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  1. Collins, Samuel [Author]; Manley, Roger [Author] ; Desbarres, Antoine [Translator]; Desbarres, Antoine [Other]

    Relation curieuse de l'estat présent de la Russie



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    Paris: Barbin, 1679

  2. Rice, Tim [Other]; Lloyd Webber, Andrew [Other]; Osmond, Donny [Other]; Attenborough, Richard [Other]; Collins, Joan [Other]

    Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat (1 Videokassette)



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    Hamburg: Universal Pictures Germany GmbH, 1999 ; [S.l.]: The Really Useful Group [Orig.-Prod.], 1999

    Published in: Klassiker unter den Familienmusicals

  3. Collins, Wilkie [Author]; Berger, Francesco [Composer]; Marriott, Charles Handel Rand [Composer]; Carpenter, Joseph Edwards [Author]; Glover, Charles William [Composer]; Burnot, Walter [Composer]; Burnot, Walter [Author]; Richardson, G. [Composer]; Coote, Charles [Composer]; Fitzball, Edward [Author]; Rodwell, G. Herbert [Composer]; Planché, James R. [Author]; Cooke, Thomas Simpson [Composer]; Nairne, Carolina Oliphant [Author]; Gow, Niel [Composer]; Williams, Barney [Author]; Tyte, M. [Composer]; Florence, William J. [Composer]; Florence, William J. [Author]; Foster, Stephen Collins [Composer]; Foster, Stephen Collins [Author]; Dibdin, Charles [Composer]; Dibdin, Charles [Author]; Scott, Walter [Author]; [...] ; Atlas, Allan W. [Editor]

    A Wilkie Collins Songbook - Partitur

    Notated Music


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    Middleton, Wisconsin: A-R Editions, Inc., [2023]

    Published in: Recent researches in the music of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries ; 88

  4. Proch, Heinrich [Composer]; Flotow, Friedrich von [Composer]; Moore, Thomas [Lyricist]; Verdi, Giuseppe [Composer]; Gounod, Charles [Composer]; Bizet, Georges [Composer]; Bishop, Henry Rowley [Composer]; Shakespeare, William [Lyricist]; Payne, John Howard [Lyricist]; Meyerbeer, Giacomo [Composer]; Foster, Stephen Collins [Composer]; Benedict, Julius [Composer] ; Galli-Curci, Amelita [Singer]; Barone, Clement [Instrumentalist]; Berenguer, Manuel [Instrumentalist]; Samuels, Homer [Instrumentalist]

    The art of Galli-Curci (1 Schallplatte)

    Sound Recordings


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    USA: Radio Corporation of America (R.C.A), [1961] ; London: RCA Records, [1961]

  5. Eisler, Hanns [Composer]; Brecht, Bertolt [Lyricist]; Šneerson, Grigorij M. [Composer]; Beethoven, Ludwig van [Composer]; Reissig, Christian Ludwig [Lyricist]; Grant, … [Lyricist]; Spiker, Samuel Heinrich [Lyricist]; Dunaevskij, Isaak Osipovič [Composer]; Lebedev-Kumač, Vasilij I. [Lyricist]; Meyer, Ernst Hermann [Composer]; Fürnberg, Louis [Lyricist]; Becher, Johannes Robert [Lyricist]; Bezymenskij, Aleksandr I. [Lyricist]; Schinkel, Helmut [Lyricist]; Busch, Ernst [Lyricist]; Ott, Alexander [Lyricist]; Licht, Ernst [Composer]; Groth, Klaus [Lyricist]; Dessau, Paul [Composer]; Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold [Lyricist]; Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim [Lyricist]; Tucholsky, Kurt [Lyricist]; Foster, Stephen Collins [Composer]; Kirstein, … [Lyricist]; ; Eisler, Hanns [Conductor]; Busch, Ernst [Singer]; Schöner, Sonja [Singer]; Dobrindt, Otto [Conductor]; Mielenz, Hans [Conductor]; Guhl, Adolf Fritz [Conductor]; Goehr, Walter [Conductor]; Görgen, Martin [Conductor]; Görgen, Martin [Instrumentalist]; Schröder, Felix [Instrumentalist] Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin Chor

    No, Susanna : Busch in Originalaufnahmen nach 1945 (1 Schallplatte)

    Sound Recordings


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    Berlin DDR: VEB Deutsche Schallplatten, [1986]

    Published in: Aurora ; 6

  6. Saint-Saëns, Camille [Composer]; Bach, Johann Sebastian [Composer]; Schubert, Franz [Composer]; Gershwin, George [Composer]; Piazzolla, Astor [Composer]; Morrison, Van [Composer]; Mancini, Henry [Composer]; Foster, Stephen Collins [Composer]; Bernstein, Leonard [Composer]; Clifton, Lucille [Author]; Whitman, Walt [Author]; Cooper, James Fenimore [Author]; Twain, Mark [Author]; Thurber, James [Author] ; Murray, Bill [Actor]; Vogler, Jan [Instrumentalist]; Wang, Mira [Instrumentalist]; Perez, Vanessa [Instrumentalist]

    New worlds (1 CD)

    Sound Recordings


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    [Santa Monica]: UMG Recordings, Inc., [2017]

