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  1. Bronkhorst, Hans Jakob von [Other]

    Gründliche Deduction, Was die Evangelisch-Reformirte Kirche Auf der dem Reichs-Frey-Herrn von Milendonck Zuständigen Reichs-freyen Herrlichkeit Hörstgen Und das Consistorium daselbst Vor- in- und nach dem Jahre 1624. vor Gerechtigkeit besessen und exerciret habe

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    [S.l.], [ca. 1747]

  2. Ptolemaeus, Claudius [Author] ; Bronkhorst, Jan van [Editor]; Remunde, Johann von [Printer]

    CL. PTOLE||MAEI ALEXANDRINI || PHILOSOPHI ET MATHEMA||tici praestantissimi libri VIII. de || Geographia è Graeco denuo || traducti.|| Nominibus Graecis è regione appositis, at#[que] in in-||dicem quam locupletissimum redactis nun-||quam antea uisa commoditate simili:|| IOANNIS NOVIO-||MAGI opera.|| Nunc primum in lucem editi.||

    Köln: Johann von Remunde, 1540

  3. Agricola, Rudolf [Author] ; Bronkhorst, Jan van [Editor]; Alardus Aemstelredamus [Editor]; Phrissemius, Johannes Matthaeus [Other]; Lorichius, Reinhardus [Other]

    Rodolphi Agricolae ... De inventione dialectica libri omnes



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    Coloniae Agrippinae: Fabricius, 1563

  4. Agricola, Rudolf [Author] ; Alardus Aemstelredamus [Editor]; Bronkhorst, Jan van [Editor]; Phrissemius, Johannes Matthaeus [Other]; Lorichius, Reinhardus [Other]

    Rodolphi Agricolae Phrisii De Inventione Dialectica Libri Omnes Integri & recogniti iuxta autographi : nuper Alardi Amstelredami opera in lucem educti fidem, atque doctißimis scholiis illustrati, Ioannis Phrissemij, Alardi Amstelredami, Reinardi Hadamarij; Quorum scholia exactissimo iudicio contulit ac congessit Ioannes Nouiomagus



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    Coloniae: Martinus Gymnicus, 1548

  5. Georgius Trapezuntius [Author] ; Bronkhorst, Jan van [Other]; Latomus, Bartholomaeus [Other]; Valla, Giorgio [Other]; Mosellanus, Petrus [Other]

    De re dialectica liber



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    Lugduni: Seb. Gryphii, 1549

  6. Montias, John Michael [Author] ; Vermeer van Delft, Jan [Illustrator]; Bronkhorst, Hans [Other]

    Vermeer en zijn milieu



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    Baarn: de Prom, 1993

  7. Spuler, Bertold [Editor]; Soldt, Wilfred Hugo van [Editor]; O'Fahey, R. S. [Editor]; Altenmüller, Hartwig [Editor]; Sinor, Denis [Editor]; Fierro, Maribel [Editor]; Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü [Editor]; Holod, Renata [Editor]; Ruggles, D. Fairchild [Editor]; Schwarz, Florian [Editor]; Bronkhorst, Johannes [Editor]; Di Cosmo, Nicola [Editor]; Sartori, Paolo [Editor]; ʿĀlam, Muẓaffar [Other]; Jacobsen, Knut A. [Other]; Arps, Ben [Other]; Weeden, Mark [Other]

    Handbook of Oriental studies = Handbuch der Orientalistik



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    Leiden [u.a.]: Brill, 1948- ; Praha: Norodni Muzeum, Bd. 1,38

  8. Gregorius Nyssenus [Author] ; Leunclavius, Johannes [Editor]; Crusius, Martin [Contributor]; Oporinus, Johannes [Printer]

    GRĒGORIU TU NYSSĒS || episkopu thaumastē biblos, peri ka-||taskeuēs anthrōpu. || OPVS ADMIRANDVM || GREGORII || NYSSENI ANTISTITIS,|| DE HOMINIS OPI-||FICIO:|| Interprete IOHANNE LEVVENKLAIO:|| Annotationibus etiam neces-||sarijs additis.|| ... ||

    Basel: Oporinus, Johann, 1567

  9. Junius, Hadrianus [Author] ; Agricola, Rudolf [Other]; Sturm, Johannes [Other]; Siber, Adam [Editor]

    NOMENCLATORIS || HADRIANI || IVNII || Epitome.|| RECOGNITA ET || AVCTA.|| Adiunctis.|| NEANISCIS I.S.|| Et || De Formandis studijs Sententia || RHODOLPHI AGRICOLAE.|| ... ||

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    Leipzig: Rambau, Hans d.Ä., 1575

  10. Pasor, Georg [Author] ; Götz, Andreas [Editor] Moritz Georg Weidmann II. Erben

    Georgii Pasoris, Græcæ Linguæ Prof. olim Publ. in Acad. Franeq. celeberrimi, Manvale Novi Testamenti : Praeter Indicem Anomalorvm Et Difficiliorvm Vocabulorvm, Libellvmqve De Accentibvs, Indice Latino Instrvctissimo Recens Avctvm, ... Et Omissa Vocabvla Addidit Andreas Goetzivs Norimbergensis



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    Lipsiae: Weidmann, 1748