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  1. Cliffe, Federick Komponist; Cottrell, Jack Komponist; Formby, George Komponist; Gay, Noel Komponist; Gifford, Harry Komponist; Latta Komponist ; Jack Hylton Orchestra

    FORMBY, George: Let George Do It (1932-1942) (Formby, Vol. 1)

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    Naxos Nostalgia, 010717

    Published in: Naxos Nostalgia

  2. Campbell, Jimmy Komponist; Cliffe, Federick Komponist; Cottrell, Jack Komponist; Formby, George Komponist; MacDougal, Roger Komponist; Parr-Davies, Harry Komponist; Rick, Alf Komponist; Woods, Harry M. Komponist ; Jack Hylton Orchestra, Studio orchestra

    FORMBY, George: It's Turned Out Nice Again (1932-1946) (Formby, Vol. 2)

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    Naxos Nostalgia, 070201

    Published in: Naxos Nostalgia

  3. Campbell, Jimmy Komponist; Cliffe, Federick Komponist; Cottrell, Jack Komponist; Formby, George Komponist; MacDougal, Roger Komponist; Parr-Davies, Harry Komponist; Rick, Alf Komponist; Woods, Harry M. Komponist ; Jack Hylton Orchestra, Studio orchestra

    FORMBY, George: It's Turned Out Nice Again (1932-1946) (Formby, Vol. 2)

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    Naxos Nostalgia, 070110

    Published in: Naxos Nostalgia

  4. Wand, Benedict Martin; James, Monique; Abbaszadeh, Sam; George, Pamela Jane; Formby, Pamela Margaret; Smith, Anne Julia; O'Connell, Neil Edward

    Assessing self-perception in patients with chronic low back pain: Development of a back-specific body-perception questionnaire

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    IOS Press, 2014

    Published in: Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 27 (2014) 4, Seite 463-473

  5. Addinsell, Richard Komponist; Allen, Chesney Komponist; Butler, Ralph Komponist; Charles, Hugh Komponist; Coates, Eric Komponist; Coward, Noel Komponist; Formby, George Komponist; Gay, Noel Komponist; Godfrey, Fred Komponist; Heath, Moira Komponist; Jurmann, Walter Komponist; Kent, Walter Komponist; Loesser, Frank Komponist; Parker, Ross Komponist; Porter, Cole Komponist; Rey, Monte Komponist; Schertzinger, Victor Komponist; Stept, Sam Komponist; Styne, Jule Komponist; Warren, Harry Komponist ; Ambrose Orchestra, Billy Cotton Band, Flanagan and Allen, Geraldo Orchestra, Glenn Miller Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra

    HOME FRONT - Songs from World War II

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    The Gift of Music, 040101

    Published in: The Gift of Music

  6. Armstrong, Henry Komponist; Arthurs, George Komponist; Barnes, Fred J. Komponist; Bateman, Edgar Komponist; Castling Komponist; Chevalier, Albert Komponist; Formby, George Komponist; Fyffe, Will Komponist; Gilbert, Fred Komponist; Godfrey, Fred Komponist; Hargreaves, William Komponist; Hart Komponist; Ingle, Charles Komponist; Lauder, Harry Komponist; LeBrun, George Komponist; Lee, Bert Komponist; Leigh, Fred W. Komponist; Leno, Dan Komponist; Lyle, Kenneth Komponist; Murray, Fred Komponist; Robey Komponist; Tate, James William Komponist; Tilzer, Harry von Komponist; Walsh Komponist; ; Studio chorus

    Vocal Music (Popular Music from the Golden Years of Music Hall) (1901-1934)

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    Saydisc, 081024

    Published in: Saydisc

  7. Barry, Jean Komponist; Berlin, Irving Komponist; Butler, Ralph Komponist; Byng, Douglas Komponist; Charles, Dick Komponist; Charles, Hugh Komponist; Connelly, Reginald Komponist; Coward, Noel Komponist; Fisher, Doris Komponist; Fisher, Fred Komponist; Formby, George Komponist; Frankau, Ronald Komponist; Godfrey, Fred Komponist; Hoffman, Al Komponist; Issacs Komponist; Kent, Walter Komponist; Leslye Komponist; Loesser, Frank Komponist; McHugh, Jimmy Komponist; Miller, Glenn Komponist; Mizzy, Vic Komponist; Musel, Bob Komponist; Parker, Ross Komponist; Sonin, Ray Komponist; [...] ; Ambrose Orchestra, Andrews Sisters, Billy Cotton Band, Flanagan and Allen, Glenn Miller Orchestra, Ivy Benson Girls' Band

    DOING A GRAND JOB - Favourite Songs of the 40s

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    The Gift of Music, 070101

