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[S.l.]: Globe, 1994
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
Hazelzet, Wilbert
Stuurop, Alda
Clark, Kate
Ogg, Jacques
Meer, Richte van der
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Castricum: Klaas Posthuma Productions, P 1996
Greenaway, Peter
Shakespeare, William
Gielgud, John
Clark, Michael
Blanc, Michel
Josephson, Erland
Pasco, Isabelle
Nyman, Michael
Greenaway, Peter
[Film director];
Gielgud, John
Clark, Michael
Blanc, Michel
Josephson, Erland
Pasco, Isabelle
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Postdam-Babelsberg: FilmConfect Home Entertainment, [2013]
Greenaway, Peter
Gielgud, John
Clark, Michael
Blanc, Michel
Vierny, Sacha
Nyman, Michael
Shakespeare, William
Chappell, Sophie Grace
Callicott, J. Baird
Chappell, Timothy
Clark, Stephen R. L.
Haldane, John
Hepburn, Ronald W.
Jamieson, Dale
Midgley, Mary
Rawles, Kate
Rolston, Holmes
Sprigge, Timothy L. S.
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Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, [2022]
Nicholson, Amy
Berkowitz, Evan
Bulava, John
Cheng Chang, Chia
Clark, Kate
Hanlon, Andrew
Hoerz, Ben
Howarth, Dean
Koerber, Christopher
Lee, Wayne Tai
Meyer, Aaron
Monge-Camacho, Henry
Morningstar, Colin
Rinaldi, Enrico
Vranas, Pavlos
Walker-Loud, André