wolff, Franciscus Philippus [Censor]; Wolff, Franciscus Philippus [Other]; Servatius Gladbacensis, Abbas [Censor]; Servatius Gladbacensis, Abbas [Other]; Bernwardus Ringelheimii, Abbas [Censor]; Bernwardus Ringelheimii, Abbas [Other]; Hunold, Joan. Christoph [Censor]; Hunold, Joan. Christoph [Other]; Stieffken, Josephus [Censor]; Stieffken, Josephus [Other]; Diederich, Andreas [Censor]; Diederich, Andreas [Other]; Gentis, Dominicus [Censor]; Gentis, Dominicus [Other]; Gobbert, Adolphus [Censor]; Gobbert, Adolphus [Other]; Schweren, Godefridus [Censor]; Schweren, Godefridus [Other]; Preun, Ludovicus [Censor]; Preun, Ludovicus [Other];

    Speculum Catholico-Controversisticum : Brevi, Claro, Ac Simpli Stylo, Repræsentans Communiores Theologiæ Polemicæ Conclusiones, Cum Fundamentalibus Illarum Principiis, Et Quarumcunque Objectionum Solidissimis Resolutionibus, In Gratiam Theologorum Polemica Repetentium Diligenti Studio Elaboratum Et Reverendissimo Ac Perillustri Domino Dn. Bernwardo Sacræ Ac Exemptæ Congregationis Cassino-Bursfeldensis Compræsidi, Abbatiæ Ringelheimensis ... Abbati ... Consecratum

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    Erfordiæ: Hynitzsch, 1731 ; Online-Ausg., Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, 2012

  6. Goclenius, Rudolph [Author]; Goclenius, Rudolph [Praeses]; Stadfeldius, Johannes [Author] ; Wasius, David [Contributor]; Wasius, David [Other]; Biermann, Konrad [Contributor]; Biermann, Konrad [Other]; Egenolff, Paul [Printer]

    THESES PHILOSOPHICAE:|| QVARVM VERITATEM FAVENTE || Deo, ad amussim Logicam,|| Publicâ disputatione in Illustriss. Cattorum Principum Aca-||demiâ, pro supremâ Philosophiae laureâ || consequendâ,|| SUB DIRECTIONE || ... M. RODOLPHI || GOCLENII, Philosophiae Professoris || celeberrimi,|| Pro viribus defendere conabitur || JOANNES STADFELDIUS E` MAN-||derscheidt, Eyflianus.||

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    Marburg: Egenolff, Paul, 1599 ; Online-Ausg., Berlin: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 2014

  7. Meibom, Heinrich [Author] ; Biermann, Martin [Other]; Biermann, Sophia-Heidwig [Other]; Lucius, Jacob [Printer]

    Magnifico & clarissimo viro, Martino Biermanno, Academiae Ivliae Prorectori, Et Sophiae-Heidvvigi Bokeliae, Novis Sponsis

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    Helmaestadii: Lucius, 1590 ; Online-Ausg., Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2009

  8. Biermann, Johann Walter [Author] ; Borwitz und Hartenstein, Margareta von [Honoree]; Tschorn, Christoph [Printer]; Borwitz und Hartenstein, Adam von [Other]; Lucae, Johann [Contributor]; Camerarius, David [Contributor]; Scherffer, Wenzel [Contributor]

    Leichpredigt bey Hoch Adelichem Begräbnüß Der ... Margareta Borwitzin/ geborner Knutin/ Deß ... Herren Adam von Borwitz und Hartenstein/ auf Kunitz ... Landes-Hauptmanns deß Fürsthentums Brieg/ Hertzliebesten Ehegemahlin/ Welche den 13. Aprilis instehenden 1652 Jahrs ... entschlaffen/ und am folgenden 1. May ... allhie bey der Fürstl. SchloßKirchen zur Erden bestattet worden/ Gehalten und auf begehren zum Druck übergeben

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    [Brieg]: [Tschorn], 1652 ; Online-Ausgabe, Gotha: Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, 2022

  9. Biermann, Martin [Author]; Biermann, Martin [Praeses]; Petkum, Johann von [Author] ; Bodin, Jean [Other]; Horn, Konrad [Printer]

    agathu Daimonos.|| DE MAGICIS ACTI=||ONIBVS EXETASIS || SVCCINCTA.|| SENTENTIAE || IOHANNIS BODINI IVRE-||consulti Galli opposita:|| DOCTISSIMO PHILOSOPHANTI-||um consessui In Illustri IVLIA ad disputandum || publicè proposita:|| à || MARTINO BIERMANNO || Ascaniensi:|| Respondente || IOHANNE A PETKVM || Hamburgensi.||

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    Wolfenbüttel: Horn, Konrad, 1590 ; Online-Ausg., Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2012

  10. Biermann, Martin [Author]; Biermann, Martin [Praeses]; Petkum, Johann von [Author] ; Bodin, Jean [Other]; Lucius, Jacob [Printer]

    ... || DE MAGICIS ACTIO=||NIBVS EXETASIS || SVCCINCTA:|| SENTENTIAE || IOHANNIS BODINI IVRE-||consulti Galli opposita:|| DOCTISSIMO PHILOSOPHAN-||tium consessui In illustri Iulia ad dispu-||tandum publicè || proposita:|| à || MARTINO BIERMANNO || Ascaniensi:|| Respondente || IOHANNE A PETKVM || Hamburgensi.||

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    Helmstedt: Lucius, Jakob d.Ä., 1590 ; Online-Ausg., Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2010

  11. Biermann, Martin [Author]; Biermann, Martin [Praeses]; Petkum, Johann von [Author] ; Bodin, Jean [Other]; Lucius, Jacob [Printer]

