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  1. Bánhegyi, Viktor [Author]; Enyedi, Attila [Author]; Fülöp, Gábor Áron [Author]; Oláh, Attila [Author]; Siket, Ivetta Mányiné [Author]; Váradi, Csongor [Author]; Bottyán, Klaudia [Author]; Lódi, Mária [Author]; Csongrádi, Alexandra [Author]; Umar, Azeem J. [Author]; Fagyas, Miklós [Author]; Czuriga, Dániel [Author]; Édes, István [Author]; Pólos, Miklós [Author]; Merkely, Béla [Author]; Csanádi, Zoltán [Author]; Papp, Zoltán [Author]; Szabó, Gábor [Author]; Radovits, Tamás [Author]; Takács, István [Author]; Tóth, Attila [Author]

    Human tissue Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) activity is regulated by genetic polymorphisms, posttranslational modifications, endogenous inhibitors and secretion in the serum, lungs and heart

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    Published in: Cells ; 10(2021), 7, Artikel-ID 1708, Seite 1-13

  2. Fagyas, Miklós [Author]; Bánhegyi, Viktor [Author]; Úri, Katalin [Author]; Enyedi, Attila [Author]; Lizanecz, Erzsébet [Author]; Mányiné, Ivetta Siket [Author]; Mártha, Lilla [Author]; Fülöp, Gábor Áron [Author]; Radovits, Tamás [Author]; Pólos, Miklós [Author]; Merkely, Béla [Author]; Kovács, Árpád [Author]; Szilvássy, Zoltán [Author]; Ungvári, Zoltán [Author]; Édes, István [Author]; Csanádi, Zoltán [Author]; Boczán, Judit [Author]; Takács, István [Author]; Szabó, Gábor [Author]; Balla, József [Author]; Balla, György [Author]; Seferović, Petar M. [Author]; Papp, Zoltán [Author]; Tóth, Attila [Author]

    Changes in the SARS-CoV-2 cellular receptor ACE2 levels in cardiovascular patients : a potential biomarker for the stratification of COVID-19 patients

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    Published in: GeroScience ; 43(2021), 5, Seite 2289-2304

  3. Matyasovszky, István; Makra, László; Csépe, Zoltán; Deák, Áron József; Pál-Molnár, Elemér; Fülöp, Andrea; Tusnády, Gábor

    A new approach used to explore associations of current Ambrosia pollen levels with current and past meteorological elements

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2015

    Published in: International Journal of Biometeorology, 59 (2015) 9, Seite 1179-1188

  4. Fülöp, Gábor Áron; Lakatos, Bálint; Ruppert, Mihály; Kovács, Attila; Juhász, Vencel; Dér, Gábor; Tállay, András; Vágó, Hajnalka; Kiss, Boldizsár; Merkely, Béla; Zima, Endre

    A Case Series of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection in Elite Athletes

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    MDPI AG, 2022

    Published in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (2022) 21, Seite 13798

  5. Kulyassa, Péter Márton; Németh, Balázs Tamás; Ehrenberger, Réka; Ruzsa, Zoltán; Szűk, Tibor; Fülöp, Gábor Áron; Becker, Dávid; Merkely, Béla; Édes, István Ferenc

    Radiálisartéria-hemosztázis: korábbi gyakorlat, aktualitások

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    Cardiologia Hungarica, 2023

    Published in: Cardiologia Hungarica, 53 (2023) 1, Seite 20-28

  6. Nagy, Bettina; Kiss, Boldizsár; Pál-Jakab, Ádám; Fülöp, Gábor Áron; Perge, Péter; Straub, Éva; Németh, Marianna; Kovács, Enikő; Merkely, Béla; Zima, Endre

    Hirtelen szívhalál, újraélesztés a European Resuscitation Council 2021-es ajánlása tükrében

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    Cardiologia Hungarica, 2022

    Published in: Cardiologia Hungarica, 52 (2022) 3, Seite 239-245

  7. Molnár, Andrea Ágnes; Nádasy, György László; Dörnyei, Gabriella; Patai, Bernadett Bettina; Delfavero, Jordan; Fülöp, Gábor Áron; Kirkpatrick, Angelia C.; Ungvári, Zoltán; Merkely, Béla

    The aging venous system: from varicosities to vascular cognitive impairment

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: GeroScience, 43 (2021) 6, Seite 2761-2784

  8. Csipo, Tamas; Fulop, Gabor Aron; Lipecz, Agnes; Tarantini, Stefano; Hand, Rachel; Ngo, Bich‐Thy; Dzialendzik, Mikita; Balasubramanian, Priya; Kiss, Tamas; Yabluchanska, Valeriya; Csiszar, Anna; Ungvari, Zoltan; Yabluchanskiy, Andriy

    Age‐related Peripheral Vascular Dysfunction Predicts Cognitive Decline in Healthy Individuals

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    Wiley, 2019

    Published in: The FASEB Journal, 33 (2019) S1

  9. Vecsernyes, Miklos; Szokol, Miklos; Bombicz, Mariann; Priksz, Daniel; Gesztelyi, Rudolf; Fulop, Gabor Aron; Varga, Balazs; Juhasz, Bela; Haines, David; Tosaki, Arpad

