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  1. Kubrick, Stanley [Other]; Douglas, Kirk [Other]; Meeker, Ralph [Other]; Menjou, Adolphe [Other]; Wolf, Josef [Adapter]; Cobb, Humphrey [Other]; Fried, Gerald [Other]; Krause, Georg [Other]

    Wege zum Ruhm (1 Videokassette [VHS])



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    [S.l.]: Harris-Kubrick Pictures, 1957

  2. Alfred, Roy Komponist; Berlin, Irving Komponist; Carpenter, Charles Komponist; Clayton, Buck Komponist; Cobb, Arnett Komponist; Cohn, Chester Komponist; Dunlap, Louis Komponist; Ellington, Duke Komponist; Gibson, Andy Komponist; Hall, Skippa Komponist; Hines, Earl Komponist; Hubbell, Raymond Komponist; Kahn, Gus Komponist; Krupa, Gene Komponist; McKenzie, Red Komponist; McShann, Jay Komponist; Miller, Bernie Komponist; Ramey, Mary Komponist ; Humphrey Lyttelton Band

    CLAYTON, Buck / HUMPHREY LYTTELTON BAND: Vrai Buck Clayton (Le)

    Sound Recordings
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    Lake Records, 180917

    Published in: Lake Records

  3. Patel, Pious D; Cobb, Jared; Wright, Deidre; Turer, Robert W; Jordan, Tiffany; Humphrey, Amber; Kepner, Adrienne L; Smith, Gaye; Rosenbloom, S Trent

    Rapid development of telehealth capabilities within pediatric patient portal infrastructure for COVID-19 care: barriers, solutions, results

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    Oxford University Press (OUP), 2020

    Published in: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27 (2020) 7, Seite 1116-1120

  4. Walsh, John A.; Cobb, Peter J.; de Fremery, Wayne; Golub, Koraljka; Keah, Humphrey; Kim, Jeonghyun; Kiplang'at, Joseph; Liu, Ying‐Hsang; Mahony, Simon; Oh, Sam G.; Sula, Chris Alen; Underwood, Ted; Wang, Xiaoguang

    Digital humanities in the iSchool

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    Wiley, 2022

    Published in: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73 (2022) 2, Seite 188-203