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Therwil: Hat Hut Records, c 1992
Waakirchen: Oreos, 1993
[S.l.]: Leo Records, P 1998
London: Leo Records, c 1966
Therwil: Hat Hut, P 1997
[S.l.]: Krém, P 1985
Richmond, Virginia: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, [2021]
[S.l.]: SSRN, [2021]
Music and Arts Programs of America, 240117
Hat Hut Records, 000101
Hat Hut Records, 840411
Hat Hut Records, 090101
Music and Arts Programs of America, 950101
Music and Arts Programs of America, 940101
New Albion Records, 080529
Music and Arts Programs of America, 080124
Music and Arts Programs of America, 080626
Music and Arts Programs of America, 920101
Hat Hut Records, 200804
Hat Hut Records, 200819