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  1. Aczel, Balazs [Author]; Szaszi, Barnabas [Author]; Nilsonne, Gustav [Author]; Akker, Olmo R. van den [Author]; Albers, Casper J. [Author]; Alm van Assen, Marcel [Author]; Bastiaansen, Jojanneke A. [Author]; Benjamin, Daniel [Author]; Boehm, Udo [Author]; Botvinik-Nezer, Rotem [Author]; Bringmann, Laura F. [Author]; Busch, Niko A. [Author]; Caruyer, Emmanuel [Author]; Cataldo, Andrea M. [Author]; Cowan, Nelson [Author]; Delios, Andrew [Author]; Dongen, Noah N. N. van [Author]; Donkin, Chris [Author]; Doorn, Johnny B. van [Author]; Dreber, Anna [Author]; Dutilh, Gilles [Author]; Egan, Gary F. [Author]; Gernsbacher, Morton Ann [Author]; Hoekstra, Rink [Author]; [...]

    Science Forum: Consensus-based guidance for conducting and reporting multi-analyst studies

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    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2021-01-01

    Published in: eLife