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Hamburg: Edel Germany GmbH, [2020]
Arnold, David
Price, Michael
Mackinnon, Douglas
Cumberbatch, Benedict
Freeman, Martin
Gatiss, Mark
Moffat, Steven
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Arnold, David
Price, Michael
Mackinnon, Douglas
[Film director];
Cumberbatch, Benedict
Freeman, Martin
Gatiss, Mark
Moffat, Steven
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Tolkien, J. R. R.
McKellen, Ian
Freeman, Martin
Armitage, Richard
Walsh, Fran
Jackson, Peter
[Film director];
Shore, Howard
Lesnie, Andrew
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Hamburg: Warner Home Video Entertainment [u.a.], [2013]
[S.l.]: Wingnut Films [u.a., Orig.-Prod.], [2013]
Lovering, Jeremy
McCarthy, Colm
Gatiss, Mark
Moffat, Steven
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Cumberbatch, Benedict
Freeman, Martin
Gatiss, Mark
Moffat, Steven
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Cumberbatch, Benedict
Freeman, Martin
McGuigan, Paul
Lyn, Euros
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[München]: Polyband Medien, 2011-2017
[S.l.]: BBC [u.a., Orig.-Prod.], 2011-2017
Gatiss, Mark
Moffat, Steven
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Cumberbatch, Benedict
Freeman, Martin
McGuigan, Paul
Lyn, Euros
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[München]: polyband Medien GmbH, [2009]
Published in:Britcom - be amused!
McGuigan, Paul
Lyn, Euros
Doyle, Arthur Conan
Cumberbatch, Benedict
Freeman, Martin
Gatiss, Mark
Moffat, Steven