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Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Assoc., 2014
Urry, Lisa A.
Cain, MichaelL.
Wasserman, Steven A.
Minorsky, Peter V.
Reece, Jane B.
Campbell, Neil A.
Weber, Wolf-Michael
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München: Pearson, [2021]
Urry, Lisa A.
Cain, MichaelL.
Wasserman, Steven A.
Minorsky, Peter V.
Reece, Jane B.
Pearson Studium
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München: Pearson, 2023
Published in:Pearson
Campbell, Neil A.
Urry, Lisa A.
Cain, MichaelL.
Wasserman, Steven A.
Minorsky, Peter V.
Orr, Rebecca B.
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Harlow: Pearson, [2021]
Campbell, Neil A.
Urry, Lisa A.
Cain, MichaelL.
Wasserman, Steven A.
Minorsky, Peter V.
Reece, Jane B.
Paululat, Achim
Heinisch, Jürgen J.
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Hallbergmoos: Pearson, [2019]
Published in:bio - Biologie
Campbell, Neil A.
Urry, Lisa A.
Cain, MichaelL.
Wasserman, Steven A.
Minorsky, Peter V.
Reece, Jane B.
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New York, NY: Pearson, [2018]
Campbell, Neil A.
Reece, Jane B.
Urry, Lisa A.
Cain, MichaelL.
Wasserman, Steven A.
Minorsky, Peter V.
Jackson, Robert
Wasserman, Steven A.
Jackson, Robert
Heinisch, Jürgen J.
Paululat, Achim
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Hallbergmoos/Germany: Pearson, [2016]
Published in:Always learning
Campbell, Neil A.
Urry, Lisa A.
Cain, MichaelL.
Wasserman, Steven A.
Minorsky, Peter V.
Reece, Jane B.
Paululat, Achim
Heinisch, Jürgen J.
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München: Pearson Studium, [2019]
Published in:Studium Biologie
Bartels, Larry M.
Burstein, Paul
Cain, Bruce E.
Dahl, Robert A.
Derthick, Martha
Edelman, Murray
Gillman, Howard
Hacker, Jacob S.
Hansen, John Mark
Hayes, Danny
Herzog, Don
Kinder, Donald R.
Klarman, Michael J.
Mayhew, David R.
McDonald, Michael P.
McKee, Seth C.
Nelson, Michael
Norrander, Barbara
Persily, Nathaniel
Pierson, Paul
Rosenberg, Gerald N.
Schlozman, Kay Lehman
Soberg Shugart, Matthew
Stiglitz, Joseph
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Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, [2022]
White, Christine
Kinross, Kathryn M.
Moore, Molly K.
Rasouli, Elnaz
Strong, Robyn
Jones, Janelle M.
Cain, Jason E.
Sturm, Dominik
Sahm, Felix
Jones, David T. W.
Pfister, Stefan
Robertson, Thomas
D'Arcy, Colleen
Rodriguez, MichaelL.
Dyke, Jason M.
Junckerstorff, Reimar
Bhuva, Dharmesh D.
Davis, Melissa J.
Wood, Paul
Hassall, Tim
Ziegler, David S.
Kellie, Stewart
McCowage, Geoffrey
Alvaro, Frank
Straparola, Giovanni Francesco
Basile, Giambattista
Perrault, Charles
Tieck, Ludwig
Speckter, Otto