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  1. Freudenthal, Tim [Other]; Fischer, Gerhard [Other]

    Report and preliminary results of Maria S. Merian, cruise MSM04/4 a & b : Las Palmas (Spain) - Las Palmas (Spain), Feb 27th - Mar 16th & Mar 19th - Apr 1st, 2007

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    Bremen: Fachbereich Geowiss., Univ., 2009

    Published in: Universität Bremen: Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 272

  2. Wefer, Gerold [Author]; Freudenthal, Tim [Author]

    MeBo200 - Entwicklung und Bau eines ferngesteuerten Bohrgerätes für Kernbohrungen am Meeresboden bis 200 m Bohrteufe : Schlussbericht

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    Bremen: MARUM - Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, 2016

    Published in: MARUM - Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften: Berichte aus dem MARUM und dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen ; 308

  3. Riedel, Michael [Author]; Freudenthal, Tim [Author]; Bialas, Jörg [Author]; Papenberg, Cord [Author]; Haeckel, Matthias [Author]; Bergenthal, Markus [Author]; Pape, Thomas [Author]; Bohrmann, Gerhard [Author]

    In-situ borehole temperature measurements confirm dynamics of the gas hydrate stability zone at the upper Danube deep sea fan, Black Sea

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    Elsevier, 2021-06

  4. Reeck, Konstantin [Author]; Jegen, Marion [Author]; Freudenthal, Tim [Author]; Elger, Judith [Author]; Hölz, Sebastian [Author]; Deusner, Christian [Author]; Wallmann, Klaus [Author]; Lin, Saulwood [Author]; Chi, Wu-Cheng [Author]; Bohrmann, Gerhard [Author]; Berndt, Christian [Author]

    Quantification of mixed hydrate and free gas concentrations by the joint integration of velocity and conductivity information

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    Elsevier, 2023-12

  5. Kühn, Michel [Author]; Berndt, Christian [Author]; Watt, Sebastian F. L. [Author]; Hornbach, Matthew J. [Author]; Krastel, Sebastian [Author]; Sass, Kristina [Author]; Kutterolf, Steffen [Author]; Freudenthal, Tim [Author]; Huhn, Katrin [Author]; Karstens, Jens [Author]; Schramm, Bettina [Author]; Elger, Judith [Author]; Böttner, Christoph [Author]; Klaeschen, Dirk [Author]

    Volcanic flank collapse, secondary sediment failure and flow-transition: multi-stage landslide emplacement offshore Montserrat, Lesser Antilles

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    AGU (American Geophysical Union); Wiley, 2024-06

  6. Hornbach, Matthew J. [Author]; Sylvester, Joshua [Author]; Hayward, Chris [Author]; Kühn, Michel [Author]; Huhn‐Frehers, Katrin [Author]; Freudenthal, Tim [Author]; Watt, Sebastian F. L. [Author]; Berndt, Christian [Author]; Kutterolf, Steffen [Author]; Kuhlmann, Jannis [Author]; Sievers, Carina [Author]; Rapp, Sophia [Author]; Pallapies, Kilian [Author]; Gatter, Ricarda [Author]; Hoenekopp, Leonie [Author]

    A Hybrid Lister‐Outrigger Probe for Rapid Marine Geothermal Gradient Measurement

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    AGU (American Geophysical Union); Wiley, 2021-01

  7. Kopf, Achim [Author]; Bhattacharya, Sayoni [Author]; Dunger, Melanie [Author]; Hinz, Alexander [Author]; Kamrad, Marcel [Author]; Kremin, Isabel [Author]; Lange, Isabel [Author]; Achterberg, Eric Pieter [Author]; Bach, Wolfgang [Author]; Bachmayer, Ralf [Author]; Brunner, Raimund [Author]; Eickhoff, Martin [Author]; Esposito, Mario [Author]; Freudenthal, Tim [Author]; Fuchs, Nike [Author]; Meurer, Christian [Author]; Rüpke, Lars [Author]; Schelwat, Heinz [Author]; Seidel, Gerd [Author]; Zabel, Matthias [Author]

    Initial results of a pilot project for sub-seabed basalt storage of carbon dioxide on the Reykjanes Ridge

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    Elsevier, 2024-12

  8. Bohrmann, Gerhard [Author]; Berndt, C. [Author]; Lin, S. [Author]; Tu, T.-H [Author]; Lin, A. T. [Author]; Hsu, H.-H [Author]; Lai, M.-C [Author]; Chi, W.-C [Author]; Deusner, Christian [Author]; Elger, Judith [Author]; Wallmann, Klaus [Author]; Freudenthal, Tim [Author]; Mau, S. [Author]; Pape, Thomas [Author]; Tseng, Y.-T [Author]; Yu, P.-S [Author]; Fan, L.-F [Author]; Chen, J.-N [Author]; Chen, S.-C [Author]; Chen, T.-T [Author]; Wei, K.-Y [Author] ; R/V SONNE SO266 shipboard scientific party

    Geological controls on the distribution of gas hydrates in the shallow parts of the gas hydrate stability zone – constraints from seafloor drilling off Taiwan

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    July 2023

    Published in: Marine and petroleum geology ; 153(2023), Artikel-ID 106253

  9. Meggers, Helge; Freudenthal, Tim; Nave, Silvia; Targarona, Jordi; Abrantes, Fatima; Helmke, Peer

    Assessment of geochemical and micropaleontological sedimentary parameters as proxies of surface water properties in the Canary Islands region

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    Elsevier BV, 2002

    Published in: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49 (2002) 17, Seite 3631-3654