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  1. König, Johann Carl [Author] ; Karl VI. Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser [Other]; Feise, Christian Friedrich [Printer]

    Gründliche Abhandlung von denen Hohen Reichs-Vicariats Gerechtsamen und was dieserhalben auf erfolgtes Ableben Ihro Röm. Kayserl. Majestät Carl des Sechsten Glorwürdigster Gedächtnis weiter anmerckenswürdiges zum Vorschein gekommen zum Vorschein gekommen



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    Franckfurt; Leipzig; [Nürnberg]: Feise, 1741

  2. Friedrich Wilhelm I. Preußen, König [Other]; Grumbkow, Friedrich Wilhelm von [Other]; Creutz, Ehrenreich Bogislaus von [Other]; Katsch, Christoph von [Other]; Goerne, Friedrich von [Other]; Fuchs, Johann Heinrich von [Other]; Faber, Christian Leberecht [Printer]

    Patent Wegen Verruffung der fremden Schiedes-Müntzen Im Hertzogthum Magdeburg und Grafschafft Mansfeld Magdeburgischer Hoheit : De dato Berlin, den 28ten April 1724



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    Magdeburg: Faber, [1724]

  3. Fischer, Johann Friedrich [Author] ; Camerarius, Joachim [Other]; Langenheim, Johann Friedrich [Printer]; Langenheim, Johann Christian [Printer]; Langenheim, Johanna Regina [Printer]

    Oratio De Joachimo Camerario Grammatico Pariter AtqueTheologo Excellente Lipsiae In Auditorio Colleg. Principalis Mai A. D. IIII. Kal. Maias A. C. MDCCLXII Profes. Litt. Human. Extraor. Adeundae Caussa



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    Lipsiae: Officina Langenhemia, 1762

    Saxon Bibliography (Sächsische Bibliografie)

  4. Schilter, Johann [Author] ; Gebauer, Georg Christian [Editor]; Freher, Marquard [Other]; Chantereau le Febvre, Louis [Other]; Schurzfleisch, Konrad Samuel [Other]; Karl III. Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiser [Other]; Reichard, Bartholomäus Christian [Other]; Gleditsch, Johann Friedrich <III., Erben> [Printer]

    Joannis Schilteri Institutiones Iuris Feudalis Germanici Et Longobardici : Notis Illustratae



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    Lipsiae: Gleditschius, 1750

  5. Wolfarth, Friedrich Paul [Author]; Acker, Johann Heinrich [Author] ; Stolle, Gottlieb [Contributor]; Stolle, Gottlieb [Other]; Kriegk, Georg Nicolaus [Contributor]; Kriegk, Georg Nicolaus [Other]; Schurzfleisch, Konrad Samuel [Contributor]; Schurzfleisch, Konrad Samuel [Other]; Berger, Johann Wilhelm von [Contributor]; Berger, Johann Wilhelm von [Other]; Buddeus, Johann Franz [Contributor]; Buddeus, Johann Franz [Other]; Fabricius, Johann Albert [Contributor]; Fabricius, Johann Albert [Other]; Walch, Johann Georg [Contributor]; Walch, Johann Georg [Other]; Burckhard, Jakob [Contributor]; Burckhard, Jakob [Other]; Kromayer, Johann Heinrich [Contributor]; Kromayer, Johann Heinrich [Other]; Wedel, Georg Wolfgang [Contributor]; Wedel, Georg Wolfgang [Other]; Slevogt, Johann Philipp [Contributor]; Slevogt, Johann Philipp [Other]; Marggraf, Johann Volckmar [Printer]

    Friderici Pauli Wolfarthi ... Epistolarum Ad Fontes Purioris Latii Conformatarum : Accedunt Epistolae Decem ... Johannis Henrici Ackeri Ad Editorem Itemque Aliae Nonnullae ... Ad Ackerum Laudatum ...



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    Ienae: Marggrafius, [1740]

  6. Friedrich III. Pfalz, Kurfürst [Author] ; Ursinus, Zacharias [Other]; Flaminio, Marco Antonio [Contributor]; Flaminio, Marco Antonio [Other]; Camerarius, Joachim [Contributor]; Camerarius, Joachim [Other]; Fabricius, Georg [Contributor]; Fabricius, Georg [Other]; Müller, Jakob [Contributor]; Müller, Jakob [Other]; Melanchthon, Philipp [Contributor]; Melanchthon, Philipp [Other]; Paraschius, Romulus [Contributor]; Paraschius, Romulus [Other]; Stigel, Johann [Contributor]; Stigel, Johann [Other] Pfalz, Kurfürst Friedrich III