    Published in: Decca Gold

  7. Gardner, Samuel [Other]; Godowsky, Leopold [Other]; Berlin, Irving [Other]; Gershwin, George [Other]; Dyer, Susan H. [Other]; Debussy, Claude [Other]; Vale, Flausino Rodrigues [Other]; Aguirre, Julián [Other]; Šostakovič, Dmitrij Dmitrievič [Other]; Grasse, Edwin [Other]; Prokofʹev, Sergej Sergeevič [Other]; Benjamin, Arthur [Other]; Bennett, Robert Russell [Other]; Weill, Kurt [Other]; Čajkovskij, Pëtr Ilʹič [Other]; Chopin, Frédéric [Other]; Gluck, Christoph Willibald [Other]; Schumann, Robert [Other]; Ravel, Maurice [Other]; White, Clarence Cameron [Other]; Rossini, Gioachino [Other]; Foster, Stephen Collins [Other]; Herbert, Victor [Other]; Dvořák, Antonín [Other]; [...] ; Camarata and His Orchestra, Victor Young and His Orchestra

    It ain't necessarily so : Heifetz - legendary classic and jazz studio takes (2 CDs)

    Sound Recordings


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    Hamburg: Deutsche Grammophon, P 2006

    Published in: Original masters

  8. Sanderson, William Sir [Author] ; Collins, Samuel [Other]

    An answer to a scurrilous pamphlet intituled, Observations upon a compleat history of the lives and reignes of Mary, Queen of Scotland, and of her son, King James : the libeller, without a name, set out by G. Bedell and T. Collins, two booksellers

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    London: Printed for the author, and are to be sold by George Sawbridge, and Richard Tomlins, 1656 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  9. Collins, Samuel [Author]

    Prudenter, piè, prosperè : a sermon preach'd at Tamworth on the second of December 1697, being the thanksgiving day for His Majesty's safe return, and for the happy and honourable peace

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    London: Printed by F. Collins for Tho. Guy, 1698 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  10. Collins, Samuel [Author]

    A systeme of anatomy, treating of the body of man, beasts, birds, fish, insects, and plants : illustrated with many schemes, consisting of variety of elegant figures, drawn from the life, and engraven in seventy four folio copper-plates. And after every part of man's body hath been anatomically described, its diseases, cases, and cures are concisely exhibited. The first volume containing the parts of the lowest apartiments of the body of man and other animals, etc

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    In the Savoy [London]: Printed by Thomas Newcomb, MDCLXXV [1685] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  11. Collins, Samuel [Author] ; Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo Saint [Other]

    Epphata to F.T., or, The defence of the Right Reuerend Father in God, the Lord Bishop of Elie, Lord High-Almoner, and Priuie Counsellour to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie : concerning his answer to Cardinal Bellarmines apologie, against the slanderous cauills of a namelesse adioyner, entitling his booke in euery page of it, A discouerie of many foule absurdities, falsities, lyes, &c. : wherein these things chiefely are discussed, (besides many other incident), 1. The popes false primacie, clayming by Peter, 2. Invocation of saints, with worship of creatures, and faith in them, 3. The supremacie of kings, both in temporall and ecclesiasticall matters and causes, ouer all states and persons, &c. within their realmes and dominions

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    London: Printed for Hugh Perry, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Harrow in Brittaines bursse, 1628 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  12. Collins, Samuel [Author] ; Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo Saint [Other]

    Epphata to F.T., or, The defence of the Right Reuerend Father in God, the Lord Bishop of Elie, Lord High-Almoner and Priuie Counsellour to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie : concerning his answer to Cardinall Bellarmines apologie, against the slaunderous cauills of a namelesse adioyner, entitling his booke in euery page of it, A discouerie of many fowle absurdities, falsities, lyes, &c. : wherein these things cheifely are discussed, (besides many other incident), 1. The popes false primacie, clayming by Peter, 2. Invocation of saints, with worship of creatures, and faith in them, 3. The supremacie of kings both in temporall and ecclesiasticall matters and causes, ouer all states and persons, &c. within their realmes and dominions

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    [Cambridge, England]: Printed by Cantrell Legge, printer to the Vniversitie of Cambridge, [1628? i.e. 1617] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  13. Collins, Samuel [Author]

    Increpatio Andreae Eudæmono-Iohannis Iesuitae, de infami Parallelo : et, renouata assertio Torturae Torti, pro clarissimo domino atque antistite Eliensi. Auctore Samuele Collino, Etonensi, sacrae, theologiae Doctore, Reverendissimo patri, ac domino, D. Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi, 'a sacris

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    [Cambridge]: Excudebat Cantrellus Legge, inclytae Academiae Cantabrigiensis typographus, Anno salutis M.DC.XII. [1612] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  14. Collins, Samuel [Author]

    Increpatio Andreæ Eudæmono-Iohannis Iesuitæ, de infami Parallelo : et, renouata assertio Torturæ Torti, pro clarissimo domino atque antistite Eliensi. Auctore Samuele Collino, Etonensi, sacræ, theologiæ Doctore. Reverendissimo patri, ac domino, D. Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi, 'a sacris

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    [Cambridge]: Excudebat Cantrellus Legge, inclytæ Academiæ Cantabrigiensis typographus, Anno salutis M.DC.XII. [1612] ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  15. Collins, Samuel [Author]

    A sermon preached at Paules-Crosse, vpon the 1. of Nouember, being All-Saints Day, anno 1607. By Sa: Collins, Batchelour in Diuinitie, and fellow of the Kings Colledge in Cambridge

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    At London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes, for Richard Bonian, dwelling at the signe of the spread Eagle, right ouer against the great north dore of S. Pauls Church, 1607 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO