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I. Kant State University Press, 2011
Abramova, G. M
Arakelyan, V. S
Aresti, A
Aseev, A. L
Ashwell, G. J
Avakyan, A. A
Bannykh, L. N
Baumer, A
Berdowski, J
Bernède, J. C
Bhaedwaj, R. P
Bhattacharya, R. S
Blaszkiewicz, M
Bogdanski, P
Bolotov, I. E
Borimskii, V. V
Boulesteix, C
Carin, R
Carter, C. B
Chabai, A
Chojcan, J
Chudinov, V. G
Colinet, C
Da Jornada, J . A. H
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 80, Number 1 ; A
Akhmetov, V. D
Alonso, J. A
Anagnostopoulos, A. N
Anderson, W. A
Aristov, V. V
Bacmajstn, M
Bapna, M. S
Bezmaternykh, L. N
Bkeitenstein, O
Bkudnyi, V. N
Blaise, A
Blumtritt, H
Bolotov, I. E
Bolotov, V. V
Borisenko, V. E
Brozel, M. R
Caetek, J. C
Chandra, S
Charan, A. S
Chaudhuri, A. K
Choit, A. C
Chomka, W
Cocks, H. F
Coleman, C. F
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 72, Number 2 ; A
Abdel-Salam, F
Abreu, R. A
Akhmetov, V. D
Alaverdova, O. G
Alcala, R
Allen, J. G
Amelinckx, S
Apostolov, A
Arshan, Bhaktd
Ashwell, G. J
Avgerinos, N
Bakret, P
Berenshtein, G. V
Bikbaev, V. B
Blaszczak, Z
Boehnke, O
Bolotov, V. V
Bočánek, L
Brückner, H.-P
Brückner, W
Buschow, K. H. J
Bätheb, K.-H
Campbell, S. J
Chaplin, D. H
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 75, Number 2 ; A
Abdelmohsen, N
Abou El Ela, A. H
Aitikeeva, T. D
Akhmetov, V. D
Amelinckx, S
Andreeva, A. V
Antonopoulos, J. G
Arnold, Z
Bachmann, K. J
Badb, Y
Bahadur, H
Baizakov, B. B
Bashkirov, L. A
Baumvol, I. J. R
Bhatnaoak, P. K
Bleris, G. L
Bolotov, V. V
Broeder, F. J. A. den
Bunge, H. J
Campos, J
Chapman, J. N
Chudinov, V. G
De Ridder, R
De Schepper, L
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 67, Number 1 ; A
Aczel, O. F. G
Akhmetov, V. D
Alperovich, V. L
Amelinckx, S
Antonov, V. E
Askerov, I. M
Ayiera, M
Babu, M. V
Bagirzade, E. F
Banerjee, R
Bara, J. J
Bartuska, P
Barua, A. K
Belash, I. T
Benloucif, R. M
Bernède, J.-C
Bindemann, R
Bolotov, V. V
Bzinkovskaya, I. S
Castaño, J. L
Chakrabarty, D. K
Cristoloveanu, S
Dragan, M
Driver, J. H
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 65, Number 1 ; A
Abdeen, A
Abell, J
Akhmetov, V
Aleksandrova, I
Aly, A
Ambrozhevich, A
Aoki, Y
Atzrodt, V
Awad, S
Badr, Y
Bangert, H
Belobrova, I
Bhat, P
Board, K
Bobchert, E
Bolotov, V
Bonnafe, J
Bräunig, D
Bulyarskh, S
Buschow, K
Castagne, M
Cerro, J
Chandra, B
Chandraker, T
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Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
Published in:Physica status solidi ; Volume 72, Number 1 ; A
Aarna, H. A
Abdelmohsen, N
Abdullaeva, S. G
Abou El Ela, A. H
Ahmed, M. A
Ahmed, S
Aliev, V. A
Amelinckx, S
Amitin, L. N
Andreev, G. A
Apostolov, A
Archangelskii, G. E
Arnold, G
Arntson, K. S
Aronov, D. A
Bauer, C. L
Baźela, W
Below, E
Benedetti, A
Bhan, S
Blagoveshchenskii, V. V
Blasse, G
Blythe, H. J
Blüthner, K