    ... || DE MAGICIS ACTIO=||NIBVS EXETASIS || SVCCINCTA:|| SENTENTIAE || IOHANNIS BODINI IVRE-||consulti Galli opposita:|| DOCTISSIMO PHILOSOPHAN-||tium consessui In illustri Iulia ad dispu-||tandum publicè || proposita:|| à || MARTINO BIERMANNO || Ascaniensi:|| Respondente || IOHANNE A PETKVM || Hamburgensi.||

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    Helmstedt: Lucius, Jakob d.Ä., 1590 ; Online-Ausg., Halle, Saale: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2010

  12. Kawata, Daisuke [Author]; Kawahara, Hajime [Author]; Gouda, Naoteru [Author]; Secrest, Nathan J [Author]; Kano, Ryouhei [Author]; Kataza, Hirokazu [Author]; Isobe, Naoki [Author]; Ohsawa, Ryou [Author]; Usui, Fumihiko [Author]; Yamada, Yoshiyuki [Author]; Graham, Alister W [Author]; Pettitt, Alex R [Author]; Asada, Hideki [Author]; Baba, Junichi [Author]; Bekki, Kenji [Author]; Dorland, Bryan N [Author]; Fujii, Michiko [Author]; Fukui, Akihiko [Author]; Hattori, Kohei [Author]; Hirano, Teruyuki [Author]; Kamizuka, Takafumi [Author]; Kashima, Shingo [Author]; Kawanaka, Norita [Author]; Kawashima, Yui [Author]; [...]

    JASMINE : Near-infrared astrometry and time-series photometry science

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    June 2024

    Published in: Nihon Tenmon Gakkai: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan ; 76(2024), 3 vom: Juni, Seite 386-425

  13. Schloßmacher, Norbert [Editor]; Arens, Detlef [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Bettermann, Silke [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Cobb Biermann, Joanna [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Bodsch, Ingrid [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Haberl, Dieter [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Heckes, Pia [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Kämpken, Nicole [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Knopp, Gisbert [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Ladenburger, Michael [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Leiverkus, Yvonne [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Loos, Helmut [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Mülhens-Molderings, Barbara [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Ronge, Julia [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Wilson, John David David [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Reisinger, Elisabeth [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Schloßmacher, Norbert [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Wolfshohl, Alexander [Writer of supplementary textual content]

    Beethoven: Die Bonner Jahre - [1. Auflage. Auflage]

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    Göttingen: Böhlau Verlag Köln, 2020

  14. Heckes, Pia [Author] ; Bettermann, Silke [Other]; Reisinger, Elisabeth [Other]; Leiverkus, Yvonne [Other]; Ronge, Julia [Other]; Arens, Detlef [Other]; Bodsch, Ingrid [Other]; Kämpken, Nicole [Other]; Wolfshohl, Alexander [Other]; Knopp, Gisbert [Other]; Wilson, John David David [Other]; Haberl, Dieter [Other]; Loos, Helmut [Other]; Ladenburger, Michael [Other]; Schloßmacher, Norbert [Other]; Cobb Biermann, Joanna [Other]; Mülhens-Molderings, Barbara [Other]; Schloßmacher, Norbert [Editor]

    Beethoven : Die Bonner Jahre (Edition 1)

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    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar]: [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], 2020

  15. Karl V. Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser [Other]; Hadrian VI. Papst [Other]; Friedrich II. Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser [Other]; Ferdinand I. Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser [Other]; Maximilian II. Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser [Other]; Wicelius, Georgius [Contributor]; Biermann, Conrad [Printer]; Biermann, Nikolaus [Printer]

    Simonia Curiae Romanae : Invictiss. Carolo V. Caesare Augusto A Reverendiß. & Sereniß. S. Rom. Imp. Electoribus, Illustrißimisq[ue] Principibus Comitiis Norinbergensibus Anno MDXXII. Oratori Pontificio proposita. Ab iisdem in oppositis Concilio Tridentino Gravaminibus summatim repetiva visa dignissima - [Quae Reverendiß. & Sererniß. S. Imp. Electoribus Celsiß. Principibus, Caeterisque Ordinibus nova hac editione in memoriam revocarentur ; Olim cum gratia & Imperiali privilegio Norinbergae edita, nunc recusa]

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    Francofurti: Prostans in Bibliopolio Biermanniano, 1612 ; Online-Ausg., Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2018

  16. Heckes, Pia [Author]; Bettermann, Silke [Author]; Reisinger, Elisabeth [Author]; Leiverkus, Yvonne [Author]; Ronge, Julia [Author]; Arens, Detlef [Author]; Bodsch, Ingrid [Author]; Kämpken, Nicole [Author]; Wolfshohl, Alexander [Author]; Knopp, Gisbert [Author]; Wilson, John David David [Author]; Haberl, Dieter [Author]; Loos, Helmut [Author]; Ladenburger, Michael [Author]; Schloßmacher, Norbert [Author]; Cobb Biermann, Joanna [Author]; Mülhens-Molderings, Barbara [Author] ; Schloßmacher, Norbert [Editor]

    Beethoven : Die Bonner Jahre (Edition 1)

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    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar], 2020

  17. David, P. [Author]; Biermann, Michael [Author]; Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L. [Author]; Bastian, Ulrich [Author]; Gracia-Abril, Gonzalo [Author]; Altmann, Martin [Author]; Jamal, Sara [Author]; Jordan, Stefan [Author]; Löffler, Wolfgang [Author]; Balog, Zoltan [Author]; Juaristi Campillo, Jon [Author]; Rix, Hans-Walter [Author]; Sagristà Sellés, Antoni [Author]

    Gaia focused product release : asteroid orbital solution : properties and assessment

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    December 2023

    Published in: Astronomy and astrophysics ; 680(2023) vom: Dez., Artikel-ID A37, Seite 1-24