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  1. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Composer] ; Faber, Rudolf [Editor]

    Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke / Werkgruppe 5, Opern und Singspiele : Serie 2, Bühnenwerke, Bd. 19 : Die Zauberflöte, Kritische Berichte : Die Zauberflöte / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ; herausgegeben von Rudolf Faber

    Notated Music


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    Kassel; Basel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 2006

    Published in: Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In Verb. mit d. Mozartstädten Augsburg, Salzburg u. Wien hrsg. von d. Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg. [Ed.-Ltg.: Wolfgang Plath ...] ; 5,19,2

  2. Kramer, Johann Georg Heinrich [Author] ; Trew, Christoph Jacob [Other]; Thomasius, Gottfried [Other]; Faber, Johann Franz [Other]; Monath, Peter Konrad [Printer]

    Joannis Georgii Henrici Krameri, Philosophiae ac Medicinae Doctoris, Proto-Medici Caesarei castrensis, Dissertatio Epistolica De Scorbuto Ad ... Christophorum Jacobum Trew, Medicinae Doctorem

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    Norimbergae: Monath, 1737

  3. Dondorff, Christoph [Author]; Plaz, Georg Christoph [Author]; Steger, Adrian [Author] ; Schmid, Christian Gottfried [Other]; Roman, Franz Wilhelm [Other]; Rivinus, August Florens [Other]; Faber, Johannes Balthasar [Other]; Drewer, Christian Heinrich [Other]

    Pro-Cancellarius d. Christoph Dondorff ... promotionem doctoralem septem iuris utriusque licentiandorum indicat et ad eandem D. IV. Decembr. An. MDCCXXVII. Celebrandam Lectorem benevolum ea, qua par est, animi contestatione invitat



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    [Leipzig], 1727

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  4. Dondorff, Christoph [Author] ; Plaz, Georg Christoph [Other]; Steger, Adrian [Other]; Schmid, Christian Gottfried [Other]; Roman, Franz Wilhelm [Other]; Rivinus, August Florens [Other]; Faber, Johann Balthasar [Other]; Drewer, Christian Heinrich [Other]; Tietze, Immanuel [Printer]

    Pro-Cancellarivs D. Christoph Dondorff Facvltatis Ivridicae Lipsiensis Senior Cvriae Provinc. In Inferiori Lvsat. Assessor Promotionem Doctoralem Septem Jvris Vtrivsqve Licentiandorvm Indicat Et Ad Eandem D. IV. Decembr. An. MDCCXXVII. Celebrandam Lectorem Benevolvm Ea, Qva Par Est, Animi Contestatione Invitat. De luminibus Ordinis Ictorum Lipsiens



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    [Lipsiae]: Tietze, 1727

  5. Person, Ludwig [Author]; Franz, Thomas [Author]

    De pignoribvs et hypothecis



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    Witebergae: Lehmann, 1587

  6. Schweder, Gabriel [Author]; Burgermeister von Deizisau, Gabriel Franz [Author] ; Maier, Ernst Theophil [Contributor]; Maier, Ernst Theophil [Other]; Hofmann, Daniel [Contributor]; Hofmann, Daniel [Other]; Buttersack, Ernst Ludwig [Contributor]; Buttersack, Ernst Ludwig [Other]; Gerlach, Christoph David [Contributor]; Gerlach, Christoph David [Other]; Pfaff, Christoph Matthaeus [Contributor]; Pfaff, Christoph Matthaeus [Other]; Graß, Michael [Contributor]; Graß, Michael [Other]; Mögling, Jacob David [Contributor]; Mögling, Jacob David [Other]; Harpprecht, Georg Friedrich [Contributor]; Harpprecht, Georg Friedrich [Other]; Camerarius, Elias [Contributor]; Camerarius, Elias [Other]; Rösler, Johann Eberhard [Contributor]; Rösler, Johann Eberhard [Other]; Pregitzer, Georg Konrad [Contributor]; Pregitzer, Georg Konrad [Other]; Hallwachs, Johann Michael [Contributor]; Hallwachs, Johann Michael [Other];

    Dissertatio Inauguralis Iuris Publici De Coexercitio, Sive Simultaneo Utriusque Romano-Catholicae Ac Evangelicae Religionis Exercitio Licito Ac Illicito

