Skip to contents Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto III : per clavicembalo e archi, for harpsichord and strings; (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2008 Published in: Hors série ; 124A,2008 Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto I per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 122 Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto II per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 123 Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto IV per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 125 Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto V per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 126 Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto VI per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 127 Scarlatti, Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] La maniera italiana : parte terza = The italian manner = La manière italienne (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 2004 Published in: Scarlatti, Domenico: Complete sonatas. ; 7 Händel, Georg Friedrich [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Suites de pièces pour le clavecin / 2 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. [S.l.]: Arts Music, P 2004 Published in: Suites de pièces pour le clavecin / George Friederic Händel ; 2 Händel, Georg Friedrich [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Suites de pièces pour le clavecin / 1 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. [S.l.]: Arts Music, P 2004 Published in: Suites de pièces pour le clavecin / George Friederic Händel ; 1 Scarlatti, Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Essercizi per gravicembalo (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 2002 Published in: Scarlatti, Domenico: Complete sonatas. ; 8 Scarlatti, Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] La maniera italiana : parte seconda (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 2001 Published in: Scarlatti, Domenico: Complete sonatas. ; 4 Scarlatti, Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] La maniera sonatas = The Italian manner = La manière italienne (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 2000 Published in: Scarlatti, Domenico: Complete sonatas. ; 2 Paradies, Pietro Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Le sonate di gravicembalo / 2 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 1997 Published in: Le sonate di gravicembalo / Pietro Domenico Paradies ; 2 Paradies, Pietro Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Le sonate di gravicembalo / 1 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. P 1996 Published in: Le sonate di gravicembalo / Pietro Domenico Paradies ; 1 Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Bagliano, Stefano [Performer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Sonatas for recorder and obligato harpsicord BWV 527, 529, 1030, 1032 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Genova: Dynamic, c 1994 Published in: Musica antica Vivaldi, Antonio [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer]; Piau, Sandrine [Performer]; Montanari, Stefano [Performer] Accademia Bizantina In furore, Laudate pueri e concerti sacri (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. [S.l.]: Na͏ïve, c 2006 Published in: Vivaldi, Antonio: Musica sacra. ; 5.2006 - Tesori del Piemonte ; 31 Marcello, Benedetto [Author] ; Balestracci, Sergio [Performer]; Mosca, Antonio [Performer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Suonate a flauto solo con il suo basso continuo per violoncello o cembalo, op. 2, Venezia 1712 : Volume I = Le Sonate per flauto diritto = Complete Sonatas for recorder = Les Sonatas pour flûte à bec (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 1996 Cesti, Antonio [Composer]; Apolloni, Giovanni Filippo [Librettist] ; Ascioti, Francesca [Singer]; Baráth, Emőke [Singer]; Lombardi Mazzulli, Francesca [Singer]; Enticknap, Rupert [Singer]; Sacchi, Federico [Singer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Conductor] Accademia Bizantina, Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik 43. 2019 Innsbruck La Dori - overo Lo schiavo reggio : tragikomische Oper in drei Akten (2 CDs mit Beiheft in Schuber) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Georgsmarienhütte: Cpo, [2020] Händel, Georg Friedrich [Other]; Albinoni, Tomaso [Other]; Lotti, Antonio [Other]; Scarlatti, Alessandro [Other]; Porpora, Nicola [Other]; Scholl, Andreas [Performer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] ; Accademia Bizantina Arias for Senesino (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. [S.l.]: Decca, 2005 Sarti, Giuseppe [Author]; Giovannini, Pietro [Author] ; Prina, Sonia [Performer]; Monti, Elena [Performer]; Filianoti, Giuseppe [Performer]; Palomba, Alessandra [Performer]; Lombardi, Donatella [Performer]; Dilčeva, Kremena [Performer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer]; Barker, Richard [Performer] Accademia Bizantina Giulio Sabino : dramma per musica in tre atti di Pietro Giovannini (2 CD in Box) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Bongiovanni, [ca. 2000]
Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto III : per clavicembalo e archi, for harpsichord and strings; (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2008 Published in: Hors série ; 124A,2008
Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto I per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 122
Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto II per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 123
Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto IV per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 125
Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto V per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 126
Scarlatti, Alessandro [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Editor] Concerto VI per clavicembalo e archi : (London, British Library, ms. Add. 32431) - Partitur Notated Music Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Ut Orpheus, 2004 Published in: Hors série ; 127
Scarlatti, Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] La maniera italiana : parte terza = The italian manner = La manière italienne (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 2004 Published in: Scarlatti, Domenico: Complete sonatas. ; 7
Händel, Georg Friedrich [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Suites de pièces pour le clavecin / 2 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. [S.l.]: Arts Music, P 2004 Published in: Suites de pièces pour le clavecin / George Friederic Händel ; 2
Händel, Georg Friedrich [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Suites de pièces pour le clavecin / 1 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. [S.l.]: Arts Music, P 2004 Published in: Suites de pièces pour le clavecin / George Friederic Händel ; 1
Scarlatti, Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Essercizi per gravicembalo (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 2002 Published in: Scarlatti, Domenico: Complete sonatas. ; 8
Scarlatti, Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] La maniera italiana : parte seconda (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 2001 Published in: Scarlatti, Domenico: Complete sonatas. ; 4
Scarlatti, Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] La maniera sonatas = The Italian manner = La manière italienne (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 2000 Published in: Scarlatti, Domenico: Complete sonatas. ; 2
Paradies, Pietro Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Le sonate di gravicembalo / 2 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 1997 Published in: Le sonate di gravicembalo / Pietro Domenico Paradies ; 2
Paradies, Pietro Domenico [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Le sonate di gravicembalo / 1 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. P 1996 Published in: Le sonate di gravicembalo / Pietro Domenico Paradies ; 1
Bach, Johann Sebastian [Author] ; Bagliano, Stefano [Performer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Sonatas for recorder and obligato harpsicord BWV 527, 529, 1030, 1032 (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Genova: Dynamic, c 1994 Published in: Musica antica
Vivaldi, Antonio [Author] ; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer]; Piau, Sandrine [Performer]; Montanari, Stefano [Performer] Accademia Bizantina In furore, Laudate pueri e concerti sacri (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. [S.l.]: Na͏ïve, c 2006 Published in: Vivaldi, Antonio: Musica sacra. ; 5.2006 - Tesori del Piemonte ; 31
Marcello, Benedetto [Author] ; Balestracci, Sergio [Performer]; Mosca, Antonio [Performer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] Suonate a flauto solo con il suo basso continuo per violoncello o cembalo, op. 2, Venezia 1712 : Volume I = Le Sonate per flauto diritto = Complete Sonatas for recorder = Les Sonatas pour flûte à bec (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Milano: Stradivarius, P 1996
Cesti, Antonio [Composer]; Apolloni, Giovanni Filippo [Librettist] ; Ascioti, Francesca [Singer]; Baráth, Emőke [Singer]; Lombardi Mazzulli, Francesca [Singer]; Enticknap, Rupert [Singer]; Sacchi, Federico [Singer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Conductor] Accademia Bizantina, Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik 43. 2019 Innsbruck La Dori - overo Lo schiavo reggio : tragikomische Oper in drei Akten (2 CDs mit Beiheft in Schuber) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Georgsmarienhütte: Cpo, [2020]
Händel, Georg Friedrich [Other]; Albinoni, Tomaso [Other]; Lotti, Antonio [Other]; Scarlatti, Alessandro [Other]; Porpora, Nicola [Other]; Scholl, Andreas [Performer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer] ; Accademia Bizantina Arias for Senesino (1 CD) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. [S.l.]: Decca, 2005
Sarti, Giuseppe [Author]; Giovannini, Pietro [Author] ; Prina, Sonia [Performer]; Monti, Elena [Performer]; Filianoti, Giuseppe [Performer]; Palomba, Alessandra [Performer]; Lombardi, Donatella [Performer]; Dilčeva, Kremena [Performer]; Dantone, Ottavio [Performer]; Barker, Richard [Performer] Accademia Bizantina Giulio Sabino : dramma per musica in tre atti di Pietro Giovannini (2 CD in Box) Sound Recordings Close > Bookmarks You can manage bookmarks using lists, please log in to your user account for this. Bologna: Bongiovanni, [ca. 2000]
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