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  1. Clarke, John [Author] ; Dugard, William [Other]

    Phraseologia puerilis Anglo-Latina, in usum tirocinii scholastici, or, Selected Latine and English phrases : wherein the puritie and proprietie of both languages are expressed : very usefull for young Latinists, to prevent barbarisms, and bald Latine-making, and to initiate them in speaking and writing elegantly in both languages - [The second edition with som useful additions]

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    London: Printed by William Du-gard for Francis Eglesfield, 1650 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  2. Clarke, John [Author] ; Dugard, William [Other]

    Phraseologia puerilis Anglo-Latina. In usum tirocinii scholastici. Or, selected Latine and English phrases : wherein the puritie and proprietie of both languages are expressed. Very usefull for young Latinists, to prevent barbarisms, and bald Latine-making, and to initiate them in speaking and writing elegantly in both languages. The second edition with som useful additions.Recognized by W. Du-gard late master of Merchant-Tailors School - [The second edition with som useful additions]

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    London: printed by William Du-gard for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at the Marie gold in Paul's Church-yard, 1650 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  3. Dugard, William [Author] ; Dawks, Ichabod [Printer]; Dawks, A [Printer]; Churchill, Awnsham [Other]; Churchill, John [Other]

    The English rudiments of the Latin tongue. Explained by question and answer : Which are so formed, that a child, omitting altogether the questions, may learn only the answers, and be fully instructed in the rudiments of the Latin tongue

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    London: Printed by A. and I. Dawks, for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster Row, 1693 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  4. Comenius, Johann Amos [Author] ; Robotham, John [Other]; Horne, Thomas [Other]; Dugard, William [Other]; G. P [Other]

    Janua linguarum reserata: sive, Omnium scientiarum & linguarum seminarium : id est, compendiosa Latinam & Anglicam, aliasque linguas & artium etiam fundamenta addiscendi methodus, unà cum Januae Latinitatis vestibulo = The gate of languages unlocked, or, A seed-plot of all arts and tongues, containing a ready way to learn the Latin and English tongue : afterwards much corrected and amended by Joh. Robotham : now carefully reviewed by W.D. to which is premised a portal : as also there is now newly added, the foundation to the Janua, containing all or the chief primitives of the Latin tongue, drawn into sentences, in an alphabetical order, by G.P

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    London: Printed by E. Cotes, for the Company of Stationers, 1664 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  5. Comenius, Johann Amos [Author] ; Robotham, John [Other]; Horne, Thomas [Other]; Dugard, William [Other]; G. P [Other]

    Janua linguarum reserata: sive, Omnium scientiarum & linguarum seminarium : id est, compendiosa latinam & anglicam, aliasque linguas & artium etiam fundamenta addiscendi methodus; unà cum Januae latinitatis vestibulo = The gate of languages unlocked: or, a seed-plot of all arts and tongues; containing a ready way to learn the Latine [sic] and English tongue

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    London: Printed by Edw. Griffin, and Wil. Hunt, for Thomas Slater, 1652 ; Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999

    Published in: Early English Books Online / EEBO

  6. Dugard, John

    Cornelius van Bynkershoek, A Treatise on the Law of War. Translated from the original Latin of Cornelius van Bynkershoek, being The First Book of his Quaestiones Juris Publici, with notes by Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, Clark, NJ, The Lawbook Exchange Ltd, 2008, 218pp., ISBN-13 9781584775669, $95.00/€63.84

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    Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2010

    Published in: Leiden Journal of International Law, 23 (2010) 1, Seite 269-271

  7. Dugard, John

    Raymond Tucker (1932-2004)

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    Informa UK Limited, 2004

    Published in: South African Journal on Human Rights, 20 (2004) 4, Seite 507-510