    Alpha–Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone Induces Vasodilation and Exerts Cardioprotection Through the Heme-Oxygenase Pathway in Rat Hearts

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    Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health), 2017

    Published in: Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 69 (2017) 5, Seite 286-297

  10. Nagy, László; Gödény, Ildikó; Nánási, Péter; Leskó, Ádám; Balogh, László; Bánhegyi, Viktor; Bódi, Beáta; Csípő, Tamás; Csongrádi, Alexandra; Fülöp, Gábor Áron; Kovács, Árpád; Lódi, Mária; Papp, Zoltán

    A szív pozitív inotróp támogatása a miozin-aktivátor hatású omecamtiv mecarbil segítségével

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    Cardiologia Hungarica, 2017

    Published in: Cardiologia Hungarica, 47 (2017) 2, Seite 145-152

  11. Csipo, Tamas; Kovacs, Arpad; Fulop, Gabor Aron; Kovacs, Andrea; Bodi, Beata; Juhasz, Bela; Priksz, Daniel; Granzier, Henk; Edes, Istvan; Papp, Zoltan; Barta, Judit; Toth, Attila

    Renin Overexpression Leads to Increased Titin‐Based Stiffness Contributing to Diastolic Dysfunction in Hypertensive mRen2 Rats

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    Wiley, 2016

    Published in: The FASEB Journal, 30 (2016) S1

  12. Csipo, Tamas; Fulop, Gabor Aron; Bodi, Beata; Fagyas, Miklos; Priksz, Daniel; Juhasz, Bela; Beke, Livia; Hendrik, Zoltan; Mehes, Gabor; Olah, Attila; Radovits, Tamas; Merkely, Bela; Granzier, Henk; Papp, Zoltan; Judit, Barta; Toth, Attila; Kovacs, Arpad

    Appearance of Local Abnormalities of Left Ventricular Contraction on Top of Global Diastolic Dysfunction in the Hypertensive mRen2 Rat

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    Wiley, 2017

    Published in: The FASEB Journal, 31 (2017) S1

  13. Lódi, Mária; Priksz, Dániel; Fülöp, Gábor Áron; Bódi, Beáta; Gyöngyösi, Alexandra; Nagy, Lilla; Kovács, Árpád; Kertész, Attila Béla; Kocsis, Judit; Édes, István; Csanádi, Zoltán; Czuriga, István; Kisvárday, Zoltán; Juhász, Béla; Lekli, István; Bai, Péter; Tóth, Attila; Papp, Zoltán; Czuriga, Dániel

    Advantages of prophylactic versus conventionally scheduled heart failure therapy in an experimental model of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2019

    Published in: Journal of Translational Medicine, 17 (2019) 1

  14. Fagyas, Miklós; Bánhegyi, Viktor; Úri, Katalin; Enyedi, Attila; Lizanecz, Erzsébet; Mányiné, Ivetta Siket; Mártha, Lilla; Fülöp, Gábor Áron; Radovits, Tamás; Pólos, Miklós; Merkely, Béla; Kovács, Árpád; Szilvássy, Zoltán; Ungvári, Zoltán; Édes, István; Csanádi, Zoltán; Boczán, Judit; Takács, István; Szabó, Gábor; Balla, József; Balla, György; Seferovic, Petar; Papp, Zoltán; Tóth, Attila

    Changes in the SARS-CoV-2 cellular receptor ACE2 levels in cardiovascular patients: a potential biomarker for the stratification of COVID-19 patients

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2021

    Published in: GeroScience, 43 (2021) 5, Seite 2289-2304

  15. Bánhegyi, Viktor; Enyedi, Attila; Fülöp, Gábor Áron; Oláh, Attila; Siket, Ivetta Mányiné; Váradi, Csongor; Bottyán, Klaudia; Lódi, Mária; Csongrádi, Alexandra; Umar, Azeem J.; Fagyas, Miklós; Czuriga, Dániel; Édes, István; Pólos, Miklós; Merkely, Béla; Csanádi, Zoltán; Papp, Zoltán; Szabó, Gábor; Radovits, Tamás; Takács, István; Tóth, Attila

    Human Tissue Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Activity Is Regulated by Genetic Polymorphisms, Posttranslational Modifications, Endogenous Inhibitors and Secretion in the Serum, Lungs and Heart

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    MDPI AG, 2021

    Published in: Cells, 10 (2021) 7, Seite 1708

  16. Merkely, Béla; Szabó, Attila J.; Kosztin, Annamária; Berényi, Ervin; Sebestyén, Andor; Lengyel, Csaba; Merkely, Gergő; Karády, Júlia; Várkonyi, István; Papp, Csaba; Miseta, Attila; Betlehem, József; Burián, Katalin; Csóka, Ildikó; Vásárhelyi, Barna; Ludwig, Endre; Prinz, Gyula; Sinkó, János; Hankó, Balázs; Varga, Péter; Fülöp, Gábor Áron; Mag, Kornélia; Vokó, Zoltán

    Novel coronavirus epidemic in the Hungarian population, a cross-sectional nationwide survey to support the exit policy in Hungary

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2020

    Published in: GeroScience, 42 (2020) 4, Seite 1063-1074