    Published in: The Gift of Music

  8. Baron, Paul Komponist; Berlin, Irving Komponist; Butler, Ralph Komponist; Byng, Douglas Komponist; Drake, Milton Komponist; Eyton, Andrew Komponist; Fisher, Doris Komponist; Fisher, Fred Komponist; Formby, George Komponist; Frankau, Ronald Komponist; Gay, Noel Komponist; Godfrey, Fred Komponist; Hoffman, Al Komponist; Killion, Leo Komponist; Livingston, Jerry Komponist; Loesser, Frank Komponist; McMichael, Ted Komponist; Owens, Jack Komponist; Porter, Cole Komponist; Sullavan, Jeri Komponist; Swander, Don Komponist; Vejvoda, Jaromir Komponist; Wallace, Oliver Komponist; Waters, Doris Komponist; ; Alvino Ray Orchestra, Ambrose Orchestra, Andrews Sisters, Flanagan and Allen, Freddy Martin Orchestra, Geraldo Orchestra, Merry Macs, The, Spike Jones Orchestra

    BLESS 'EM ALL - Humorous Songs from World War II

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    The Gift of Music, 120101

    Published in: The Gift of Music

  9. Arthurs, George Komponist; Arzonia, Joe Komponist; Brunn, George Le Komponist; Chevalier, Albert Komponist; Formby, George Komponist; Fyffe, Will Komponist; Gilbert, Fred Komponist; Grafton, Gerald Komponist; Hargreaves, William Komponist; Holt, Fred Komponist; Ingle, Charles Komponist; Ketèlbey, Albert William Komponist; Lauder, Harry Komponist; LeBrun, George Komponist; Leigh, Fred W. Komponist; Leno, Dan Komponist; Lyle, Kenneth Komponist; Magee Komponist; Merson, Billy Komponist; Murphy, C. W. Komponist; Murray, Fred Komponist; Pether, Henry E. Komponist; Royale Komponist; Rule, Herbert Komponist; [...] ; Albert William Ketelbey Concert Orchestra, Arthur Crudge Orchestra, Debroy Somers Orchestra, Eli Hudson Orchestra, Jolly Fellows, The, Stan Greening Orchestra, Studio orchestra

    GOLDEN AGE OF THE MUSIC HALL (THE) (25 Original Mono Recordings) (1905-1934) (Lloyd)

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    Retrospective, 080101

    Published in: Retrospective

  10. Scherer, Roberta W; Formby, Craig; Gold, Susan; Erdman, Sue; Rodhe, Charles; Carlson, Michele; Shade, Dave; Tucker, Melanie; Sensinger, Lee McCaffrey; Hughes, Gordon; Conley, George S; Downey, Naomi; Eades, Cynthia; Jylkka, Margaret; Haber-Perez, Ada; Harper, Courtney; Russell, Shoshannah Kantor; Sierra-Irizarry, Benigno; Sullivan, Mark

    The Tinnitus Retraining Therapy Trial (TRTT): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2014

    Published in: Trials, 15 (2014) 1

  11. Bateman, G. H.; Beaumont, G. E.; Brinton, Denis; Brooks, W. D. W.; Broster, L. R.; Brown, L. Graham; Campbell, Maurice; Conybeare, J. J.; Crook, Eric A.; Doyne, P. G.; East, Terence; Flemming, Cecil; Formby, Myles L.; Howell, C. M. Hinds; Hobhouse, Neill; Hunt, Thomas; McElligott, G. L. M.; Neligan, George E.; Ogilvie, W. H.; Pearson, R. S. Bruce; Pearson, Wilfred J.; Peel, J. H.; Porritt, Arthur E.; Shaw, Maurice; [...]

    An Undergraduate Medical School At Oxford

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    British Medical Association, 1945

    Published in: The British Medical Journal, 1 (1945) 4401, Seite 676-676

  12. Allan, Eldon Komponist; Allen, Henry Red Komponist; Barbarin, Paul Komponist; Bauduc, Ray Komponist; Bechet, Sidney Komponist; Benson, Ada Komponist; Brooks, Harry Komponist; Brunies, George Komponist; Burnett, Chester Komponist; Burwell, Cliff Komponist; Carmichael, Hoagy Komponist; Carr, Michael Komponist; Carstens, Nicolaas Cornelius Komponist; Chisholm, George Komponist; Christiansen, Michael Komponist; Clarke, Grant Komponist; Cliffe, Federick Komponist; Conley, Larry Komponist; Creamer, Henry Komponist; Dash, Julian Komponist; Daugherty, Doc Komponist; Donaldson, Walter Komponist; Doncaster, Patrick Komponist; Duke, Vernon Komponist; [...] ; Acker Bilk Paramount Jazz Band, Al Fairweather Quartet, Alex Welsh Legacy Band, The, Bob Wallis Storyville Jazzmen, Bob Wallis and His Storyville Jazzmen, Chris Barber Jazz Band, Clyde Valley Stompers, John Clinton Feetwarmers, Kenny Ball Jazzmen, Kenny Graham Afro-Cubists, Lennie Felix Trio, Mickey Ashman Ragtime Jazz Band, Tony Crombie 4-tet


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    Warner Jazz, 171228

    Published in: Warner Jazz