    CATECHESIS || RELIGIONIS || CHRISTIANAE, QVAE || TRADITVR IN ECCLESIIS || ET SCHOLIS PALATINATVS.|| TESTIMONIIS S.LITERARVM ... || illnstrata.|| ACCESSERE || CENSVRA THEOLOGORVM QVO-||rundam in hanc Catechesin: & || CL.VIRI D.ZACHARIAE VRSINI,|| Theologi summi, piae memoriae, ad eam, ac quaestiones || quasdam de Coena Domini,|| RESPONSIO ET ARTICVLI, QVIBVS || conueniunt ac dissident in Eucharistica contro-||uersia Ecclesiae Euangelicę.|| GERMANICE SCRIPTA PRIMVM:|| nunc in latinam linguam translata.|| SVBIVNCTA EST || DIATRIBE SEV TRACTATVS DE || Vbiquitate & orali manducatione car-||nis Christi:|| EDITA IN GRATIAM IVVENTVTIS || ... STVDIO ET OPERA QVIRINI REVTERI M.||(PRECATIONES || ALIQVOT PRIVA-||tae & publicae.||)



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    Heidelberg: Müller, Jakob und Hafer, Heinrich, 1585

  7. Brucker, Johann Jakob [Author] ; Sulzer, Wolfgang Jacob [Other]; Wolf, Hieronymus [Other]; Mertz, David Raymund [Printer]; Meyer, Johann Jakob [Printer]

    Dissertatio Epistolica, qua Perillustri Viro Domino Wolfgango Jacobo Sulzero, Summis in rempublicam Augustanam meritis Ad supremam Duumviratus dignitatem legitima P. C. electione MDCCXXXIX. IX. Cal. April. evecto susceptos honores & munus, qua decet animi devotione gratulatur, simulque descriptionis vitae magni olim Augustanorum Polyhistoris Hieronymi Wolfii ab ipso celeberrimo Philologo confectae, nec dum editae



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    Augustae Vindelicorum: Merz & Mayer, 1739

  8. Eber, Paul [Author] ; Camerarius, Joachim [Contributor]; Camerarius, Joachim [Other]; Stigel, Johann [Contributor]; Stigel, Johann [Other] Johann Krafft Erben

    Calendarium || HISTORICVM || CONSCRIPTVM || A || PAVLO EBERO || KITTHINGENSI.|| Et recens antè obitum ab eodem recognitum, & denuò plurima-||rum rerum memorabilium accessione auctum || & locupletatum.||



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    Wittenberg: Krafft, Johann d.Ä. (Erben), 1579

  9. Melanchthon, Philipp [Author]; Camerarius, Joachim [Author] ; Augusti, Johann Christian Wilhelm [Editor]; Luther, Martin [Other]

    Philippi Melanchthonis De vita Martini Lutheri narratio



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    Vratislaviae: Holäufer, 1819

  10. Camerarius, Joachim [Author] ; Camerarius, Joachim [Adapter]; Camerarius, Philipp [Adapter]; Marne, Claude de [Printer]; Aubry, Johann [Printer]

    IOACHIMI || CAMERARII BA-||PENBERGEN-||SIS || EPISTOLARVM FAMI-||LIARIVM LIBRI VI.|| Nunc primùm post ipsius obitum ... || à filiis editi.||[v. (Ioachimus Medicinae et || Philippus Iuris D.D.|| I.F.Camerarij.||)] - [Nunc primum post ipsius singulari studio a filiis editi$AGBV]



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    Frankfurt/Main: Marne, Claude de und Aubry, Johann, 1583

  11. Vergilius Maro, Publius [Author] ; Melanchthon, Philipp [Adapter]; Reich, Stephan [Adapter]; Stigel, Johann [Contributor]; Stigel, Johann [Other]; Widebram, Friedrich [Contributor]; Widebram, Friedrich [Other]; Sabinus, Georg [Contributor]; Sabinus, Georg [Other]; Camerarius, Joachim [Contributor]; Camerarius, Joachim [Other]; Hessus, Helius Eobanus [Contributor]; Hessus, Helius Eobanus [Other]; Luther, Martin [Contributor]; Luther, Martin [Other]; Winsheim, Veit [Contributor]; Winsheim, Veit [Other]; Gronenberg, Simon [Printer]; Apel, Jakob [Printer]

    In P.Virgilij Maronis || ECLOGAS AR=||GVMENTA SEV DIS-||positiones Rhetoricae.|| Authore || PHILIP.MELANTH.|| Accesserunt item Paraphrases, Ecphrases, suc=||cinctae quaestiones, & breuia Scholia || Textus in easdem Eclogas,|| Authore || M.STEPHANO RICCIO.|| Omnia denuò recognita & aucta.||



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    Wittenberg: Gronenberg, Simon, 1593 ; Leipzig: Apel, Jakob d.J., 1593