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    Tubingae: Pflicke, 1727

  7. Wolfarth, Friedrich Paul [Author]; Acker, Johann Heinrich [Author] ; Stolle, Gottlieb [Contributor]; Stolle, Gottlieb [Other]; Kriegk, Georg Nicolaus [Contributor]; Kriegk, Georg Nicolaus [Other]; Schurzfleisch, Konrad Samuel [Contributor]; Schurzfleisch, Konrad Samuel [Other]; Berger, Johann Wilhelm von [Contributor]; Berger, Johann Wilhelm von [Other]; Buddeus, Johann Franz [Contributor]; Buddeus, Johann Franz [Other]; Fabricius, Johann Albert [Contributor]; Fabricius, Johann Albert [Other]; Walch, Johann Georg [Contributor]; Walch, Johann Georg [Other]; Burckhard, Jakob [Contributor]; Burckhard, Jakob [Other]; Kromayer, Johann Heinrich [Contributor]; Kromayer, Johann Heinrich [Other]; Wedel, Georg Wolfgang [Contributor]; Wedel, Georg Wolfgang [Other]; Slevogt, Johann Philipp [Contributor]; Slevogt, Johann Philipp [Other]; Marggraf, Johann Volckmar [Printer]

    Friderici Pauli Wolfarthi ... Epistolarum Ad Fontes Purioris Latii Conformatarum : Accedunt Epistolae Decem ... Johannis Henrici Ackeri Ad Editorem Itemque Aliae Nonnullae ... Ad Ackerum Laudatum ...

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    Ienae: Marggrafius, [1740]

  8. Terentius Afer, Publius [Author] ; Berg, Matthias [Editor]; Faerno, Gabriello [Editor]; Camerarius, Joachim [Commentator]; Muret, Marc-Antoine [Other]; Rivius, Johann [Other]; Fabricius, Georg [Other]; Fabricius, Franz [Other]

    P. Terentii Afri Comoediae sex : accurata castigatione et explicationibus eruditis illustratae - [Nunc primum singulari diligentia editae, opera & studio Matthiae Bergii Brunsvicensis. Accesserunt etiam Castigationes Et Annotationes Ioachimi Camerarij, Iohannis Riuij, Georgij Frabricii, & Francisci Fabricii, in easdem Comoedias]



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    Lipsiae: Imprimebat Andreas Schneider typis Voegelianis, 1574

  9. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus [Author]; Petrosellini, Giuseppe [Author] ; Faber, Jeanpierre [Other]; Di Cesare, Ezio [Performer]; Conwell, Julia [Performer]; Moser, Thomas [Performer]; Sukis, Lilian [Performer]; Fassbaender, Brigitte [Performer]; Ihloff, Jutta-Renate [Performer]; McDaniel, Barry [Performer]; Hager, Leopold [Performer] Mozarteumorchester Salzburg

    La finta giardiniera : K. 196; [dramma giocoso in tre atti] (3 Compact Discs in Box mit Schuber)

    Sound Recordings


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    [Hamburg]: Philips Classics Prod., 1991 ; [Hamburg]: [Polygram-Musik-Vertrieb], 1991

    Published in: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Complete Mozart edition. ; 33

  10. Liszt, Franz [Composer]; Heine, Heinrich [Lyricist]; Tennyson, Alfred [Lyricist]; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von [Lyricist]; Nordmann, Johann [Lyricist]; Redwitz, Oskar von [Lyricist]; Lenau, Nikolaus [Lyricist]; Hugo, Victor [Lyricist] ; Gárdonyi, Zoltán [Writer of supplementary textual content]; Mátyás, János [Other]; Petrarca, Francesco [Other]; Bartha, Alfonz [Performer]; Arató, Pál [Performer]; Freymann, Magda [Performer]; Werner, Mária [Performer]; Simándy, József [Performer]; Sándor, Judit [Performer]; László, Margit [Performer]; Melis, György [Performer]; Bende, Zsolt [Performer]; Réti, József [Performer]; Zempléni, Kornél [Performer]

    Lieder (2 Schallpl. in Kassette)

    Sound Recordings


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    [Budapest]: Qualiton, [ca. 1964]