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  1. Krijnen, Job [Author] ; Ülkümen, Gülden [Other]; Bogard, Jon [Other]; Fox, Craig R. [Other]

    Lay Beliefs about Changes in Financial Well-being Predict Political and Policy Message Preferences

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2020]

  2. Even-Tov, Omri [Author]; Huang, Kanyuan (Kevin) [Author]; Trueman, Brett [Author]; Bogard, Jon [Author]; Goldstein, Noah J. [Author]

    Sharing Names and Sharing Information : Incidental Similarities between CEOS and Analysts Can Lead to Favoritism in Information Disclosure

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2023]

  3. Milkman, Katherine L. [Author]; Patel, Mitesh S. [Author]; Gandhi, Linnea [Author]; Graci, Heather [Author]; Gromet, Dena [Author]; Ho, Hung [Author]; Kay, Joseph [Author]; Lee, Timothy [Author]; Bogard, Jon [Author]; Brody, Ilana [Author]; Chabris, Christopher [Author]; Chang, Edward [Author]; Chapman, Gretchen B. [Author]; Dannals, Jennifer [Author]; Goldstein, Noah J. [Author]; Goren, Amir [Author]; Hershfield, Hal [Author]; Hirsch, Alex [Author]; Hmurovic, Jillian [Author]; Horn, Samantha [Author]; Karlan, Dean [Author]; Kristal, Ariella [Author]; Lamberton, Cait [Author]; Meyer, Michelle N. [Author]; [...]

    A Mega-Study of Text-Message Nudges Encouraging Patients to Get Vaccinated at their Pharmacy

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    [S.l.]: SSRN, [2021]

  4. Cressatti, Marisa; Pinilla-Monsalve, Gabriel D.; Blais, Mathieu; Normandeau, Catherine P.; Degroot, Clotilde; Kathol, Iris; Bogard, Sarah; Bendas, Anna; Camicioli, Richard; Dupré, Nicolas; Gan-Or, Ziv; Grimes, David A.; Kalia, Lorraine V.; MacDonald, Penny A.; McKeown, Martin J.; Martino, Davide; Miyasaki, Janis M.; Schlossmacher, Michael G.; Stoessl, A. Jon; Strafella, Antonio P.; Fon, Edward A.; Monchi, Oury

    Advancing Parkinson’s Disease Research in Canada: The Canadian Open Parkinson Network (C-OPN) Cohort

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    IOS Press, 2024

    Published in: Journal of Parkinson's Disease, 14 (2024) 7, Seite 1481-1494